
The Falun Gong, CBC-PRC Saga

“Is the CBC affiliated with the Chinese Government? This would explain why the CBC opted to protect Beijing by trying to dissimulate the truth on forced organ harvesting in a documentary on Falun Gong called “Beyond the Red Wall” aired on Nov. 20 in Canada.

Let me get this straight. Last week after a phone call from the PRC bosses, the CBC undertook several rounds of re-editing and carefully doctoring what first started out to be an ?independent’ film by long-time respected producer Peter Rowe.

The funny thing is that the film had been aired in French last March and it was a done deal. Then the CBC’s reputation went under fire for first pulling the doc hours before it was supposed to be aired on Nov. 6 and went reported in over 200 media- from NY Times, to the Jerusalem Post, the Taipei Times, CFP and others. By that time, the CBC realized that they couldn’t get away with not showing the documentary due to pressure coming from everywhere not to mention from the Beijing government. What to do? Make more cuts with or without the producer! Finally the film was aired on Nov. 20.”

via the MWC News

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1947: the Year the Future Broke

Vortex Egg rounds up some 1947 synchronicities

The Roswell, New Mexico crash occurred on July 2, 1947.

Aleister Crowley died on December 1, 1947

Sandoz Laboratories, the sole producer of LSD began marketing that drug in its country of origin, Swizterland, under the trade name ?Delysid? in 1947 (it was introduced to the United States the following year).

The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered

The sound barrier was broken by Gen. Chuck Yeager (USAF) on October 14, 1947.

The transistor was invented on December 16th, 1947.


Wikipedia entry for 1947.

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