Happy Cephalopodmas!

Previous posts and fighting off the tentacles of Cthulhu-like holiday shoppers inspired me to look for some unusual gifts for your loved ones into Lovecraft, the Necronomicon, Goth, or just the downright weird. Extending on the Cthulhu theme, I found many other strange goodies available for gift giving. You have the “Happy Cephalopodmas” shirt, and a wonderful Japanese doll holding her pet Cthulhu. For the younger set, how about a stuffed Cthulhu, or a plastic Cthulhu doll set with little victims to attack? For the lover of politics in your family, how about a “Cthulhu For President” shirt? And for those into all things dark, there’s a site called “Dark Side of The Net-Shops and Services”, with some very unusual items. Seasons Beatings, everyone!


  1. Nice finds, TiamatsVision! For new parents this season, there is also:


    Which is reviewed at Geek Parenting here:

  2. lmao…Good Stuff Fell! Lovecraft for babies. Now I’ve seen it all!..Well… except for a Cthulhu sex toy. I’m waiting for that one…;P

  3. I aim to please:?


    100% acrylic, the Great Old One is suitable for those with wool allergies, and is technically washable, if relatively fragile. Putting him in a pillowcase, although it’s an insult to the Elder Gods, might be appropriate.

  4. Fell- you ROCK!!!
    (Although, I was hoping for one with a few more vibratin’ tentacles. If they can make a “rabbit”, why not an octopusssss, lol?) ;>) \m/

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