
Air Force Charges Victim in Her Own Rape

Cassandra, who admits she was drinking that night even though she was underage, went to high school in the Houston area, where she was a proud member of the ROTC.

The night of the alleged assault, she was taken to the hospital and eventually given counsel and therapy, but the stress of it was all too much.

She says after a defense attorney with the Air Force harshly interrogated her without representation present, she backed off and decided not to testify.

‘It got very bad, I was getting calls late at night. She was in tears, and she was going back and forth on everything,’ Hernandez said.

But then the unthinkable happened.

Six months after the alleged assault, the Air Force charged Cassandra and the three men with indecent acts.

And it gave the men accused of the sexual assault immunity to testify against Cassandra, which they accepted.

Full Story: KVUE.

More info:

Air Force Times.

Houston Chronicle.

(via Lupa)

Popularity of hobbies by geographic location

An interesting thing about Meetup, a web site for organizing local interest groups, is that it ranks cities by number of people signed up for certain meets.

  • Burning Man City: Seattle
  • Body Modifcation City: Toronto, ON (# 2 is Tel Aviv)
  • Discordian City: Seattle
  • Magickal City: Charlotte, NC
  • Smart mob City: Denver
  • Coffee City: Chicago (Seattle was only # 6)
  • Comics City: New York
  • Dumpster Diving City: New York
  • Straight Edge City: Providence, RI
  • Pagan Parenting City: St. Louis, MO
  • Amiga City: Tel Aviv
  • Newly Single City: Toronto, ON
  • X-Men City: London (with a whopping 2 members)
  • Japanese Pop City: Houston
  • EFF City: Austin
  • Nanotech City: Minneapolis

    What’s big, city by city?

  • Tel Aviv: Pagan
  • Rio: Linux
  • Moscow: Britney Spears
  • Perth: Goth
  • Madrid: Russell Crowe
  • Cairo: Knitting
  • Stockholm: Body Modification
  • Prague: Vampire (not the game apparently…)
  • New Delhi: Sex and the City
  • Islamabad, Pakistan: Gilmore Girls
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