Platoons of the latest replicas of Banksy roam the landscape, led by General Clone Banksy, a talentless nobody who once found a sample of Banksy DNA on an empty spray can. A rowdy gang of Tracey Ermin’s wrestle half a dozen dazed Andy Warhol’s to the ground. It is the future and all forms of art are free, perfect replicas exist of every masterpiece ever created, copyright and ownership are meaningless, ideas are cheap and replicated ad infinitum. Artists have realised that their own identity is the only thing they can own or control, so fans become clones of artists in order to spread their art/identity. One final piece of uncorrupted art remains, yet to be copied: a living story told by Neonate Muses.
Vortex Egg rounds up some 1947 synchronicities
The Roswell, New Mexico crash occurred on July 2, 1947.
Aleister Crowley died on December 1, 1947
Sandoz Laboratories, the sole producer of LSD began marketing that drug in its country of origin, Swizterland, under the trade name ?Delysid? in 1947 (it was introduced to the United States the following year).
The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered
The sound barrier was broken by Gen. Chuck Yeager (USAF) on October 14, 1947.
The transistor was invented on December 16th, 1947.
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