MonthMay 2008

Does snuff exist?

Short answer: not that anyone can verify.

From Snopes:

The world being full of depraved individuals is used as justification for believing in the snuff film fallacy. That it could happen is translated in the minds of many to it must have happened. Somewhere. At some time. We just haven’t found the film yet.

The rumor about snuff films has been with us since the early 1970s. In close to 30 years not one of those films has surfaced. When tempted to believe this rumor, keep that fact close to your heart. Remind yourself again and again, if you have to that nothing ever comes of these investigations.

(via Reverse Cowgirl)

2012: Consciousness is the key, a hip hop video

Based on this episode of Post Modern Times

The Orgasmic Mind: The Neurological Roots of Sexual Pleasure

neuroscience of orgasm

Sexual desire and orgasm are subject to various influences on the brain and nervous system, which controls the sex glands and genitals.

The ingredients of desire may differ for men and women, but researchers have revealed some surprising similarities. For example, visual stimuli spur sexual stirrings in women, as they do in men.

Achieving orgasm, brain imaging studies show, involves more than heightened arousal. It requires a release of inhibitions engineered by shutdown of the brain’s center of vigilance in both sexes and a widespread neural power failure in females.

Full Story: Scientific American

(Thanks Bill!)

Endarkment Manifesto and Green Hermeticism

Peter Lamborn Wilson’s (Hakim Bey) half-serious proposal for a political movement to uphold and propagate the ideals of Green Hermeticism:

“At least half the year belongs to Endarkenment. Enlightenment is only a special case of Endarkenment-and it has nights of its own.


During the day democracy waxes, indiscriminately illuminating all and sundry. But shadowless noon belongs to Pan. And night imposes a ‘radical aristocracy’ in which things shine solely by their own luminescence, or not at all.


Obfuscatory, reactionary and superstitious, Endarkenment offers jobs for trolls and sylphs, witches and warlocks. Perhaps only superstition can re-enchant Nature. People who fear and desire nymphs and fauns will think twice before polluting streams or clear-cutting forests.


Electricity banished shadows-but shadows are ‘shades,’ souls, the souls of light itself. Even divine light, when it loses its organic and secret darkness, becomes a form of pollution. In prison cells electric lights are never doused; light becomes oppression and source of disease.


Superstitions may be untrue but based on deeper truth-that earth is a living being. Science may be true, i.e. effective, while based on a deeper untruth-that matter is dead.”

(via Arthur Magazine)

(Excerpt from “Green Hermeticism” and “Endarkment Manifesto” via Arthur pdf: pt 1-pg 11)

Fresh Baked Bread, Anyone? Gruesome Body Bakery

Here’s an argument for a low carb diet. Yeesh…

“Imagine running up to the bakery around the corner and coming across bread shaped like body parts. Sound yummy? Artist Kittiwat Unarrom creates just that; gruesome works of art out of bread. Kittiwat Unarrom has a master’s degree in fine arts and creates bruised and battered heads, feet and other internal organs at a bread shop in Thailand.”

(via Inventor Spot)

Walk and Roll For The Cure ’08

Author Jennifer Stevenson along with her pals from Derby Lite and The Windy City Rollers will be rolling for the cure for the American Cancer Society this Sunday, and they need your help. If you can afford it, please become a sponsor.

“Walk & Roll is a fundraising event to benefit the American Cancer Society. Celebrating its 36th anniversary, Walk & Roll has expanded to four locations. Chicago participants can select from a five-mile walk, 10-mile skate or 15-mile bike ride along Chicago’s Lakefront.”

Cancer Facts:

*Everyone is at risk of developing cancer.
*This year, the ACS estimates that 555,500 Americans will die from cancer – more than 1,500 a day.
*In the U.S., one out of every two men and one out of every three women will develop cancer in their lifetime.
*Since 1946, the American Cancer Society has contributed nearly $2.5 billion towards understanding the causes of cancer and identifying ways in which to prevent and treat the disease.

(Walk and Roll ’08)

Jack Kirby’s uncompleted Prisoner comic, art and info

jack kirby\'s prisoner

References to The Prisoner in comics are many, but to my knowledge only two licensed Prisoner comics have been attempted: one, a four-part sequel by Dean Motter and Mark Askwith, published by DC in 1988-89; the other, an unpublished adaptation from Marvel Comics, written and drawn by none other than Jack Kirby! This unfinished, seventeen-page story, what was to have been the first in a series, was created by Kirby and partially inked and lettered by Mike Royer in the Summer of 1976 (to be published in Nov. ’76, with a Feb. ’77 cover date). Since Marvel scrapped the project, this single episode is all that remains of Kirby’s plans for the series.

Full Story: TwoMorrows

UFO Houses in Taiwan

ufo houses in taiwan

Info and more pics:

(via Posthuman Blues)

Shannon Larratt Leaves BME

Sad news: Shannon Larratt will no longer be working for BME, or writing about body modification online at all, after a lengthy dispute with his ex-wife and BME co-founder co-owner:

After a personally difficult legal dispute over BME, I’ve had to face the potentially insurmountable reality of being massively in debt, and I have chosen to transfer the business to Rachel (the details of this deal are sealed, so please don’t ask). Within the month my role at BME will come to an end, and new staff (made up largely of people who’ve been working on BME for some time as well) will be taking over. I will no longer be writing online about body modification, although I will be maintaining my regular blog and other projects of course, as well as working on several body modification book projects which I am eager to complete.

Full Story: Mod Blog

Larratt’s own site

Ayahuasca tourism article in the Houston Chronicle

They each have paid $1,680 to spend nine days at Souther’s Blue Morpho lodge in the Peruvian jungle and to sample the plant potion for themselves.

But this is not some Amazonian Kool-Aid Acid Test and these are not Merry Pranksters.

LSD and other recreational drugs are not for them, and many shun alcohol. Ranging in age from early 20s to late 50s, they work as university professors, marketing executives and environmental activists. Then there’s Heather, a tall, muscular woman who competes in Ironman races.

With the help of ayahuasca, they hope to address persistent emotional, physical or psychological afflictions that Western medicine has failed to alleviate. Others seek more spirituality in their lives.

Full Story: Houston Chronicle

(via Daily Grail)

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