Richard Carbonneau is serializing an online bio comic about Jack Parsons. Looks great.
The Marvel: a biography of Jack Parsons
(via Popjellyfish)
Richard Carbonneau is serializing an online bio comic about Jack Parsons. Looks great.
The Marvel: a biography of Jack Parsons
(via Popjellyfish)
“ immediately greets the visitor with a hieroglyphic at the top of the page known as The Great Ennead, which symbolizes Creation (Atum-Ra to Auset). With this powerful symbol comes the words that every beginner in the study of the occult sciences first encounters on their glorious journey, “Know Thy Self”. Words of wisdom that lets the viewer know that they are about to enter a world of knowledge and information that they may not be familiar with, but a fascinating one nevertheless.
[..] Ancient Khemet is the site’s theme, a plethora of links, videos and blogs takes the viewer through a variety of occult/esoteric information. The content presented is intended to guide the viewer far away from conventional religious thought and study to a path of self knowledge and empowerment. As one progresses through the site, one is lead to ask “why”?, why has this knowledge been hidden? for what purpose? and why has this sacred knowledge not been taught in our educational institutions? To find the answers to such probing questions, one must be willing to challenge one’s current paradigm, to question all that one has been taught to think and believe.”
(via Thanks DJ!)
Bill Whitcomb – author of The Magician’s Reflection (soon to be re-released and expanded by Immanion Press), The Magician’s Companion, and the forthcoming Selections from the Dream Manual – gives us a lesson in the theory and practice of psychotronics.
Bill’s recommended reading:
Rays From the Capstone, Christopher Hills
Secrets of the Life Force, Christopher Hills
Supersensonics, Christopher Hills
Psionics 101, Charles W. Cosimano
Amazing and Wonderful Mind Machines You Can Build, G. Harry Stine
Reflections on the Ether and some Notes on the Convergence between Homoeopathy and Radionics
Our interview with Antero Alli (part 1, part 2) is now available on DVD from Original Falcon.
You can get it FREE with any Original Falcon order over $50 (before shipping and handling) or buy it here.
FLicKeR iS a new Dream MachHine documentary directed by Nik Sheehan, who is apparently much beloved of rAndOM CapITaL LetTerS. We begin with Sheehan carting a new and beautifully engineered Dream Machine around and testing it out on rock stars, DJs, and old cronies of Gysin, who died in 1986. For the most part, hearing their reactions to the device is no more interesting than hearing about people’s pot trips, but because Sheehan picked some perceptive-if not always particularly germane-trippers, the talking heads give good talk. Sitting in a comfortable New York loft with his eyes closed (which is the best way to let the Dream Machine’s pulsing frequency bring on the alpha waves and audio-visual stimuli that can trigger trance), Sonic Youth’s Lee Renaldo, not only describes beautiful clouds of color but points out the device’s connection to early cinematic devices.
Unfortunately, this is the only time this vital vein of flicker tech is even mentioned in the film. The brain science behind the effect gets a bit more time, but in general this is a very average documentary that blows more chances for excellence and depth than it exploits. The written voice-over material is terribly banal, with potted histories of the Beats and Hassan i Sabbah (illustrated with cheesy CG that brings back 1992 rave graphics), and a legion of unfortunate phrases. For example, Gysin is described as a ‘serious dabbler in the occult’ (a serious dabbler?) and his machine as a ‘portal into the space-time continuum.’ I mean, aren’t we already stuck inside the space-time continuum? Didn’t these guys want to find a way out?
I haven’t had a chance to read all of it yet, but blogger Al Billings has made his thesis on “The nature, structure, and role of the soul in the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn” available for free as a PDF download.
“The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a 19 th century English society engaged in the creation of a systematic form of western esotericism. Its founders created a synthesis of previous strands of esotericism and spiritual thought that had existed in Europe. One aspect of this synthesis was the creation of a new vision of the soul. This soul went beyond a simple mixing of elements from earlier traditions and provided an integral portion of the spiritual vision that gave an overall purpose to the spiritual practices of the Golden Dawn. A discussion of the nature and structure of this soul, its key influences, and unique aspects gives clarity to some of the spiritual goals and vision of the Golden Dawn as a system of spiritual practice. This demonstrates a system of thought unique to the end of the nineteenth century that places it with other spiritual traditions of the world.”
(via In Pursuit of Mysteries)
Radar has a great long article Genesis P. Orridge up:
He and Breyer wouldn’t actually get to talk to each other until the next evening, when they accompanied Sellers to a party at the S&M club Paddles, jabbering away like kids while Jackie ground the heel of her motorcycle boot into some guy’s testicles. On the morning in question, though, there wasn’t time. Jackie had to go to work, and Gen was on his way out. He hadn’t really come to Terence’s dungeon for punishment, anyway; he’d already had more than enough of that in his life.
Aaron Gell: Strange Love (PDF, Google Docs account required)
Another PDF, no Google Docs account required
(via Tomorrow Museum)
Update: I had only read the first 3/4s of this article last night. The last 1/4 is even more amazing. It contains the first public statements I know of by Gen since Lady Jaye’s death.
This is the best piece of writing I’ve read in a long time.
We’re happy to announce the latest additions to our schedule:
Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule
Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule is a ChaOrder Magician and Baphometic avatar somewhat obsessed with physical reification and Malkuthian manifestation. While s/he does enjoy shamanic and astral journeys via various trance techniques (occasionally inc. extreme entheogens such as Ayahuasca or fly agarics), s/he is not content to just travel to other dimensions, rather enjoying bringing back aspects of them to the physical plane.
S/he is thus constantly reburbishing hir Temple, that is the physical form seen as a malleable tool: Physical mutations as magickal acts (chakra piercing and weaving, Tattoo Tarot Tantra, etc.), Body Art in extremis, Sex Magick and Environment Sculpting.
As a vessel for these processes and others, hir Metamorphic Ritual Theatre Company presents public rituals aiming to transform rather than merely entertain the audiences – who thus be-come the initiates, sometimes being led through environmental installations (such as Labyrinths woven through the woods) while interacting directly with other characters.
Such ritual theatre is infused with universal symbology gleaned from Orryelle’s studies of alchemy and comparative mythologies (especially Norse, Egyptian, Hindu, Mayan and Greek).
Oryelle’s appearance at Esozone is courtesy of R6XX.
Freeman was arguably the breakout star of last year’s Esozone, wowing our Friday night audience with tales of corporate logo hypnotism, illuminated factions of hollow-earth dwelling reptiles, and the relationship between trauma-based mind control and Britney Spears. Back for a second round, Freeman promises to take Esozone participants even deeper down the rabbit hole.
Plus live music by:
DJ sets by:
James Curcio will present a musical installation
And workshops or panel appearances by:
Joseph Thiebes of the Sekhet Maat Lodge
Plus there will be interactive activities throughout the weekend, such as walkabouts, scavenger hunts, sword fighting, and a comics jam.
For more info, check out our schedule, speakers and performers pages.
There are three obvious category of the sort of spiritual seekers who are drawn to esoteric schools: the student, the teacher, and the disenchanted. After fruitful or at least interesting years as a student, Ouspensky gets hung somewhere between teacher and disenchanted-a limbo hardly clarified by his teacher’s insistence that man is entirely asleep, a machine unable to awaken without, well, a teacher. Unable to stay with Gurdjieff, who was a harsh task master and a domineering personality, Ouspensky nonetheless stays with ‘the Work,’ becoming a teacher in his own right, but losing-in Lachman’s well-supported view-the vivacity, friendliness, and romanticism of his earlier years, when his writings were the most creative, the most Ouspenskian. (After completing In Search of the Miraculous, Ouspenksy wrote nothing for decades and then croaked.) At the end of his life, the now thoroughly alcoholic Ouspensky shocks his students by finally and publicly repudiating the work, becoming, in his presentation to them, almost more of a ‘crazy wisdom’ teacher than G. himself.
“Secrets of the Occult explores the world of the occult from the ancient and modern magicians who practice it to the cutting edge scientists attempting to explain its mysterious claims.”
(via Dedroidify. See also: Pt 2:The Scientists, pt. 3: What is the Occult?)
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