TagTrippy Pictures

The Art of Drew Millward

Circa Survive by Drew Millward

The Art of Drew Millward

Quenched Consciousness: a Moebius Tumblr


Quenched Consciousness is a Tumblr dedicated to the art of French comics legend Moebius.

BTW: You can now follow Technoccult on Tumblr here. I’ve also resurrected Klintron’s Brain as a Tumblr as well.

See also:

Moebius Redux A Life in Pictures, a documentary on Moebius.

Alejandro Jodorowsky Dossier

Science Tarot

Science Tarot: 7 of Wands - Expansion

Science Tarot: 2 of Swords - Action

Science Tarot

Unlike so many of the cool tarot decks I’ve seen online, you can actually buy this as a full, printed deck.

(via Boing Boing thanks to Chris)

Amazing Fake Polish Movie Posters

Polish Star Trek poster

Polish Crank

Something Awful had a Polish movie poster contest – every entry they presented is amazing.

(via Boing Boing)

If you want to get a look at the real thing:

Polish Poster Shop

Pigasus Polish Poster Gallery

A Grey Space Poster Gallery

Makes me want to move to Poland!

Lost William S. Burroughs and Malcolm McNeil Comic to be Reprinted

Ah Pook Is Here / The Unspeakable Mr. Hart

Oh. My. Fuck:

Fantagraphics Books is proud to announce the acquisition of the only graphic novel written by — and possibly the last unseen work of his to be published — the innovative Beat writer and Naked Lunch author, William S. Burroughs. This lost masterpiece, Ah Pook Is Here, created in collaboration with artist Malcolm McNeill in the 1970s, will be published in the summer of 2011 as a spectacularly packaged two-volume, hinged set, along with Observed While Falling, McNeill’s memoir documenting his collaboration with one of America’s most iconic authors.

Ah Pook Is Here first appeared in 1970 under the title The Unspeakable Mr. Hart as a monthly comic strip written by Burroughs and drawn by the British cartoonist and painter Malcolm McNeil in the English magazine Cyclops. When the publication folded, Burroughs and McNeill decided to develop the project into a full-length, Word/Image novel (the term “graphic novel” had not yet been coined). Burroughs was 56 at the time, McNeill 23. […]

John Stanley Hart is the “Ugly American” or “Instrument of Control” – a billionaire newspaper tycoon obsessed with discovering the means for achieving immortality. Based on the formulae contained in rediscovered Mayan books he attempts to create a Media Control Machine using the images of Fear and Death. By increasing Control, however, he devalues time and invokes an implacable enemy: Ah Pook, the Mayan Death God. Young mutant heroes using the same Mayan formulae travel through time bringing biologic plagues from the remote past to destroy Hart and his Judeo/Christian temporal reality.

Fantagraphics: Fantagraphics to Publish Lost William S. Burroughs Graphic Novel

(Thanks Nolon!)

The official Ah Pook is Here web site is here

Also: Malcolm McNeil’s official web site

Here’s an interview with Malcolm McNeil

The Art of Alex Andreev

Dinner by Alex Andreev

Hats by Alex Andreev

Alex Andreev

(via Chris Arkenberg)

Trippy 3D Fractal Video

Mandelbox Zoom from hömpörg? on Vimeo.

(via Dose Nation)

The video was made with Mandelbulb 3D. For more 3D fractal images created with Mandelbulb 3D, see here.

Grant Morrison’s Indian Mythology Comic 18 Days, Interview and Preview

18 DAYS by Grant Morrison and Mukesh Singh

18 DAYS by Grant Morrison and Mukesh Singh

For the 18 Days version, we took the Mahabharata’s descriptions of vimanas and astras very literally as accounts of ancient advanced technology and created a vision of the battle at Kurukshetra which combines traditional images of the Mahabharata with a kind of Vedic sci-fi approach which adds a new freshness and modernity to the story. This version is less about trying to create a historically-accurate representation of conflict in ancient India and more about emphasising a timeless, universal and mythic vision that has as much to say about the world we live in today as it does about the past. The transmission of the Bhagavad Gita at the heart of the story opens the way for a metaphorical spiritual understanding of the conflict as the war between desire and duty, the material and the spiritual, that is fought every day by every human being.

The Gita, with its direct, no-nonsense guide to living in the odd universe we all share, is at the very heart of the story, in the sense that everything else revolves around that moment when Krishna lays it on the line for Arjuna.

Newsarama: Grant Morrison Wages War Using Indian Mythology for 18 DAYS

Surrealistic paintings by Tetsuya Ishida

Tetsuya Ishida

Pink Tentacle: Surrealistic paintings by Tetsuya Ishida

Folk Complexity – the Art of Tatiana Plakhova

Folk Complexity by Tatiana Plakhova

Folk Complexity, by Russian artist Tatiana Plakhova.

More images here.

(via Tatiana Plakhova: Folk Complexity)

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