ESOZONE: the other tomorrow
October 10-12
Watershed Building
5040 SE Milwaukie Ave
Portland, OR
Confirmed speakers:
Dennis McKenna, ethnopharmacologist and co-author of Invisible Landscape and Psilocybin – Magic Mushroom Grower’s Guide
Antero Alli, author of Angel Tech, director of the performance art group Paratheatrical Research, and director of films such as The Invisible Forest
Paul Laffoley, acclaimed visionary artist
Rex Church, surrealist/occult artist and Magister Templi of the Church of Satan
Lupa, author of A Field Guide to Otherkin and Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone, and co-author Kink Magic
Taylor Ellwood, author of Multimedia Magic, Inner Alchemy, and co-author of Kink Magic
Alex Ansery, host of the television show Outside the Box
Thirtyseven, MC also known as Humpasaur Jones, member of the hip hop outfits Wombaticus Rex and the Algorhythms and editor of Brainsturbator
Trevor Blake, editor of OVO Magazine
Bianca Lee, aka Nysidra, editor of
Bill Whitcomb, author of Magician’s Reflection and the Magician’s Companion
Edward Wilson, co-author of the Art of Memetics
More TBA!