
New Key 64 with articles by Paul Laffoley, Jack Malebranche, and more

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Nick Pell says:

From the people who brought you occulture comes the latest, greatest issue of Key64. Since it’s relaunch this year, Key64 has brought you some of the most thought-provoking and controversial names in contemporary occultism, counterculture and fringe thought. Names like Padre Engo, Steven Grasso, and Thirty Seven. Key64 ends its first year with a bang, bringing you something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue.

Fresh from headlining esoZone: Designer Reality Expo, Boston’s most famous visionary artist Paul Laffoley explores some spooky synchronicities engulfing everything from Antonio Gaudi, the Rockefeller family, and the World Trade Centers. With his trademark homespun style, Paul puts his analytical precision and dry wit on the biggest psychic detective case of the 20th century- who killed heroic modernism?

No stranger to stirring up controversy, the Church of Satan’s Reverend Jack Malebranche is back at it again. This time he turns in a Nietzschean exploration of power, laying bare the egoic pretensions of the contemporary American middle class. With all the fury of a Spartan warrior, Rev. Malebranche evokes the best qualities of Anton LaVey’s hilarious honesty and a bare knuckle street brawl. Sure to be an instant classic.

The man behind the epic Laffoley Archive, Michael Coleman sounds off on the weirder memes from quantum theory and their consequences for contemporary esotericism. Ditch your Cartesian-Newtonian presuppositions and move into the 20th Century as Michael takes you on an odyssey through the multiverse. Fans of weird hard science take note.


Nick Pell magnanimously shares the wisdom he’s gleaned on cult leaders. Don’t leave home without reading this!

Klint Finley eulogizes the risen master Lady Jaye and asks some pressing questions about the Broken Sex project.

Lillian Grace interviews Oliviero Toscani, magus of the world of advertising who has turned commercial enterprise into transgresive art.

Lupa brings magic out of the old and musty and into the vibrant and contemporary with her culinary adventures.

Edward Wilson explains retro-active magic for those of us still scratching our heads. Then he joins forces with world famous time traveler Wes Unruh to introduce you to the talismatic text.

Kelly Kennedy gives careful, detailed attention to a subject of much interest to contemporary occultists- building a literary pantheon.

Ikpir introduces Key64’s readers to the dark arts of black radionics and sonic manipulation.

Doctor Invisible reports from his Tesseract at the farthest reaches of the chronoverse.

How to build your own taser

Failed the background check your local taser party? No worries, build your own out of a disposable camera.

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mind control subject george bush

The Enochian “Sojourner” Keyboard

enochian steampunk keyboard

Detailed pics at Datamancer.

(via Miss Patti).

The future of media

I was trying to articulate some thoughts on these very concepts earlier this year. However, I didn’t do nearly as poignant job as the Casaleggio Associati. What I find interesting is how this renders our interest in the occult. If everyone is going to have access to the things we sometimes struggle to grasp in our studies these days. Perhaps we should just work diligently to make sure the road is paved for the revolution as predicted by this video (and the likes of others, just check out Ray Kurzweil or any number of Boing Boing posts).

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

Beyond radionics:

It sounds like something you dreamed up in the basement with your stoner friends in high school. (In fact, you may actually have done so.) But transcranial direct current stimulation is the hottest thing to hit the improvisational health management scene since acupuncture. A growing body of evidence suggests that sticking a battery onto your head could hack into your brain’s operating system and make life generally more worth living. Think of it as Norton Utilities for the mind.

That’s not an oversimplification of the process. tDCS is literally that simple. The total cost of a treatment is less than $5 of parts from Radio Shack and a sponge. No prescription needed. No needles, no pills, no insurance companies, no weird hormonal fluctuations, no commercials saying “I’m glad [drug of choice] has a low risk of sexual side effects!”

Full Story: Rotten.com.

(Thanks Dad!)

Action Yoga: EsoTech Lends a Hand

This looks like a good program of study – basically a condensed version of Hyatt’s “energized meditation” (itself based on Reichian therapy). I’d recommend doing this in tandem with some strenuous exercise (doing this every day along with martial arts seems ideal, but I haven’t tried it).

Nearly every tradition agrees that mastery over the body and mind precede effective spiritual development and advanced will-working. However even the most committed occultists have trouble sitting down for regular daily meditation. While intellectually magic!ians recognize the benefits of such mundane work few seem to understand the rich benefits and absolute necessity of daily body-mind work. The work is often seen as boring or lacking in purpose and worth. It is clearly time to provide fresh insights on the most basic of esoteric techniques, to demystify them and in the process make the benefits offered by basic meditation more accessible.

Full Story: Key 23.

A neuroscientific look at speaking in tongues

The passionate, sometimes rhythmic, language-like patter that pours forth from religious people who ‘speak in tongues’ reflects a state of mental possession, many of them say. Now they have some neuroscience to back them up.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania took brain images of five women while they spoke in tongues and found that their frontal lobes – the thinking, willful part of the brain through which people control what they do – were relatively quiet, as were the language centers. The regions involved in maintaining self-consciousness were active. The women were not in blind trances, and it was unclear which region was driving the behavior.

The images, appearing in the current issue of the journal Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, pinpoint the most active areas of the brain. The images are the first of their kind taken during this spoken religious practice, which has roots in the Old and New Testaments and in charismatic churches established in the United States around the turn of the 19th century. The women in the study were healthy, active churchgoers.

‘The amazing thing was how the images supported people’s interpretation of what was happening,’ said Dr. Andrew B. Newberg, leader of the study team, which included Donna Morgan, Nancy Wintering and Mark Waldman. ‘The way they describe it, and what they believe, is that God is talking through them,’ he said.

continue reading via the New York Times

Data backup company secures disks with aluminum foil

But, since we’re completely paranoid here at Mozy, we not only used 448 bit encryption, but we also go the extra mile and carefully secure our data disks with aluminum foil, which approximates a Faraday cage. This protects them from electromagnetic radiation as well as potential telekinetic security breaches.

Full Story: moxy.com.

(via Zapato Productions).

Circuitbending guide

Circuit-bending is an electronic art which implements creative audio short-circuiting. This renegade path of electrons represents a catalytic force capable of exploding new experimental musical forms forward at a velocity previously unknown. Anyone at all can do it; no prior knowledge of electronics is needed. The technique is, without a doubt, the easiest electronic audio design process in existence.

Reed Ghazala’s Art of Circuit Bending.

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