
“God helmet”?…yeah…right…

“A “neurotheology” researcher called Dr Michael Persinger has developed something called the “God Helmet” lined with magnets to help you in your quest: it sounds like typical bad science fodder, but it’s much more interesting than that.Persinger is a proper scientist. The temporal lobes have long been implicated in religious experiences: epileptic seizures in that part of the brain, for example, can produce mystical experiences and visions. Persinger’s helmet stimulates these temporal lobes with weak electromagnetic fields through the skull, and in various published papers this stimulation has been shown to induce a “sensed presence”, under blinded conditions.

There is controversy around these findings: some people have tried to replicate them, although not using exactly the same methods, and got different results. But however improbable or theologically offensive you might find his evidence, because it is published and written up in full, you can try to replicate it for yourself and find out whether it works. In fact, you really can try this at home: the kit needed to make a God Helmet is fabulously rudimentary.”

(via Pure Pedantry)

70s and 80s paranormal journals scanned and online

Archive of PDF scans of the Zetetic Scholars journal, 1978 – 1987.

Archive of PDF scans of the Archaeus Journal, 1983 – 1989.

(via The Daily Grail).

Go With Your Gut ? Intuition is More than Just a Hunch, says Leeds Research

“Most of us experience ?gut feelings’ we can’t explain, such as instantly loving – or hating – a new property when we’re househunting or the snap judgements we make on meeting new people. Now researchers at Leeds say these feelings – or intuitions – are real and we should take our hunches seriously. According to a team led by Professor Gerard Hodgkinson of the Centre for Organisational Strategy, Learning and Change at Leeds University Business School, intuition is the result of the way our brains store, process and retrieve information on a subconscious level and so is a real psychological phenomenon which needs further study to help us harness its potential.

There are many recorded incidences where intuition prevented catastrophes and cases of remarkable recoveries when doctors followed their gut feelings. Yet science has historically ridiculed the concept of intuition, putting it in the same box as parapsychology, phrenology and other ?pseudoscientific’ practices.

Through analysis of a wide range of research papers examining the phenomenon, the researchers conclude that intuition is the brain drawing on past experiences and external cues to make a decision – but one that happens so fast the reaction is at a non-conscious level. All we’re aware of is a general feeling that something is right or wrong.”

(via University of Leeds)

(Thanks Dedroidify!)

Furtive Encounters: Freeman’s UFO encounter and more

Furtive Labors Publishing is known in underworld circles for its survival manuals for marooned astronauts and motivational tapes for chronic masturbators, Hollow Earth atlases and Luddite manifestos in e-book format, alarmist commentary on end-times prophecies and richly ornamented prose portrayals of grotesque graveyard orgies, Armageddon-heralding holiday greeting cards and bulletins from the front lines of future wars, Black Mass breviaries and forbidden books the perusal of which brings madness, terror and spectral horror.

Ask about our telepathic correspondence courses.
OSOTO-3 raises new and troubling questions

OSOTO, Issue 3 – Featuring an account of Freeman’s UFO encounter on the drive to Esozone 2007, excerpts from the FBI’s Marmaduke file, and a two-page homage to Mark Lombardi involving electronic camouflage of pinball machines in some dilapidated barracks at an abandoned military base on the city’s outskirts. Print edition is out now. E-mail us for more information. Special thanks to our sponsor, Martinez Double-Weight Cinder Blocks. POSTED 22 FEB 08

Furtive Encounters.

Poveglia Island of Horror

Poveglia is a small island floating in the lagoons of Venice. In stark contrast to the beauty of its surroundings, the island is a festering blemish. The waves reluctantly lapping its darkened shores will often carry away the polished remains of human bones. When the first outbreak of bubonic plague swept through Europe, the number of dead and dying in the city of Venice became unbearable. The bodies were piling up, the stench was oppressive, and something had to be done. The local authorities decided to use Poveglia as a dumping ground for the diseased bodies.

The dead were hauled to the island and dumped in large pits or burned on huge bonfires. As the plague tightened its grip, people panicked, and those showing the slightest symptoms of the Black Death were dragged screaming from their homes. These living victims, including children and babies, were taken to the island and thrown into the pits of rotting corpses, where they were left to die in agony. As many as 160,00 tormented bodies were disposed of over the years.”

(via Phunk U)

Top 10 Strange Phenomena of the Mind

“The mind is a wonderful thing – there is so much about it which remains a mystery to this day. Science is able to describe strange phenomena, but can not account for their origins. While most of us are familiar with one or two on this list, many others are mostly unknown outside of the psychological realm. This is a list of the top ten strange mental phenomena.”

“We have all some experience of a feeling, that comes over us occasionally, of what we are saying and doing having been said and done before, in a remote time – of our having been surrounded, dim ages ago, by the same faces, objects, and circumstances – of our knowing perfectly what will be said next, as if we suddenly remember it! “– Charles Dickens

(via The List Verse)


Will a UFO flying Jesus Christ save us from the reptilian conspiracy?

waiting for nesara

Waiting for Nesara is a documentary about “a group of ex-Mormons awaiting the announcement of a secret law which they believe will abolish the IRS, remove George Bush from office, expose him as a reptilian alien, and install a UFO-flying Jesus Christ as America’s new leader.”

Official site.

(Originally via Post Atomic, reminded by Trevor).

Daily Grail examins Randi’s million dollar challenge

The suggestion that ending the Challenge after 10 years supports any statement that psi does not exist or someone would have won the challenge, is absurd on many levels.

The procedures for the Challenge included several hurdles in favor of, and multiple “outs” for Randi and the JREF that any discerning individual capable of any kind of extraordinary human performance would think twice about (and here I’m not just referring to psychics and the like).

Full Story: Daily Grail.

(via Posthuman Blues).

Good points are made about the level of proof Randi requires (1 in a million odds) and the difficultly in running enough iterations of an experiment to produce conclusive results within the perimeters of Randi’s experiments. However, one would think that psychic of the supposed caliber of, say, Ari Uri Geller would have no trouble producing conclusive results.

What I suppose is being suggested is that while challenge screens out obvious charlatans who claim to have mind blowing supernatural powers, it doesn’t provide for more subtle forms of ESP.

I am, however, confused by reference to Ganzfeld telepathy research. These have been going since before I was born and are still not accepted by skeptics. Why would Randi be backing out of the challenge now, after all these years?

Also, here is an easier explanation for true believers as to why the Randi prize has not yet been won:

Why would someone with legitimate psychic powers “out” themselves for a mere one million dollars? Surely they must be able to make far more money in secret. Warren Buffet doesn’t reveal his secret investment strategies (hell, maybe he’s got psychic powers), why would anyone else?

Reptilians shapeshifting caught live on camera

Tracy R. Twyman has a round-up of reptilians caught shapeshifting live on camera.

Full Story: Tracy R. Twyman.

See also: Presidents and Others Shapeshift.

Paranoia Magazine editors interviewed by Washington Post

The tone of this article is annoying (tin foil hat jokes? how original), but I liked reading what the editors had to say:

Hidell and D’Arc represent different wings of the conspiracy theories movement. “She’s more into the speculative paranormal end of things,” he said. “I’m more of a meat-and-potatoes politics, international relations and secret societies kind of guy.”

Together, they attempt to publish a “provocative, unpredictable mix” of conspiracy theories. “We try not to have a house conspiracy style,” he said.

Hidell admitted that he doesn’t believe all the conspiracy theories advanced in the pages of Paranoia. For instance, he’s a little skeptical of Icke’s theory that the queen of England and the Rockefellers are really shape-shifting Satanic reptiles from outer space. But then he adds this about Icke: “For all we know, he’s putting all that in purposely so people think he’s just a nut and he can keep publishing.”

Full Story: Paranoia Magazine.

(via Adam Gorightly).

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