On the February 26, 1992, six months after Slovenia declared independence from Yugoslavia, the Ministry of the Interior erased 18,305 legal inhabitants from the Permanent Population Register. With a stroke of the pen, 18,305 individuals became stateless “residents without status,” unable to work legally, losing their drivers licenses, passports and other legal papers. Many were permanent residents of Slovenia who had emigrated elsewhere in Yugoslavia. Some were married to citizens or other residents and had raised families in the country. Suddenly thousands of breadwinners were unable to earn an income. Some were deported, some unable to leave the country — trapped in poverty and bureaucratic limbo. See some of their stories here.
Marc at Osocio sends word about a public, citywide campaign in Slovenia’s capital city Ljubljana to shine a light on The Erased and their ongoing plight. The design studio Poper has postered the town in partnership with Amnesty International Slovenia, the Peace Institute and the city government, rendering the stories of The Erased throughout the city. The campaign’s goal is to raise awareness of the issue, the State’s arbitrary response and blatant disregard of Constitutional Court rulings.
MonthMay 2008
Details are sparse:
This week, the American Institute of Architects announced the recipients of its Small Project Awards 2008. Winners include Abod, envisioned as a low-cost, prefabricated solution to South Africa’s housing shortage by BSB Designs.
Each home packs flat and can be assembled by four people with a screwdriver and awl (both tools are shipped with the structure). Buyers can add multiple features on to the original 10×12 foot structure, including a kitchen, bathroom, window-walls, and closets. The lightweight steel framework and corrugated walls can be easily disassembled and transported.
Though the prototype’s components are currently made in the U.S., BSC Designs is negotiating local production with South African manufacturers. The projected cost is $1500 a piece.
So you could put your house on one pallet, and your furniture on another
Back in March I posted an interview with the Rev. Kevin Arnett and John Lekay of Heyoka Magazine. For those unfamiliar with Kevin Annett and his story:
“Kevin Annett is a former United Church minister in Vancouver, Canada, who was fired without cause in 1995, and then expelled from the same church without due process, after he had unearthed evidence of the theft of native land by church officers, and of the murder of native children at the United Church residential school in Port Alberni, British Columbia, where Kevin ministered.
Since his firing and blacklisting by the United Church, Reverend Annett has worked as an advocate and counsellor in aboriginal healing circles on the west coast. He organized the first international Tribunal into Canadian residential schools in Vancouver in June, 1998, at which a United Nations affiliate, IHRAAM, presided.
Reverend Annett is working with aboriginal and human rights groups around the world in an effort to bring charges of complicity in Genocide against the government of Canada, the Anglican, United and Roman Catholic churches, and the RCMP. He is serving as the secretary of the recently-established Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, has authored a book about his experiences, ‘Love and Death in the Valley’, and co-produced the documentary ‘Unrepentent’ about the church’s coverup in the genocide of 50,000 Native Americans.”
Recently Jeff Rense interviewed Kevin and you can listen to it here.
(h/t: Heyoka Magazine)
As a fan of the Myth Adventure series I was saddened to find out that sci-fi, fantasy author Robert Asprin died from a heart attack. He will be missed.
Via his website:
“On May 22, 2008, Bob passed away quietly in his home in New Orleans, LA. He had been in good spirits and working on several new projects, and was set to be the Guest of Honor at a major science fiction convention that very weekend. He is survived by his mother, his sister, his daughter and his son, and his cat, Princess, not to mention countless friends and fans and numerous legendary fictional characters. He will be greatly missed.”
California Institute of Technology (Caltech) engineers have developed a robotic device able to act as a brain-computer interface. This is the ‘first robotic approach to establishing an interface between computers and the brain by positioning electrodes in neural tissue.’ According to the researchers, their approach ‘could enhance the performance and longevity of emerging neural prosthetics, which allow paralyzed people to operate computers and robots with their minds.’ But read more…
(via Grinding)
As a promotion for the new Cory Doctorow book Little Brother, Instructables is running a series of related “how to” articles, including:
How to blend in with crowds
How to lie to authority figures
Encrypt your Gmail Email!
How to locate pinhole cameras
Spice Mister
Avoiding Camera Noise Signatures
How to Start A Flash Mob
How to block/kill RFID chips
Photo-emulsion Screen Printing
What to do if the police stop you
It’s shaping up to be an “anarchist cookbook” for the 21st century.

“My forays into the the wilder side of human sexuality (think of me like a prurient Desmond Morris, or an archaeologist of the aberrantly amorous: Indiana Jones in the Temple of Poontang?) has been a real eye opener – uncovering numerous names for sexual practices I would never have guessed took place (the other weekend I had a long discussion, in the pub naturally, about what docking involved, which may have turned up a sexual deviance I never knew existed. So I know I shouldn’t be surprised when I stumble across something new but I am:
“Edward Smith, who lives with his current “girlfriend” – a white Volkswagen Beetle named Vanilla, insisted that he was not “sick” and had no desire to change his ways.”I appreciate beauty and I go a little bit beyond appreciating the beauty of a car only to the point of what I feel is an expression of love,” he said. “Maybe I’m a little bit off the wall but when I see movies like Herbie and Knight Rider, where cars become loveable, huggable characters it’s just wonderful.
“I’m a romantic. I write poetry about cars, I sing to them and talk to them just like a girlfriend. I know what’s in my heart and I have no desire to change.” He added: “I’m not sick and I don’t want to hurt anyone, cars are just my preference.” Mr Smith, 57, first had sex with a car at the age of 15, and claims he has never been attracted to women or men.”
Will this be able to beat a male birth control pill to market?
A 10-minute operation could give men a birth control alternative to a vasectomy as early as next year.
The method involves making a small incision along the testicle into which doctors place a tiny tube.
The tube functions as a filter that blocks sperm, according to medics at the Family Planning Technology Centre in Guangzhou, China.
To stop the effect doctors simply remove the tube again, in contrast to a vasectomy that can be difficult to reverse.
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