
If There is No Free Will, Is Everything Permitted?

Ronald Bailey at Hit and Run comments on a New York Times article suggesting that disbelief in free will encourages cheating/rule breaking:

But is “free will” really necessary for a system of retributive justice? What is interesting in the above experiments is that the subjects believed that they could not be caught cheating. This illustrates the fact that there is more than a little truth to H.L. Mencken’s observation that “conscience is the inner voice which warns us that someone may be looking.” The possibility of punishment acts as a deterrent in even a completely deterministic world.

Full Story: Hit and Run.

Searching for the Hidden Wisdom

“[…] Looking at what we see as ‘occultism’ today is not same way in the past. Historically speaking, the subjects that are included in occultism, such as astrology, magic, alchemy, qabalah, and the like, were not excluded or pushed to the periphery of society and not distrusted like they are today. In fact, they were integral parts of how society investigated the world around them and were technologies used to discern the hidden aspects of the universe. Occultism, per se, is a modern concept-it arose in the later 19th century. In the past the occult was seen as integral part of the world. After all, the word occult means ‘hidden.’ When astrologers investigated the charts, they were attempting to see the hidden or occult influences and determining causes deriving from the celestial sphere; when alchemists experimented with matter, they were attempting to determine the hidden or occult properties of matter; when qabalists, Christian, Arabic, or Jewish alike, explored the qabalah, they were seeking to understand the hidden influences of the divine and how they manifested in our world. In essence, they were all seeking to understand the hidden aspects of reality; the things people did not see operating on a day-to-day basis.

Today, because of the influence of science and other societal structures, many of the early ways of investigating the hidden world have been determined as invalid and excluded. These formerly accepted practices, such as astrology, have been determined to be worthless, or at most, for occasional amusement and not anything to be taken seriously. Those still searching for the occult side of things do not always agree and still give validity to such techniques. Other times the technique or practice transforms, such as alchemy. It evolved into modern chemistry on one hand, and symbolic alchemy on another; the latter being employed by magicians mapping certain processes and Jungian psychologists. Regardless of the technique, the salient point remains, there are hidden forces at work in the world around us and in us and occultism is the process by which these processes are investigated and exposed.”

(via The Treasure House of Pearls)

Krishnamurti is growing in popularity in China

Noted Indian thinker J. Krishnamurti has a considerable following in China where young people are looking at a philosophy that can give them answers from within, says Mark Lee, executive director of the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. He was speaking at the release of the Indian edition of a new book from the foundation, titled “Facing a World in Crisis”, edited by David Skitt, a trustee of the foundation in Britain. The book is a collection of the Indian spiritual teacher’s speeches in Switzerland and Britain in the 1970s and 1980s.

Krishnamurti (1895-1986), whose teachings have been compared with those of the Buddha and Vedanta, delivered addresses across the world, including India, and spoke about themes like death, fear, loneliness and environment.

“A professor from a Chinese university told me that in 10 years’ time, Krishnamurti will be as well-known in China as the Buddha,” Lee added.

Full Story: India Interacts.

(via Robot Wisdom).

More info on Krishnamurti:

Brainsturbator: Jiddu Krishnamurti, We Salute You.

Stripping the Gurus: Krishnamurti.

Desert Rock: Tribal Members Push Alternatives, Navajo Nation Wants EPA Action

“Navajo tribal members who believe their voices are needed in the fight against the proposed Desert Rock Power Plant their government supports claim a host of alternatives to burning coal exist on the Navajo Nation. The group, called Din? CARE, holds a viewpoint that is squarely opposite of Desert Rock supporters, such as project spokesman Frank Maisano, of the Washington, D.C., law firm Bracewell & Giuliani LLC.

“It’s a Navajo project and the Navajo are choosing to take part of their vast resources, which include coal, and advance the cause of their people,” Maisano said. “The plant will generate $50 million in revenue per year, bring thousands of construction jobs, 400 permanent jobs and a wealth of indirect benefits.” The massive project, however, is held up in the federal permitting process. Project developers hope to begin construction sometime this year near Burnham in San Juan County.

Din? CARE’s recent release of a report stating its views about the Desert Rock Power Plant project preceded by less than two weeks letters from Navajo President Joe Shirley, Jr. and the Bracewell & Giuliani firm notifying the Environmental Protection Agency of the tribe’s intent to sue to force EPA’s release of its Prevention of Significant Deterioration (air) permit. Desert Rock organizers submitted its air permit application to the EPA in May 2004. A draft permit was issued in August 2006, followed by a series of public meetings and hearings. EPA officials are still evaluating and responding to concerns from comments received at those meetings.”

(via The Farmington Daily Times)

(Related: Interview with Dr. Gregory Cajete, author of “Native Science”, and his article “A Contemporary Pathway For Ecological Vision”)

‘The Prince of Nothing’ in relation to quantum mechanics

I got this email from my good friend Jason this morning regarding a series of literary fantasy novels I posted about a short time ago, The Prince of Nothing, by R. Scott Bakker:

You got read this on the Three Seas Forum, this cat Deadshade, is a phd physicist with a specialty in QM, his synopsis/interpretation is eloquent, elaborate, and utterly breathtaking. it essentially toches ground on alot of our dicussions on the subject/s, but his training and education enables him to elucidate in a way we were not!! check it out homes, if the link doesnt work just go to the forum and look for the topic “Inchoroi motivations & Quantum Mechanics”. I got so excited after reading it i had to print it off….


For fans of the books, the post on the Three Seas forum will be of interest.

PS — SPOILER. While it doesn’t ruin the overall story, it’s a spoiler nonetheless.

Metal as Prismatic Motion


Mythic imagination allows us to see the personification of life as an entity not unlike our thought or personalities, a continuous invisible idea expressed in visible terms through discrete objects (including goats).

“The notion of a prism represents the first challenge to our early worlds of concrete time and space. A device that fragments light, and reveals a space within a solid known quantity, seems to us an expansion of dimension. As we get older, we realize the expansion of dimension occurs within ourselves as we assemble a more complex view of the universe.

Metal music as art is composed of sound and lyrics and imagery. The pure aesthetic expands as we analyze it and recognize that it is beauty found in chaos; the songwriting expands as we see that its narrative motivic composition is more poetic than the looping closed circuit cycle of rock or pop; the keyless melodic nature of it becomes in our fertile minds a sense of construction not by a “third party” of rigid harmonic theory but by the unfolding narrative. Metal music like all great art begins by appearing simple, but opens to reveal greater complexity when we look into the dimension that it creates for itself.

From this alone, we might conclude that metal is prismatic in the same way modernist classical composers and the ancient Greek plays that bonded song to poetry to theatre were. Two more elements demand our consideration: that metal represents an escape from the karmic cycle as described by numerous philosophies, and that it inspires mythic imagination in the way both Sophocles and Wagner did.”

(via The Dark Legions Archive)

(see also “Metal as Refutation of the Enlightenment” via Death Metal)

Various philosophical interpretations of movies

Exhaustive collection of interpretations of popular film.


8 Mile: Eminem stars as Jesus Christ, King of the Jews, in a movie that?s all about being righteous.

The Big Lebowski: Jeff Bridges stars as the Buddha in a film that?s all about enlightenment.

(via Post Atomic)

People Are Human-Bacteria Hybrid

It’s true:

Most of the cells in your body are not your own, nor are they even human. They are bacterial. From the invisible strands of fungi waiting to sprout between our toes, to the kilogram of bacterial matter in our guts, we are best viewed as walking “superorganisms,” highly complex conglomerations of human, fungal, bacterial and viral cells.

Wired: People Are Human-Bacteria Hybrid

(via Dr Hyatt)

Flak Magazine Reviews Memes

Flak, one of my favorite online magazines, has an interesting piece on memes with an accessible explanation of the concept.

I was discussing immortality with a friend of mine a long time ago. At the time, I felt that I never wanted kids. My position, as I related it that night, was this: Kids are an attempt at immortality, a genetic permanence that will resonate after your death. Everyone came from someone, and we are all the standard bearers of our ancestors ? our eyes, our smile, our cancer are all echoes of ancient patterns set a long time ago. This is a way to live forever. Children.

If this is an acceptable assertion, then there are other ways of achieving permanence. Memes. Thought ancestors. Someone thought of the wheel. That person lives forever. Someone painted “Starry Night.” He lives forever. Concepts that propagate, live on in others minds, passing down into new generations, mutating into contact lenses, orthodontics and cancer medicine, all echoes of ancient patterns set a long time ago. This is a way to live forever.

How are you going to live forever?

Flak: Memes

A Web Guide to the Wisdom of Insanity

The link to the site “Tons of Trickster,” linked to in the below Utne Reader article, is broken, but can be found in the Way Back Machine. It’s an excellent collection of articles and links to information about the insights and wisdom of the insane.


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