
Wired Interviews Vegan Black Metal Chef

Wired did an interview with the famous Vegan Black Metal Chef. I posted his first video here:

Wired.com: Are you also in a band?

Vegan Black Metal Chef: Yes, my main project is called Forever Dawn. You can hear some old, shit recordings on the MySpace.

I would describe it as industrial symphonic black metal. I play all of the instruments in this and have a live keyboardist and bassist to play shows. I like the songs a lot, but the recordings were done when I had no idea what I was doing.

I am currently recording a new album for this project and putting together a new stage show. I also play keys in an eclectic metal band called Fields of Glass. I was not on the first album, though.

Wired.com: Do you perform in makeup and outfits similar to what you wear as Vegan Black Metal Chef?

Vegan Black Metal Chef: Yes, that is my Fields of Glass band attire.

Wired: Vegan Black Metal Chef Is Still Cooking With Hellfire

Here’s the most recent two episodes, one on quick and easy meals and the other on vegan sushi:

Cult of Zir Live at X-Day 2011

Cult of Zir live at Wisteria Campground in Pomeroy, OH July 4, 2011. Video taken by reverend SCUM!

There’s a new Cult of Zir album up at Bandcamp.

Previously: Cult of Zir Live at Pocket Sandwich (Video)

My interviews with Cult of Zir can be found here and here.

An Interview with Infamous Meth Chef Uncle Fester

Tracking down the reference for the process of making meth with pseudoephedrine and red phosphorous led me to stumble upon the above video interview with Uncle Fester, author of books like Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture and Practical LSD Manufacture.

Uncle Fester also has a website, which includes a PDF of an interview done by the staff Loompanics and an article on meth production in which he is quoted. I recently finished watching the first three seasons of Breaking Bad, so I find this stuff interesting.

I might as well also plug my friends (and past EsoZone sponsors) Last Word Books and Earthlight Books, who have a wide variety of old Loompanics books in stock.

Trailer for Cronenberg’s Movie on Freud and Jung

Mentioned previously here, A Dangerous Method is directed by David Cronenberg and stars Viggo Mortensen as Sigmund Freud, Michael Fassbender as Carl Jung, Keira Knightley as Sabina Spielrein and Vincent Cassel as Otto Gross.

(Thanks James!)

For more on Cronenberg, see our dossier on him

Video: Vegan Black Metal Chef

(Thanks Ian!)

Trailer for Bassweight, a Documentary About Dubstep

Bassweight from The SRK on Vimeo.

Bassweightthis short documentary on dubstep, and several more on YouTube.

William S. Burroughs and Gus Van Sant: The Discipline Of Do Easy

The Discipline Of DE, a 9 minute adaptation of the short story by William S. Burroughs, was Gus Van Sant’s first film outside of film school. It was filmed around 1977. The story first appeared in Exterminator! in 1973.

Here’s an excerpt from the story:

DE is a way of doing. DE simply means doing whatever you do in the easiest most relaxed way you can manage which is also the quickest and most efficient way, as you will find as you advance in DE.You can start right now tidying up your flat, moving furniture or books, washing dishes, making tea, sorting papers. Don’t fumble, jerk, grab an object. Drop cool possessive fingers onto it like a gentle old cop making a soft arrest.

(via Dangerous Minds)

Video: 1991 Hard Copy Report on Suspected Nine Inch Nails Snuff Film

NIN “Down In It” report on “Hard Copy,” March 3rd 1991 from Nine Inch Nails on Vimeo.

(Thanks Justin)

I read about this incident in the NIN FAQ years ago, but I’d never seen this gem.

Video: Neuroscientists Create the Illusion of Having Three Arms

(via Anthropunk)

Bruce Sterling: Network Culture Is Incompatible with Representative Democracy

TechCrunch TV interviews Bruce Sterling on Hacktivism at SXSW:

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