TagPhil Hine

Phil Hine interviews Ramsey Dukes

I think I’ve read this interview before but this is more or less how I feel about the occult and magick right now:

The trouble with successes in magic is that you can look back and describe some things that happened and they are so amazing when that when you tell them to people they think you must be the world’s greatest Magician if you could do things like that. But you know that actually they didn’t happen in the way magic ought to – ?I just want this to happen and I make it happen’. Very little have I managed to achieve in that way, life has a habit of springing surprises however hard you try to direct it. Some of those surprises are uncannily close to what you asked for, and yet they have a way of occurring which is not what you expected. I am very much aware of what is happening to me and it’s a sort of theme which occurs in fairy stories; the wish is granted but it doesn’t work out the way it was meant to. I think it must be a cosmic law that that should happen.

Are you still involved in the occult for the same reasons or have they changed?

That’s a difficult one. I can’t give a tidy answer to that. It’s very much my nature to be involved in the occult and that hasn’t changed. Involvement carries a certain momentum – the friends one has made, the practices I am performing and so on, all that adds up to a reason to stay with the occult. Yet I realise I am looking for different things now than I was earlier on. But those reasons are fairly superficial. It really is just curiosity about life and that is the strongest motive and that, in a sense, has not been changed.


Why do you think that people are still drawn to mysticism and the occult when the terrain is so obviously dominated by frauds, wastrels and knaves?

Now that’s a bit like saying why are people still interested in sex when obviously the sex industry is so full of corruption and sleaze. I think for some people there is actually a fascination in the sleaze, fraudery and trickery, which actually adds to the subject – sex is actually more intriguing because of the aura of sleaze about it. I’m not sure if that is so for me, but I think the occult too is something which you can be put off by the sleaze of it or actually you can find that as a rather intriguing element in it. One of the ideas I was putting forward in ?The Charlatan and the Magus’ (in ?Blast….’) was that maybe existence itself is sleazy, and that mankind’s instinct always attempts to eliminate sleaze, which is as misguided as swallowing a load of antibiotics, which although they may kill the germ, they kill off certain other things in your gut which then has to recover; or as misguided as trying to make a clean compost heap by putting a lot of disinfectant on it which actually would stop the composting process. In other words, sleaze is itself inherent. The universe itself has a strong element of sleaze in it and it’s part of the nourishment of life. We need to work on our own exaggerated concepts of hygiene.

Full Story: Phil Hine’s web site.

Jason on the Necronomicon and pathworking

My close friend Jason and I have been having some informative emailing back and forth while he’s abroad. I know I am, but for those of you perhaps interested in some of the Cthulhu mythos, some of these tidbits may be interesting. Perhaps I can get Jason to expound on some of this if anyone cares. He is the ritual to my freestyle.

JasonI would highly recommend Regardie’s “GARDEN of POMEGRANATES” as a guide and methodology fo qabbalistic pathworking, if you have any interest in the inverse side of the tree, the qlippothic or “world of shells”, then Kenneth Grant is your man, particularly “NIGHTSIDE of EDEN”. Tyson’s version of the necronomicon adds a nice fresh and less cheesy depth to the mythos. my opinion of the necronomicon in all its incarnations is entirely spurious however. the only edition that even comes close to being a usable system is the Simon edition (the oh so popular Avon paperback avlb. everywhere!) but it contains so many errors and flagrant mistakes of both an occult and an historical nature is utterly laughable. for instance the use of a magick circle is omitted as unnecessary (!!!), as the necronomicon is purportedly a grimoire of ceremonial evocation the use of a circle is of paramount importance, but there are a multitude of worse errors both in the Simon Edition itself and in the follow up supplements and audio workshops such as:

– Simon claims the “Oracles of Zoroaster” were of Sumerian origin, it wasn’t!
– he says no gold or jewelry has ever been found, what about the Royal Tombs Of Ur!!
– all ziggurats had 7 levels, some had 3 some 9!
– each level is associated with a planet, wrong!
– each of the 7 cities of sumer were associated with a planet, there were more than 7 none of which were associated with any particular planet
– the Summerian word for house is Bar, it isnt! the sumer word for house is E, as in E-anna, “the house of heaven”!
– Simon comments on what he calls the “Sumerian maqlu text”, the maqlu text is Babylonian!

Etc. Etc., as far as the necronomicon is concerned it is only interesting fiction but part of a larger framework and that is where my interest lies. the entirety of the Cthulhu mythos, however i would not use the Necronomicon as the basis for tapping into that current, Kenneth Grant, Don Webb and others have explored and exponded enough on this to illustrate a correlation between cuthulu and the goetic and qlippothic techniques, i believe Phil Hine and P.J. Carol have also done some work in this area.

He had this to add:

I would only add, particularily becuase you posted this e-mail, that anyone intrested in uncovering more concerning the facts behind the various versions of the necronomicon as a printed work and many of the hoaxes surrounding it should read “THE NECRONOMICON FILES”, by Daniel Harms and John Wisdom Gonce III, it is a fascinating study of the book and is obviously exhaustively researched as well. In it you will find all of the errors and inconsistencies i pointed out and so many many more, plus an absolute ton of other info, background/history, etc, basically everything you would ever want to know about the Necronomicon. Also for a working theoryof an occult/magickal nature Kenneth Grant’s “Nightside of Eden” particularily as well as a the rest of his Typhonian Tradition, “The Pseudonomicon”, by Phil Hine is also valuable if one were intrested in pursuing th Cthulu mythos in a magickal way!

Phil Hine: we need a revolution in how occult texts are written

From Phil Hine’s online journal:

I’m currently reading Karen McCarthy Brown’s Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn – a really enthralling book that is just streets ahead of anything I’ve ever seen by “occult” writers on the subject of Vodou. Brown is one of the “new wave” of academics who do not shy from placing themselves as subjects within their narratives so that their own feelings, experiences, etc., are part of the story. I’ve read quite a few works that take this approach recently – Meena Khandelwal’s Women in Ochre Robes: Gendering Hindu Renunciation being another fine example – and the more I read them, the less inclined I am to go back to reading ‘occult’ books, which tend to be dreary and simplistic in comparison.

Occult web boards and magazines periodically resound to cries of writers advocating some kind of “occult revolution” – the desire to find a new direction or ethos. Of course, this has been going on ever since the advent of Chaos Magic in the late ’70’s. If anything, I feel what’s needed is a “revolution” in how texts are “written”.

Phil Hine: we need a revolution in how occult texts are written

(via thedudeatx).

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