TagHakim Bey

Moorish Science Reading Room

Moorish Science Reading Room

Texts by Noble Drew Ali, Hakim Bey, and other Black or anarchist writings.

Moorish Science Reading Room.

(Thanks Trevor!)

OVO blog

OVO, a zine that’s been published by my friend Trevor Blake since 1987 (home to Hakim Bey’s first published works and later became part of The Temporary Autonomous Zone), now has a blog. If the annual OVO issues and Trevor’s regular contributions on American Samizdat don’t quench your needs for hatred of religion, obscure counter culture gems, DIY projects, and, well, other stuff, then check it out.

OVO: Atheist Blog.

esoZone tickets available – early bird discount, plus special bonus!

esozone 2007

Portland, OR. August 10-12, 2007.

Paul Laffoley. Foolish People. Viking Youth. Freeman. Many more.

esoZone tickets are now available! The sooner you buy your ticket, the less expensive it will be. So act now!

The web site has been updated with more information about the event.

As a special bonus for anyone who buys a weekend pass, we will include an exclusive reprint of the Akashic Record of the Astral Convention zine edited by Hakim Bey. In 1987 Hakim Bey invited several friends and allies to astrally project to Antarctica for a convention. Afterwords, visitors sent their accounts to Bey and he compiled them into this zine. This collection was originally sent only to the contributors and has never before been reprinted. It features lost works by:

Hakim Bey
Shirley MacLaine
James Koehnline
Ivan Stang
Feral Faun (aka Apio)
Reverand Crowbar (aka Susan Poe)
Trevor Blake

Ticket Prices:
3/15 – 4/15

Friday – $14.95
Saturday – $24.95
Sunday – $24.95

Weekend Package – $49.95

4/16 – 6/15

Friday – $14.95
Saturday – $34.95
Sunday- $34.95

Weekend Package – $74.95

6/16/ – 7/31

Friday – $14.95
Saturday – $59.95
Sunday – $59.95

Weekend Package – $124.95

At the door:

Friday – $15
Saturday – $70
Sunday – $70

Weekend Package – $150

The Hugs Campaign T.A.Z.

I found this interesting, especially since I just rediscovered my copy of T.A.Z., by Hakim Bey. I think we often neglect to remember that it only takes a wee bit of energy to make a significant change in the so-called Black Iron Prison around us. Is it really that hard?

Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whos sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.

In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.

As this symbol of human hope spread accross the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.

Hakim Bey to produce a new text

Razorsmile posts word of a new Hakim Bey text:

It seems that Hakim Bey may be producing a new text very soon…so this is just a little to help in spreading the buzz for that. For those who don’t know Bey’s fascinating work, get yourself a copy of Immediatism – an existentialist-Nietzschean magical path that is both inspiring and intellectually interesting. Bey’s relationship to Islamic traditions is also critically subversive in this current context of a new crusade and moreover is part of his work that is not simply a response to the political-cultural developments of the last 15 years but something that seems to have developed more naturally as part of his specific path. We’ll keep an eye and ear out and if you hear anything do let us know more…

From: Razorsmile.

Hakim Bey, Corporate Magick, and Random Thoughts

Wes’ Corporate Magick expose and anti-copyright advocacy reminds me a lot of Hakim Bey and his many works. One of which – Temporary Autonomous Zone – Klint links to.

Speaking of magick, Mindwarp, lets his brief thoughts on Hellboy turn into a nice rant on Gary Lachman’s Turn Off Your Mind – a book which examines many aspects of occult culture and apparently lists Aleister Crowley as merely a “moral lesson.”

Against Legalization

Here are Hakim Bey’s arguments against drug legalization.

Hakim Bey: Against “Legalization”

(via New World Disorder)

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