
Wikia Search is dead

Looks like Wikia lost the first round of what I called the Google-Wikipedia, Secrecy-Transparency war.

It is going to take more than just an open search platform to take on Google. Wikia co-founder Jimmy Wales announced today that he is shutting down Wikia Search, the company’s experiment in creating better search results through crowdsourcing. Wikia Search attempted to port the Wikipedia model over to search by allowing anybody to modify results by including new links or moving natural results up the page. The initial launch last year was awful, but the experience improved over time. Still, it never really attracted anything more than a trickle of searchers. We are placing it in the deadpool.

Full Story: TechCrunch

(via StevenWalling)

Are there any other players in the “transparent search engine” field?

Why Cuil Should Buy Iterasi… No, Seriously.

I think this tendency is very important to the blogosphere, because without the ability to become an arm chair CEO, people might begin to take us too seriously. There are always blogs telling us why Facebook should buy Twitter, or why Facebook should by Xobni, or why Twitter needs to support Laconica. Most of these suggestions are at best an interesting idea, at worst they are complete non-sense.

The suggestion that I’m making, however, is spot on the mark. Why? Because, my friend I know what I’m talking about.

What I am talking about is this: In the new landscape of the web, Cuil and Iterasi go together like bacon and, well, anything.

Full Story: Positively Glorious!

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