MonthNovember 2004

Pauli effect

From Wikipedia:

The Pauli Effect refers the mysterious failure of technical equipment in the presence of certain people, particularly theoretical physicists. It is named after the famous theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli.

Wikipedia: Pauli effect

(via Invisible College)

We’ve definitely found Atlantis, researcher says

“A US researcher says he has “definitely” found the lost civilisation of Atlantis in the watery deep off Cyprus, adding his theory to a mystery which has baffled explorers for centuries.”

Update: Hoax.

Australian Broadcast Company: We’ve definitely found Atlantis, researcher says

(via Posthuman Blues).

New Robert Anton Wilson Interview

David: Why do you think politics on this planet is such a huge mess, and human beings are so violent towards one another?

Bob: Because most people have never heard of maybe logic and live in an either/or world, which applied to ethics and social policy becomes a good/evil world. Human vanity then determines that all the damned eejit always put themselves in the good position and anybody who disagrees in the evil. Look at any literary/politics journal–any journal of the nonscientific “intelligentsia”–and you’ll see that they all sound as medieval as George W. Bush or Osama bin Laden. Violence comes of self-righteousness and self-righteousness comes of right/wrong logic, without maybes.

Mavericks of the Mind: Robert Anton Wilson 2

(via LVX23)

Reptilian queens, UFOs, a cancer cure: New Mexico murder trial begins

Never really understood this reptilian stuff:

In a case that will likely include testimony about aliens, UFOs and a smashed vial of blood, a New Mexico fashion designer faces a potential death sentence if convicted of murdering a woman whose body has never been found.

CNN: Reptilian queens, UFOs, a cancer cure: New Mexico murder trial begins

(via Post Atomic)

RIP John Balance

Oh man, I can’t believe this:

We are greatly saddened to have to you that at about 5.30 pm Saturday Nov 13th, Jhonn Balance, was killed in an accident at home.

Under the influence of alcohol he fell from the first floor landing, hitting his head on the floor some 15ft below.

Brainwashed: Coil

(via Zen Werewolf).

Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn


The revelation of the once-secret Hermetic symbols and philosophies that are the foundation of the Golden Dawn’s system has long since occurred, yet we still see Lodges swearing their Aspirants to absolute secrecy with mighty oaths of death and destruction, if they dare to reveal to the uninitiated the “secret knowledge” which the uninitiated could buy cheaply at a used book store. We see no reason to follow this defunct and even harmful approach.
Instead, following the demonstrably advantageous practice of the Open Source Software movement, we build our Order on the sources of knowledge that are accessible to anyone. Our sources are already open; we simply affirm this obvious fact. We have no “secrets” to conceal, in particular those that have already been revealed. And in any case, the era of artificial secrecy is at an end. Ours is the Information Age, and we embrace it fully. Therefore we ordain and establish our order as the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn.

Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn

(via Future Hi).

I hope he’s wrong

Steven Shaviro:

I agree with my 83-year-old father, who said that it would take a century to undo the damage to the country that Bush will be responsible for in the next four years. That is to say, the damage will not be repaired in my lifetime, let alone his; and probably not in the lifetime of my daughter either. The United States, and the world, will be a meaner and more oppressive place, with the virtues of tolerance and compassion increasingly under siege, if not altogether obliterated. And there’s nothing you or I can do about it.

What interests me most, in a morbid sort of way, is the motives and desires of the voters on November 2nd. For make no mistake about it: the American people have willfully and knowingly chosen to embrace radical evil. Yes, this was an election about “values.” […]

I think, rather, that 59 million people voted for Bush in full consciousness of what they were doing. They were aware of the harms that they would suffer from this action, but they were willing to put personal advantage aside in order to serve a higher duty … The American people have said, in effect, that no sacrifice is too great, no price is too high to pay, when it is a matter of affirming the Values of bigotry, torture, xenophobia, ignorance, and general social corruption. They have pledged themselves to radical evil, transcendently, knowingly, come what may.

And that is why I have nothing to say. I only hope that I remember, in the years to come, that however grievously my family and myself are harmed by the results of the American people’s moral choice (and this harm will not be negligable: I am likely to find myself destitute in old age, and bereft of the freedoms that I have, thus far, unquestioningly enjoyed and pretty much taken for granted; and my daughter is likely to have many paths of advancement closed off to her), that nonetheless we are still in a relatively privileged position, so that the ills we will suffer will be quite trivial in comparison to those that will be suffered by the vast majority of the population, both in the United States and throughout the world.

Old Dirty Bastard RIP

Rapper ODB collapses and dies in recording studio:

One of the most flamboyant characters in hip-hop, the rap artist ODB, collapsed and died in a recording studio on Saturday at the age of 35.

ODB, born Russell Jones, had complained of chest pains before collapsing outside his Manhattan studio and was dead by the time paramedics arrived. The cause of death was not immediately clear. Mr Jones had recently finished a prison sentence for drug possession and escaping a rehabilitation clinic but no drug paraphernalia was found at the scene. Today would have been his 36th birthday.

via Disinfo

Ritual, Magick & How Pagans will Save the World

Sam Webster:

We live in an unsustainable culture which values consumption and acquisition above all else. Yet, Pagans are a cultural force unpredicted and generally unnoticed that stands against the loss of our world. Wielders of Ritual and Magick, we have the means to change the human world and bring it back in harmony with the rest of the Cosmos. Will we rise to the challenge?”

Sam Webster: Ritual, Magick & How Pagans will Save the World

(via Last Word Blog).

Taking it for the goddess

Melissa Gira:

Sex being sacred, that’s an easy leap: really, if you’re accustomed to orgasms as I see them near-daily (masturbating with a few fingers, barely touching, just get it over with, just mop it up quick), if someone were to touch your deliberately and made you shut up and breathe and slow down, if they called the end result sacred, you might find yourself believing it, too. That isn’t to say that extended orgasm isn’t sacred in its own right; only that, given the flaws in empiricism, it’s an easier case to make.

Sacred Whore: Taking it for the goddess.

see also: guttertantra on

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