
Oliver Sacks Discusses Hallucination

Oliver Sacks Sees Things Differently Now

As part of their “TED Q & A” series, Wired published an interview with Neurologist Oliver Sacks where he discusses visual hallucination and his experiences after losing central vision in his right eye.

To compensate for the missing visual data once supplied by his right eye, his brain has projected hallucinations and patterns onto the dark stage -– a phenomenon common to people who have lost their sight. Ever curious about the mind’s varied responses to disease, Sacks has chronicled it all in a series of unpublished journals containing drawings and writings.

Last year at the Technology Entertainment and Design conference, one of the most popular talks was given by Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroanatomist who described what occurred in her mind and body as she experienced a stroke. On Thursday, Sacks will speak at TED about the mysteries of perception and what occurs in the mind when the body loses its senses. He spoke with Wired.com about how the mind sometimes plays tricks on what we see and what it has meant to lose part of his vision.

The complete article can be found here.

Rivalino Is In Here: National Socialism and the occult

part one: introducing the idea to the reader

On New Years Eve, 1938, the Fuhrer of the German Republic engaged himself in the ancient Teutonic practice of pouring lead. The method of divination requires that the small lead pelts be made molten over an open flame then poured onto another surface. The lead, as it cooled, then was supposed to tell Adolf Hitler what awaited in the future. According to John Tolland one Ilse Braun, Eva Braun’s sister, commented that Hitler was quite despondent after reading the results and said very little the rest of the evening.

Underground communities of conspiracy theorists, occult practioners and satanic monkies have been making their speculations about die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP, or Nazi) and their occult origins and practices.

In Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergiers book “The Morning of Magicians” (1960) the authors point towards a black magical explaination for the Nazi rise to power and their mechanisms. Roughly a quarter of their book delves deep into the “Absolute Elsewhere,” an unproven neverland where occult methodology and pseudoscientific theory held sway. The Hitlerian pronouncement that there is a “Nordic and National Socialist science which is opposed to Jewish-Liberal science” acts as the logic for the practice of such pseudoscientific practices.

Nazi thought excluded psychoanalysis and rejected relativity as “Jewish science.” As Freud and Einstein were made to flee Hitler’s Europe, the secrets of the atomic weapons were placed directly into the hands of the Allies and out the those of Axis. The Nazi sciences forsaked Newton’s physics and replaced them with a cosmic force called vril, the geology of “the hollow earth”, and the cosmology of Hans Horbiger’s “Welteislehre”, a doctrine of eternal ice.

Horbiger’s physics are said to have been taken from an intuitive flash he experienced late in the nineteenth century. “… As a young engineer,” he wrote, “I was watching one day some molten steel poured on wet ground covered with snow: the ground exploded after some delay and with great violence.” The conflict of opposites, fire and ice, was a theme that inspired Horbiger and resonated for German nationalists as it recurs in the Icelandic Eddas, the sourcebooks of Teutonic mythology. In the setting of Iceland and even of Europe the theory can hold some cosmic grounds — but if we examine it in a place like South East Asia, the ideas behind Horbiger’s cosmology grow suspect. This did not, of course, deter the Nazis.

Physics and cosmology is only the tip of the ice berg in the study of Nazi occult history. The roots of National Socialism run deeper into German occultist groups such as the Thule Society and the Order of Teutons.

As a beginning, Trevor Ravenscroft’s “The Spear of Destiny” (1972) presents a secret history in narrative form that attempts to find some convincing occult explanation for the Nazi phenomenon. While some critics have written it off as a novel, it is nonetheless a considerable analysis of black magical thematics. Ravenscroft himself was a British journalist, historian and World War II commando officer who spent four years in a concentration camp after a failed attempt to assassinate General Rommel in 1941. His perspective of the Nazi era was formed based on material he purportedly recieved while in a transcendant state of consciousness while imprisioned by the Nazis. His information comes from one Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, an occultist scholar, who knew Hitler during his years time in Vienna from 1909 to 1913.

The name of the book is derived from the “Spear of Longinus,” which is said to have been the spear which was used to pierce the side of Christ during the cruxifiction. Longinus was a German soldier and his “spear of destiny” was said to have played a role in the fates of German leaders the likes of Charlemange, Otto the Great and Frederick Barbarossa which inspired the myth that whomever possesses the Spear of Longinus has the power to control the world. When Dr. Stien and Hitler visited the museum the spear is kept in, Stien reported that Hitler seemed entranced by the spear, as a man possessed by some magic, and his very being appeared irridated by subtle light.

This reporting of mere speculation and half-truths must be growing tiresome. If you were seeking out plagarised information and long lists of links to other sources, you’d be surfing around disinfo.com. You came to “Rivalino Is In Here” looking for something different, for a biased-angle. So that’s just what I’m going to give you.

First I need a panel of persons who would lure in your children, enticing them to use peyote and force presexual Aryan boys to get it hard… all in the name of their Fuhrer. The foulest anti-liberal, warmongering, imperial and rascist beasts to ever stalk the grounds of twentieth century European soil. And I need to speak with them about their past.

to be continued

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