
Site tracks bizarre E-bay items

I’ve been hoping to come across something like this for a while, but never put any effort into looking for it:

This site is dedicated to the research and study of the most bizarre items found for sale on internet auction sites. Not the obviously fake auctions, like the infamous human kidney, but truly tacky stuff that people really, honestly, believed that someone would (and in some cases did) buy.

Disturbing Auctions

(via William Gibson)

New York Times on the Dream Machine

I suppose it’s worth noting that the Times has an article about Byron Gysin’s Dream Machine:

Ms. Chapman thought it might be helpful if my body were more relaxed, so I lay down on a sofa, and she put on soothing music. She flicked the machine back on as I shut my eyes. A moment later there they were, the same flashing patterns as before. After a while I became bored and my mind began to drift.

That’s when it happened. I didn’t “see” as much as I strongly imagined a campfire in a clearing in a dense forest at night. My boyfriend Jim was sitting to my left, laughing. Later I seemed to find myself in a large empty auditorium, walking toward some chairs arranged in the middle of the room. In one creepy moment I was in a basement hallway, following closely behind someone walking ahead of me, whose face I couldn’t see.

Full Story: NEw York Times: Décor by Timothy Leary

(via Post Atomic and Last Word Blog).

Anyone had any experiences with a Dream Machine?

Two climate links

Global Warming Approaching Point of No Return, Warns Leading Climate Expert

Humans ‘may have saved world from ice age’


both via Post Atomic.

Magician’s Dictionary

Old news, but I’ve never linked to this before:

Magician’s Dictionary: An Apocalyptic Cyclopaedia of Advanced M/magic(k)al Arts and Alternate Meanings

What does LVX mean?

Nice simple explanation:

In Summation

Seen in this sense (and “spoken” in second-person, with a little application of poetic license), the phrase is intended as a sort of a “wish” or a “spell,” (cast by the writer upon the reader):

“May you die and be reborn, In the limitless extending Light of Godhead.”

Methaphorical Meaning For Non-Sectarians:

“May you change, and keep changing unto perfection.”

Full Story: As If Productions: What does LVX mean?

(via Zetetic23 )

R.U. Sirius on food IP

R.U. on this Wired News story:

What are the implications of a corporate bio-agribusiness leader trying to apply Microsoft type controls over the ?software? that grows food? The application of intellectual property lawas to induce intentional scarcity in the area of food strikes me as a potential crime against humanity that ? taken to its logical extreme ? threatens to make Chairman Mao?s ?Great Leap Forward? look like a vegan picnic.

Full Story: Counter Culture Through the Ages: “Food Pirates” Being Sued by Monsanto

The ultimate battle between good and evil: High Priest of White Witches vs. Aleister Crowley’s bed

My money’s on the bed:

A HOTEL bed which belonged to devil-worshipper Aleister Crowley is to be exorcised.

The white witch who will conduct the ceremony to stop strange happenings disturbing guests says the ritual will be ‘the ultimate battle between good and evil’.

Full Story: The Daily Record: Hotelier exorcises devil-worshipper Crowley’s old bed

(thanks Brenden).

True Names

A new blog from that sounds promising:

The term ‘true name’ comes from magical traditions where it is believed that knowledge is power, and one of the surest ways to get knowledge of something was to have a name for it. A name being not only a definition but a contagious and associative link with the thing. The common words we use to refer to things are nothing more than a rudimentary label, whereas the true name of that thing is akin to a complete understanding of its entire being. If such a thing were possible. In Vinge’s story this amounted to knowing the users real name and thus where their body was jacked in; you could do anything in the Other Plane just as long as no one could actually kill you. Though you could say that about the real world too.

True Names

(via Vortex Egg)

Anarchist zine pdf library

Check it it out:

Have you ever noticed how so many anarchist ideas remain on the internet? Have you noticed that the few anarchist publications around get more contributions than production help, and that so many ideas never make it into any of them? Have you also ever noticed that many people won’t take the time to search for anarchist ideas even though they may agree with them? We think we have some ideas to get anarchist ideas off the internet, have unlimited printing and distribution possibilities, and to put anarchist ideas into the hands of curious people.

This isn’t a new idea, it is based on Schnews in the UK and fax spammers of the 90’s. The idea is to use people’s existing printers and copy machines for a radically decentralized printing and distribution network.

I’d love to see something like this dedicated to magic as well. We’re working on getting an occult and sacred text library running on Key23, and a small form occult propaganda would be a nice additional section.

Portland IMC: A Revolution in anarchist Printing

(via Last Word Blog)

Esoterica journal

Michigan State University’s academic journal on, well, esoterica subjects.


(via Post Human Blues).

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