
How to Live in a Simulation

Recently, Post-Atomic linked to this article about Nick Bostrom’s theory that we may be living in a simulation. Then Boing Boing posted a link to Bostrom’s paper. It makes me realize that Robin Hanson’s essay How to Live in a Simulation might be useful.

Government report call for expanded human cognition and communication through science and technology

A 405 page report from US National Science Foundation and Commerce Department calls for expanding human intelligence and communication through the convergence of nanotechnology, biology, IT, and cognitive science. BoingBoing’s Mark writes: “People may download their consciousnesses into computers or into bodies on the other side of the solar system, or participate in a giant ‘hive mind’ — a network of intelligences connected through ultra fast communications networks.”

One BoingBoing reader has already remarked: “Fantastic. In twenty year’s time, we can be Borg.”


Forget the iMac, I want a Matrioshka Brain

Matrioshka Brains are hypothetical supercomputers that “consume the entire power output of stars (~1026 W), consume all of the useful construction material of a solar system (~1026 kg), have thought capacities limited by the physics of the universe and are are essentially immortal.”

The full paper is here and you can also find more info on Wikipedia.

(via Boing Boing)

Abuddhas Memes

Abuddhas Memes is an excellent blog dealing with consciousness, entheogens, memetics, science, philosophy and “big brother.” It has featured such excellent links as How to Live in a Simulation, The LIDA Machine (a Russian device that uses mind altering radiowaves to paralyze people), and The Orion’s Arm World Building Group.

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