
links for 2008-04-02

Led Zeppelin Reunion

I finally succumbed to all the hullaboo about this reunion, because in fact Jimmy Page was not only my guitar hero, but a major influence on my interest in magick and occultism. The clips are starting to pour in, but I could only find a few that weren’t just bits and pieces of the show. I decided to post a few links before YouTube and others are threatened to remove them. Click here and here and here.

Christopher Hitchens on religion vs civilization

I’m on a George Stroumboulopoulos kick this month. Another segment I’ve just come across on YouTube with bestselling author Christopher Hitchens on the CBC’s The Hour. Simply, he says religion ruins everything, in his book God is Not Great.

I love that quote, from some pro-religious woman: “If English was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me.”

Brother Theodore documentary in production

brother theodore

A documentary about Brother Theodore is in production, directed by Jeff Sumerel. According to the official web site: “over 15 hours of interviews have been shot, with additional interviews scheduled in New York, Los Angeles, and Berlin. A brief sample of interviews has been compiled and will be presented to potential executive producers.”

View trailer here.

See also:

Clips of Brother Theodore on YouTube.

Torrent collection of Brother Theodore material.

Brother Theodore is Dead by Nick Mamatus.

lonelygirl15 – Thelemite?

The white-hot spark of a YouTube user named LonelyGirl15 has set the dry timber of the summer Internet community ablaze. Ostensibly the video blog of a teenaged American girl named Bree, the 23 videos posted so far have chronicled a budding romance with a boy named Daniel, but there’s a twist: Bree’s family is very religious, she is home-schooled, and she has pledged a “purity bond” with her father. Even stranger is the fact that Bree’s religion is never named, and in fact on various comments on YouTube she has said that it is not mainstream – “We’re not Christian or Buddhist or Hindu or anything like that.” There’s also a mysterious picture of famous occultist Aleister Crowley on Bree’s bedroom wall, above a candelabra which she’s vehement that Daniel not light. And wait – that Crowley picture is new – it used to be something else (could that possibly bear a resemblance to Baphomet?) A dark twist, indeed.

Full Story: Alternate Reality Gaming Network.

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