
Current 93’s David Tibet Shares His Life Story

David Tibet of Psychic TV and Current 93 shared his life story recently with Dazed & Confused magazine:

I was born in Malaysia in 1960. Paradise gained. In 1970, I left for England, where I attended an all-boys boarding school. Paradise not only lost but then packed with the sex of ghosts and kicked into the bonefire. Welcome to NeverLand.

What drove me on then: I loved CS Lewis, Tolkien, Taoist temples, the New Testament, MR James1, Christian apocalyptic, the apocryphal gospels, Aleister Crowley and Qabalah. All this before my balls dropped. I discovered the apocryphal gospels through MR James. I discovered Crowley through buying his Diary of a Drug Fiend at Kuala Lumpur airport when I was 11. The other boys at the school were frightened by my reading matter. Crowley wasn’t big with corduroy boys. My post was opened by the headmaster there; he was later sacked for playing a little too freely with his wards. Hop and skip into the Bad PicNic, made worse by the school being extensively haunted. Welcome to Old England.

After leaving university, I had a brief dalliance with the often dysfunctional family (sic) of Psychic TV2, which was briefly fun and then not. I was impelled to create a music that would channel all my obsessions. So HeyHo, Current 933.

Full Story: Dazed Digital: Your History: David Tibet

(via Ales Kot)

On Misogyny in Industrial Music

And speaking of deflecting criticism through irony, Nadya Lev has written a long, thoughtful piece on misogyny in industrial music:

The “cinematic reference” argument seems to be a common tactic in deflecting criticism. Thomas Rainer has used the filmic term “sexploitation” to describe Nachtmahr, and Throat Full of Glass music video director, Chad Michael Ward, wrote to Coilhouse stating that “the video, conceived by both the band and myself, is a send-up of 1970s grindhouse/exploitation films, where men were thugs and women were whores; in other words caricatures, not entirely unlike the noir films of the 1930s that I also love dearly.” In reality, the “it’s an homage to grindhouse” defense is so common that it’s becoming a cliche. Here’s the thing: when Tarantino revived the grindhouse genre, it was with clever, self-aware, satirical, intelligent scripts that actually told new stories that were relevant to our time. The Bride is one of the most celebrated bad-ass film icons out there. Similarly, today’s burlesque movement revives the noir glamour of the 30s with a DIY, feminist sensibility. Contrasted to that, what collective story does the combination of these industrial music videos tell?

Full Story: On Misogyny in Industrial Music

Here’s the comment I left:

“If satire isn’t interpreted as satire, but as a sincere expression of belief, doesn’t mean that the artist has to condescend to explain it and hold the listener’s hand.”

The question of the artist’s responsibility for people not getting a piece of work is a sticky one. People completely missing the point of satire has been a thing for a long, long time. The movie Joe [1] comes to mind, but it was hardly the first.

Similarly, to what degree can an artist be criticized for utterly failing at satire? If Combachrist has been at this for as long as he has, and no one gets the joke, is that a failure as an artist on his part? (joblowcritic’s point about Laichach is particularly relevant here).

There has been a rash of movies over the past few years that claim to be satire or criticism of media violence, violence against women, etc. but simply devolve into being an embodiment of what they intended to satirize — to such a degree that it’s questionable whether the film makers ever really intended to do satire or whether that was all just a cover (Sucker Punch for example).

Combachrist and Nachtmahr have fallen into the same realm. Is this stuff *really* earnest parody, or cover for the opportunity to do whatever they want without criticism? Did it start out as parody, but at some point start feeling a bit too comfortable?

One big difference between these guys and Laibach is that, to the best of my knowledge, Laibach never used their aesthetics of fascism schtick as an excuse to, say, make a video about torturing Jews or beating women or whatever. That’s the problem I have with films like Sucker Punch, Crank and that whole family of neo-grindhouse films as well. There just isn’t a big enough difference between the real thing and the satire.

[1] http://www.inthesetimes.com/article/3013/

“Burning Water” By The Anti-Group Conspiracy

“Burning Water” is an experimental film by The Anti-Group Conspiracy, a multimedia, uh, group founded by Clock DVA’s Adi Newton. Here’s the artist statement:

Film / Soundtrack “Burning Water, Meontological experiment Developed and directed by Adi Newton, develops new forms of visual expression. In this project which took five years to develop and film,specially constructed-lenses enabled filming through moving and fluid water. Inspired by the use of multiple montage techniques employed by Kenneth Anger. Especially in his inauguration of the pleasure dome. Each image in the film is taken from specific occult areas, symbols and images, and involves up to quintuple exposures of the film i.e. five montage-levels, at the time of construction a modified special computer software was adapted to treat the entire edited film and finally achieved the result. A film which relates directly to the subconscious levels of the mind, a kinetic Rorschach-test, an exploration of the resurgent atavistic and sentient symbolic systems, used by Austin Osmon Spare,
The Absence of architecture enables the mind to form new connections
“Burning Water” is an alchemical and technological enquiry into sub-states of being. A meontological visualisation beyond analytical analysis. ADI NEWTON 1986

(Thanks Julieta Randall)

For more information check out this interview with Newton.

Ad·ver·sary: We Demand Better

From I Die You Die:

We were contacted a few days before leaving for Kinetik by Jairus Khan from Ad·ver·sary. He told us that he was planning a visual presentation for his set at the festival which he anticipated would attract a lot of attention, and wanted to speak to us about it. The presentation related to themes and imagery in the work of two other artists on the opening night Kinetik bill, specifically Combichrist and Nachtmahr. The presentation, which can be viewed here, or at the bottom of this post, openly critiques what Jairus perceives as the use of misogynist and racist tropes in those band’s music and publicity materials. We spoke to Jairus after seeing an early version of the video.

Full Story: Interview with Jairus Khan from Ad·ver·sary

See also:

Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is

Video: Psychetect Live at Rotture April 29, 2012

Sound: Psychetect
Video: Gadgetto
Art: Ian MacEwan

Last month I performed at Rotture in Portland, OR opening for The Steven Lasombras, along with Cult of Zir and Meta-Pinnacle. I had some technical difficulties in the beginning, so you might want to jump forward to about 3:00 minutes in. It’s hard to tell from the video, but what I’m doing is bowing a broken drum cymbal with a cello bow. I have a contact mic on the cymbal, and the signal is being routed into Ableton Live, where its’ be processed through multiple effects. I have some other noise sources running in Ableton as well.

You can download my most recent single here and my album here.

See also:

My interview with The Steven Lasombras

My interview with Cult of Zir and Ogo Eion

Cult of Zir Live at X-Day

Cult of Zir Live at X-Day 2011

Cult of Zir live at Wisteria Campground in Pomeroy, OH July 4, 2011. Video taken by reverend SCUM!

There’s a new Cult of Zir album up at Bandcamp.

Previously: Cult of Zir Live at Pocket Sandwich (Video)

My interviews with Cult of Zir can be found here and here.

New Throbbing Gristle Live Promo Video

THROBBING GRISTLE PROMO 2010 from Industrial Records on Vimeo.

Chris Carter from Throbbing Gristle has put together a promo video (above) for TG’s current tour. Be sure to check Carter’s Chemistry Lessons if you’re interested in making electronic music.

(via BoingBoing)

Einsturzende Neubauten Go Interactive

Ever wanted to produce an album for your favorite band? If your favorite band is Einsturzende Neubauten, you’re about to get your chance. EN is going to broadcast their jam sessions and lab experiments (recording sessions) live to get user feedback.

Official Einsturzende Neubauten website (via Barbelith)

Update: The results of this project are a part of Supporter Album No. 1

Amish Rake Dance

Former Machines of Loving Grace synthesist Mike Fisher has a new project called Amish Rake Dance. MLG was one of my favorite bands, like NIN (and unlike Stabbing Westward and Gravity Kills) they were able to pull-off “industrial-pop” without being repetitive. This new project is nothing innovative, just old-fashioned techno.

Update: Scott Benzel, also formerly of Machines of Loving Grace, has a new band: Soulo.

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