
Zombie Infection Simulation v2.3

Great idea:

Zombies are green, move very slowly and change direction randomly and frequently unless they can see something moving in front of them, in which case they start walking towards it. After a while they get bored and wander randomly again.

If a zombie finds a human directly in front of it, it tries to kill them. They will succeed, unless the human population is low. In that case, there is a chance the human will expect the zombie, and have a chance to attack first!

Link (via Grumpkins).

The Cuddly Menace

More Christian propaganda remixed.

Link (via LVX23).

Taking narcotics may be part of our evolutionary inheritance

A different spin on things:

Taking narcotics may be part of our evolutionary inheritance

IF DRUGS are so bad for us, why do so many people use them? Because they helped our ancestors survive, argue two anthropologists.

Our predilection for psychotropic substances is usually seen as a biological accident. The conventional view is that drugs fool the brain into thinking it is getting a reward when in fact it isn’t.

But anthropologists Roger Sullivan of the University of Auckland and Edward Hagen of the University of California at Santa Barbara point out that our ancestors were exposed to plants containing narcotic substances for millions of years. In the April issue of Addiction, they argue that we are predisposed to drug-taking because we evolved to seek out plants rich in alkaloids.


R.U. Sirius and Tom Frank in conversation

Online conversation between R.U. Sirius and What’s the Matter with Kansas author Tom Frank.


DJ Spooky talks about remixing Birth of a Nation, and more

That Subliminal Kid says:

Basically the whole vibe of the film is to think about why America still has the kind of amnesia that would let a an election like the last two happen. “Birth of a Nation” is the first film to show a corrupt American election. Plus, its got the added bonus of being crazy racist. Combine the two, and it makes for a sad reflection of contemporary America. Dj-ing breaks these things down, and that’s what I do to the film. Kind of highlight the fact that there’s multiple situations going on. That’s why I’m “Dj-ing the film.”

Link (via Disinfo).

Hope the dude comes to Denver soon…

Borges stories in Spanish

I can’t read ’em, but hopefully someone out there will enjoy this.


Jack Chick tract remixed as pagan propaganda

This is great!

Thrice Great Moly

(via Xiombarg)

Brother Theodore

Watched some of the Disinfo DVD with Aaron again the other night and got curious about who Brother Theodore actually is. Here’s a couple of informative links:

Semi-Official Brother Theodore web site

Brother Theodore is Dead.

I also looked into the “Sex Life of Robots” which isn’t available on DVD yet but is making rounds at some festivals it seems, and Rocket Boy, who I couldn’t find any information on.

Bastart on magic and sanity

Great to keep in mind:

Consider, if you will, the Hindu and Buddhist populations of the world: reincarnation is a standard belief, ?prana? is a standard concept, god is viewed as present in all physical matter, miracles are still widely believed in (and performed!) and Avatars – Christ-like or better beings in bodies – are still roaming around.

Now, do you want to talk about MAD? Do you seriously want to discuss at what point people have ?stepped over the edge??

That?s the basic belief system of a third of the world?s population right there. If you?re moving a little closer to it by deconditioning yourself from the veil left over your eyes by the death of god in the western tradition, don?t worry about going mad. Worry about what the rest of the world things of these crazy scientific rationalists who?ve closed their eyes to so much that is completely obvious if you look at what happens in life, not some textbook.

Key 23: Sanity : Friend or Foe?

Sauceruney on Transhumanism

Via a Key 23 post I’ve found an old article on Transhumanism by Sauceruney I forgot to read. Sauceruney connects the dots between AI, immortality, and your blogging and Amazon purchasing habits:

Immortality. It?s a key element in the periodic table of Transhumanism. The Internet can be seen as a limited means of reaching this goal, yet the alchemy required to turn it into virtual gold lies in the occulted regions of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Dumping your brain onto the Internet in textual form, you?re fashioning a crude personality construct. How accurate or tailored this online persona is to that which exists as flesh and bone, is up to you, the creator. Long after you?re dead and gone, if not sooner, your LiveJournal emoting, political screeds, MeFi and /. posts? even your drunken party pictures may lie dormant in a digital archive, awaiting the day it?s ultimately devoured by a growing AI that?s coming to grips with its own existence. The world?s leading governments and corporations may already have virtual personality constructs for some of you, awaiting the day when computers are inexpensive and powerful enough to model each and every person from birth to death, in an attempt to simulate reality in the achievement of elusive (inter)National Security objectives. In the charge to preserve the perceived systems of existence, our random and unpredictable humanity may be destroyed. This form of Transhumanism is an inevitable conclusion of sufficiently funded bureaucratic paranoia. It?s up to free-thinking individuals to ensure the system remains full of exploitable holes. What fun is immortality if you?re stuck in someone else?s idea of Heaven?

Foolish People: Better late than never at all…

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