
Students create biodiseal production plant

Three students at my alamater have created a biodiseal production plant to power the college’s organic farm. Great job guys! I love seeing small-scale projects like this.

Link (via Last Word Blog).

Pauli effect

From Wikipedia:

The Pauli Effect refers the mysterious failure of technical equipment in the presence of certain people, particularly theoretical physicists. It is named after the famous theoretical physicist Wolfgang Pauli.

Wikipedia: Pauli effect

(via Invisible College)

Public Orgonomic Research Exchange

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about orgone energy.


(via Mutato Nomine).

Brooklyn Orgastic Politics Collective

Here’s an application of political sex magick:

On Thursday, September 2nd, for several hours prior to and during George Bush?s re-nomination ceremony, the Brooklyn Orgastic Politics Collective (BOP-C) will be conducting Orgone operations with several of our Cloudbusters, attempting to suck the fascism from the Republican National Convention at Madison Square Garden. From an undisclosed location on the Brooklyn waterfront, we will be redirecting the flow of Life Energy above the deadly concentrations of hatred and greed accumulating in midtown Manhattan. If indeed our theories prove correct, it may be possible to reduce the entire convention floor to a quivering Saturnalia. The moans of Love shall ring out across the Land!

Link (via Sacred Whore)

New O’Reilly book: Brain Hacks

Designer Matt Webb and cognitive neuroscientist Tom Stafford are writing a book on the “design” of the brain:

To get where it is, the brain has made some fascinating design decisions. The layering of systems has produced a complex environment, with automatic and controlled highly mixed. This development over biological time has introduced constraints. As has the architecture–it takes time for slow signals to make their way from one area to another. And there are computational difficulties too: How much of its capabilities can the brain afford to invoke when a sub-second response is required? The tricks used leave traces. There are holes in our visual field that we continually cover up. There are certain sensory inputs that grab our attention faster and more thoroughly than we’d expect.

Interconnected: I’m Writing a Book

(via Dehiscence ).

Colonel Condor

Behold the world of Colonel Condor, where performance art, psionics, mind-control and all manner of deviancy meet by
uncle chuckie

I was going to reference Charles Cosimano in the Tesla post below, having first read about magnetic helmets in his writing, but after actually finding his website, I realized he needed a post all his own.


Someone, for some reason, wanted Tesla’s work suppressed…

At the top of the suspected conspirator list is Thomas Edison. Edison despised his former employee’s success with AC, and it is known that he set out on a campaign to smear Tesla’s name. He held demonstrations at which animals were lethally electrocuted with AC-powered devices, in a deceptive and inhumane effort to warn the public of the danger posed by Tesla and Westinghouse’s “unsafe” new electrical system. Edison also sat on the War Department advisory board that rejected Tesla’s proposals of the death ray and his radar-like device.

J. P. Morgan is also implicated in the anti-Tesla cover-up. Morgan counted on increasing his already monumental wealth by exploiting Tesla’s ideas, until he learned that Tesla was considering the free distribution of energy — a terrifying idea to any self-respecting capitalist. He ended his funding of Tesla’s experiments at once, and some think he used his considerable clout to ensure that no one else would bankroll Tesla’s threatening schemes[Source]

Tesla’s (web archived) life story: index, chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6 (originally hosted at parascope.com)

There was a PBS documentary, and there’s some interesting (albeit derivative) information at viewzone.com on modern uses ov Tesla’s inventions and research, from radio transmitters to weather control to transcranial magnetic stimulation through electromagnetic fields (God HelmetsDIY)

(and that’s without mentioning Project Rainbow, the Montauk Project, or the whole Ong’s Hat mess)

Another do-it-yourself project: Building a Tesla Coil

personally, I think Tesla rocked

The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

A man is abducted by his ex-lovers, who are mind-controlling alien reptiles.

The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

(via emergency.Paradigm blog).

DIY Psionic Devices

Ever wanted a Psionic Amplifying Helmet? Wanted to determine the amount of blue in a friend’s aura? Thanks to this site, you can now build your own psionic equipment using magnets and speaker wire and stuff. If anyone tries this stuff out, let me know how it works.

Uncle Chuckie’s Psionics

(via Not Your Average Construction Project).

See also: The personal website of Charles W. Cosimano, Master of Psionic

Ten dollar infrared goggles

A guide to make your own makeshift infrared goggles.


  • Cheap welding goggles (w/round removable lenses)
  • Sheet of “Congo Blue” filter gel (Lee #181, or Rosco #382)
  • Sheet of “Primary Red” filter gel (Lee #106 or Rosco #27)
  • Link

    (via Boing Boing).

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