
The Great Global Warming Swindle

Al Gore can go screw himself. Worth the watch if you’ve boughten in to the global warming media frenzy. Or just want some fodder to hit ignorant hippies and fear-mongers over the head with.

I was not aware of some of the misrepresentation going on in this doc, though the whole thing is not to be dismissed. I love being proved wrong when I jump to conclusions! Thanks, barry!

Produced by Channel 4, U.K.

Available in better quality via sweet, sweet DivX over at Joox.net (link).

Morbid environmental question: what’s the most ecologically sound way to dispose of a dead body?

A few months ago Honky Tonk Dragon asked me what I want done with my remains if I were to perish. I thought about it and wasn’t too sure, saying “whatever is the most ecologically friendly method.” I’ve been thinking about it again, and the only thing i could find on the subject is this article which suggests that feeding the dead to animals is the best way to go. I’m not really sure how one would arrange for such a thing, but I’d be fine with that.

Are there any other methods out there?

Sacred ecology

LVX23 says:

My practice has been veering more and more towards generating a deeper relationship with nature. I’ve always had a strong bond with nature, thanks in large part to my parents for making such great efforts when I was a child to spend as much time as possible exploring the wilderness of the West Coast. Now as an adult it’s painfully apparent how our consumer lifestyles are impacting the biosphere. So, along with modifying my behaviors as a consumer, I have been modifying my spiritual/magickal practice to give more energy back to the Earth. My notion is that by healing the planet we heal ourselves, and vice versa.

LVX 23: Sacred Ecology.

Technological revolution required to save the earth

A group of scientists have published the claim that no amount of environmental regulation will save us now, “Instead it would need dramatic leaps in technology, such as working fusion reactors, solar panels the size of Manhattan floating in space, and a ‘global grid’ of superconducting power transmission lines to distribute electricity without loss around the world.”

Full Story: The Independent: Only technology revolution can save the Earth

(via Drudge Report).

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