MonthAugust 2007

Space hotel by 2009?

Bigelow Aerospace’s billionaire founder says he’ll be skipping a step in his grand plan to send up an inflatable space habitat capable of hosting humans, due to escalating launch costs. That means Bigelow’s Sundancer module, which will be designed to accommodate three people, could be ready to go even before 2010

Full Story: .

(via Hit and Run).

German Scientists claim to break Light-Speed Barrier

According to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, surpassing the speed of light, approximately 300,000km/second, is impossible because it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object past that speed. However, two German scientists claim to have surpassed this limit by use of a phenomenon known as “quantum tunneling.”

The scientists – whose claims have yet to be verified by the scientific community at large – performed an experiment where microwave photons appear to travel almost instantaneously between two prisms in a “tunnel” where instant travel – and an apparent violation of the laws of special relativity – took place.

Full story at ZDNet.

Alterati’s esoZone recap

paul laffoley

However, as much was taking place off the stage as on it, as people met and mingled words, energies, and god-knows-what-else in the shadows. This was an event marked most by the quality rather than quantity of participants, and the venue (Backspace and Someday Lounge), were either intentionally or merely serendipitously well matched to the intention of some hard-core hanging out. The fact that organic coffee, vegan food, and a fully stocked bar were present the entire duration of the event was, to me at least, no small bonus.

Full Story: Alterati.

Poe Gravesite “Mystery Man” Revealed

For years, a mysterious man in black visited the gravesite of legendary author and poet Edgar Allan Poe, leaving three roses and a bottle of cognac at the headstone. The regular visitor became a local phenomenon, and Life Magazine even published a picture of the mystery mourner in a 1990 issue. Now, a 92-year-old man who spent years fighting to preserve the historic site of the author’s final resting place has come forward with an answer.


esoZone: notes from Meat-Space and Sorcery panels

Mutant Meat-Space Networks panel notes.

Sorcery panel notes.

Both from Fox.

esoZone: sorcery panel excerpt

Streaming video hosted by Altertube, shot by Vincent of C-Pan.

Moderator: Trevor Blake. Panelists: Nick Pell, Lupa, Bill Whitcomb, and Wes Unruh.

Download 8 MB clip in Quicktime format from C-Pan.

esoZone comic

esozone comic

esoHumor from Botch, who sadly didn’t make it this year =(

Read it on Irreality.

Wes Unruh’s closing address from esoZone

(Video hosted by Altertube, filmed by Vincent of C-Pan.

More esoZone stuff… you’ll have to bear with me for a bit as most of what I’ll be posting for a bit will be esoZone material (haven’t had much time to think about much else lately). Here is Wes’s closing address. I don’t quite recall what I said in my intro to Wes before he came on, but during his speech Wes said he wasn’t quite sure why he was picked. I just found the e-mail I sent to some of the organizers making the case for Wes:

I’d like the conference to end on a positive note that makes people excited. [Wes has a good] relationship to the occult community [because] Wes is actively working on interesting magical approaches and sharing his work with the community. In other words, Wes doesn’t go around telling people what to do or not to do, but goes around telling people what he is doing.

Download 51.5 MB Quicktime file.

Oregonian video on ESOZONE

From: The Oregonian.


I’m home from the Someday Lounge. ESOZONE is over. Gonna catch a nap before I’m back to serious business in the morning (lots of loose ends). I’ll post more sometime later when I’m better rested and have had some time to process things.

In the mean time:

Misspatti’s photos.

A million thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!!!

In the words of Foolish People:


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