Click the image and then keep on clicking…
(via hallucinations & antics)
Turns out Abe is already working on a video graffiti project with his art group Four Seven. They use a mobile digital projection system to transform “the architecture of the city into a video canvas. Graffiti is built out of pure light.” My main questions about this system is: how much does a setup like this cost? I have the feeling adequate equipment is going to be prohibitively expensive. Of course I don’t expect the video graffiti movement’s materials to be as cheap as spray paint, but it shouldn’t cost more than a couple hundred bucks.
On the bright side, projecting video on blank walls might not even qualify as “graffiti” in the legal sense of the word.
I wonder if some form of SMS or ringtone spamming/hacking might be more efficient.
Another goodie from Abstract Dynamics: the bamboo bicycle. There’s a bunch of other bamboo projects on this site as well, such as a link to how to build your own Bamboo Geodesic Dome.
The bicycle comes from Christiania, a commune in Copenhagen which is in danger of being shut down. “Denmark’s new centre-right government has decided to clean up Christiania, for 30 years a hippy haven”
Demitria Monde says:
This SubGenius-inspired anonymous match-up device for entities allows for a more diverse spectrum of psychology and physiology than your merehume “champagne walks on the beach” dating service.”
(via Stare).
Hacker and former Mondo 2000 editor St. Jude passed away this morning at 3am.
I was going to try to contact her sometime this week to try to get permission to post an old article she wrote in Mondo. I hadn’t heard that she had cancer. Her work was brilliant, and it will be sorely missed.
While Lakefair decends upon Olympia, causing the locals to get absurdly drunk and violent (and the local paper stays quiet about it), rebels close in on the Liberian capitol and California governor Gray Davis defends himself against Arnold Schwarzenneger.
But the news story that really catches my interest is that two legs and possibly a partial torso were found Friday here in Thurston County. I can’t help but wonder if this has to do with my late roommate Jon . Every time a body turns up around here, I wonder if doesn’t have anything to do with him.
I finished reading The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy today. Next I need to read Dune and I need to finish it before Burning Man.
Also, I got the Technoccult redesign done. I’ve had the design done for about a year, but exporting Grey Matter contents and getting my design turned into a Movable Type template took extra effort.
I already have another design floating around in my head. But first I have a lot of content catching up to do, and a new psychogeography journal to create. And I need to finish this site.
Oh, and I need to move out of my apartment by the end of the month.
Just to collect some of my notes and materials in one place:
Current thesis: While the authorities are installing surveillance systems as mechanisms of control, rather than protection, the effects may have the opposite effect. “Surveillance society” may lead to a form of liberation.
Douglas Rushkoff:
The myth of the conservative point of view is that we have somehow lost a sense of family values in this country. On the contrary, the family may be one of the only values we have left – at least in spirit. What we have lost is a sense of community values, and the family is being asked to pick up the slack. Urban planning, housing projects, purgatorial suburbs, and poor communication combined to dissolve the natural bonds of community within a nation of immigrants. We became family units, cut off from one another, each as sad and unfulfilled as our neighbors, but afraid to admit the truth.
The prosperity of the post-World War II baby-boom era, by decreasing the obvious survival necessity for community values, destroyed what was left of the natural social scheme. Family values were really just a marketing concept, designed to sell the highest volume of products to the richest people in the history of the world. How do we get every single family on the block to buy a product – like a barbeque grill – when just one nice one would do for all of them, and probably be more fun? Instill a sense of competition among families. Be the first on your block. Woefully, this was done at the direct expense of community values. To keep up with the Joneses, you have see them as the enemy.
Those rich enough to do so rushed out to the suburbs in their station wagons; those who couldn’t afford to get out were left behind in the fiscally depleted urban wastelands. With family values an accepted morality, this abandonment was easy to justify. “Screw ’em. I’m helping my family. I love them, and no one can tell me not to get the best for them.” Just don’t look back at those cities. If you do, simply rationalize that their poverty is their own fault. “Besides, those city people don’t have family values.”
– Douglas Rushkoff, Playing the Future, p. 216-217.
While it would be simple (and probably racist) to suggest that these children “of color” are generally less privileged than their white counterparts, and haven’t yet developed a taste for the luxury of electronic mediation, I think there’s another reason for their apathy towards the electronic Gaian mind.
They already get it. Their cultures and spiritual practices are already infused with the notion that the world is a singular, coordinated being, and they have been patiently waiting for us to catch on.
Perhaps the Internet is merely Western Culture’s dry, white, electronic way to experience what most indigenous cultures have known all along: that we human beings are connected to one another, and in an ongoing relationship with the planet on which we live. It was Western culture, through marketing, television, imperialism, and ethnocentrism, that lost its sense of planetary community – so much so that to even mention such a concept gets one labeled as a hopeless New Ager.
– Douglas Rushkoff, “One World, First World”
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