MonthMay 2008

Climate Scientists Agree on Warming, Disagree on Dangers, and Don?t Trust the Media?s Coverage of Climate Change

A slight majority (54%) believe the warming measured over the last 100 years is not ‘within the range of natural temperature fluctuation.’

A slight majority (56%) see at least a 50-50 chance that global temperatures will rise two degrees Celsius or more during the next 50 to 100 years. (The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change cites this increase as the point beyond which additional warming would produce major environmental disruptions.)

Based on current trends, 41% of scientists believe global climate change will pose a very great danger to the earth in the next 50 to 100 years, compared to 13% who see relatively little danger. Another 44% rate climate change as moderately dangerous.
Seventy percent see climate change as very difficult to manage over the next 50 to 100 years, compared to only 5% who see it as not very difficult to manage. Another 23% see moderate difficulty in managing these changes.

Full Story: STATS

Like Ronald Bailey says “Science is not done by voting, but these results are pretty interesting. ” This helps put to rest the idea that anthropogenic theory of global warming is believed by only a minority of activist scientists who bully others into signing off on papers saying they support it. Looking at the statistics, it’s slightly more common for scientists to be pressured to deny or downplay warming than to overplay it (though neither is very common).

See also: Global Warming May Take a Holiday and That’s a Problem

The Neural Buddhists

“In 1996, Tom Wolfe wrote a brilliant essay called ‘Sorry, but Your Soul Just Died,’ in which he captured the militant materialism of some modern scientists. To these self-confident researchers, the idea that the spirit might exist apart from the body is just ridiculous. Instead, everything arises from atoms. Genes shape temperament. Brain chemicals shape behavior. Assemblies of neurons create consciousness. Free will is an illusion. Human beings are ‘hard-wired’ to do this or that. Religion is an accident.

In this materialist view, people perceive God’s existence because their brains have evolved to confabulate belief systems. You put a magnetic helmet around their heads and they will begin to think they are having a spiritual epiphany. If they suffer from temporal lobe epilepsy, they will show signs of hyperreligiosity, an overexcitement of the brain tissue that leads sufferers to believe they are conversing with God.

Wolfe understood the central assertion contained in this kind of thinking: Everything is material and ‘the soul is dead.’ He anticipated the way the genetic and neuroscience revolutions would affect public debate. They would kick off another fundamental argument over whether God exists.”

(via The New York Times. h/t: Neuroanthropology )

In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism

With the all the current heated debates going on about the links between vaccinations and autism, I found this film to be thought provoking. Let me state for the record that I am “neutral” on this issue. There are just too many conflicting factors to consider when looking at both sides. So, I’m posting a link to this film along with a site focused on articles defending vaccines. If nothing else, this film will make you THINK about some issues you may have not thought much about.

“This feature length documentary about medical madness, cloaked in bioterrorism preparedness, will awaken the brain dead. It exposes health officials, directed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), for conducting a ‘War of Terror’ that is killing millions of unwitting Americans.

[..] This monumental film exposes the agents and agencies behind: Hollywood films and the media creating a profitable culture of bioterror; the ‘War on Terrorism’ used to control populations; the most lucrative war in history-the ‘War on Cancer;’ the onslaught of dozens of new immunological diseases and deadly flus; the ‘War on AIDS’ triggered by contaminated vaccines; the anthrax mailings resulting in restricted freedoms, and sales of toxic drugs, deadly vaccines, and more.”

(“In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism” via Google Video)

(Counter-argument: Concerned about Vaccines? site)

New Gnarls Barkley video: “Going On”

Glass armonica: banned musical instrument “causes insanity”

Above: Vera Meyer performs various songs on a glass armonica.

glass armonica

The glass armonica’s ghostly notes will cause insanity in its musicians and listeners! At least this is what was thought to be true in the 18th century. People were frightened by the armonica’s sound due to it’s strange interactions with the human brain and ears (more on this later). Benjamin Franklin invented the glass armonica (above) in 1761 after being profoundly moved by the sounds of the glass harp (below).


The glass armonica’s sound is perceived by human ears differently than other instruments because its range is between 1,000 and 4,000 hertz. When sounds are below 4,000 hertz, the human brain compares ‘phase differences’ between the left and right ears to triangulate the origin of the sound rather than comparing volumes. This causes hearing disorientation and a ‘not quite sure’ feeling about where the sound is coming from.

Full Story: the Oddstrument collection

(via Grinding)

The First Genetically Modified Human Embryo: Advance or Abomination?

first genetically modified embryo

Scientists have created what is believed to be the first genetically modified (GM) human embryo.

A team from Cornell University in New York produced the GM embryo to study how early cells and diseases develop. It was destroyed after five days.

The British regulator, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), has warned that such controversial experiments cause ‘large ethical and public interest issues’.

Full Story: Times Online

(via Wired Science)

We live in exciting times.

Masdar City: walled zero-waste, zero-carbon city

masdar city

Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture has won an international competition to design the Masdar Headquarters, the first building in the zero waste, zero carbon emission Masdar City outside of Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates. The Masdar Headquarters will be the first mixed-use positive energy building in the world. AS+GG worked with MEP engineers Environmental Systems Design and structural engineers Thornton Tomasetti on the design.

More pics and info: Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill Architecture

How much carbon will go into manufacturing the city?

London’s biofuel blackmarket

“There are wars going on in London to get the oil,” said Tom Lasica, who runs Pure Fuels, London’s largest refiner of vegetable oil. “Spanish and German companies are moving in to buy up British used vegetable oil. People are stealing it from each other and selling it abroad. We heard that one fish and chip shop in Southend was broken into just to steal the waste oil.”

Full Story: Guardian

Oprah, Obama, and the Occult

Oprah, Obama, and the Occult

Above is a trailer for the book and DVD Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid: Oprah, Obama, and the Occult. It just happens to be a rip off of other Christian conspiracy theorists:

Last week, Lighthouse Trails was contacted by two other ministries who brought up issues regarding the use of their material in Steele’s book. Upon reading Steele’s work ourselves, our editors discovered that the 80-page book was filled with verbatim passages copied from other writers material, which was presented as Steele’s own authorship. Because of the sensationalistic overtones of the book (e.g., comparing Oprah to Jim Jones who gave poisoned Kool-aid to over 900 people), and because plagiarism most often ignores the original context and authorial intent of the material copied but is not ethically credited, Lighthouse Trails cannot, in good conscience, promote Steele’s book.

Full Story: From the Lighthouse

(via Hit and Run)

Esoteric Star Wars


Here’s an interesting blog on the esoteric symbolism of Star Wars:

“Star Wars is religion. In many ways it could be said that Star Wars is my religion. I grew up in an environment that fostered free thinking and self-determination on metaphysical matters. I was four years old when the film that became “Star Wars Episode I: A New Hope” was released. Not only is seeing “Star Wars” amongst my earliest memories, but the anticipation of seeing Star Wars, because my older brother saw it first, and his reaction led me to believe it was something very special (he was seven). Maybe the greatest thing ever. And when you’re four its easy to have your expectations met and even exceeded.[..]

[..] I am by no means the first individual to delve into the deeper philosophical aspects of Star Wars. Many have done so and many more will, some from a position of irony and some dead serious, some scholarly and academic. Various insights, observations, interpretations and even parodies will be addressed in what takes place here, those I find interesting, pertinent or otherwise noteworthy that is, and I will always credit and link to my sources to the best of my ability. [..]

[..] If you’re not sure what I mean by “esoteric symbolism”, I use it to refer to symbolism that is hidden, secretive or otherwise not readily apparent. These are my observations and insights, and a lot of what I talk about may not be deemed “canonical”. You very well may disagree with me. Sometimes esoteric symbols are purposeful and sometimes they are a matter of happenstance. It’s not always possible to tell the difference, and to my way of thinking the intent is not the primary point of interest in all cases. What will become clear, and I hope to make this case, is that George Lucas utilized many story telling techniques in crafting his epics, including occult symbolism to a degree that does not allow for the accidental.”

(Esoteric Star Wars. h/t: Dedroidify)

(Related: The occult secrets of “Lost” via Hatch 23)

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