
How creativity is being strangled by the law

Larry Lessig gets TEDsters to their feet, whooping and whistling, following this elegant presentation of three stories and an argument. The Net’s most adored lawyer brings together John Philip Sousa, celestial copyrights, and the “ASCAP cartel” to build a case for creative freedom. He pins down the key shortcomings of our dusty, pre-digital intellectual property laws, and reveals how bad laws beget bad code. Then, in an homage to cutting-edge artistry, he throws in some of the most hilarious remixes you’ve ever seen.

EDIT — Couple links I thought might be noteworthy in regards to Lessig’s talk: BBC’s “The view from The Pirate Bay” and Boing Boing’s current coverage of the upcoming Draconian copyright laws being pushed forward in Canada (similar to the ones already enacted in the U.S.).

OVO blog

OVO, a zine that’s been published by my friend Trevor Blake since 1987 (home to Hakim Bey’s first published works and later became part of The Temporary Autonomous Zone), now has a blog. If the annual OVO issues and Trevor’s regular contributions on American Samizdat don’t quench your needs for hatred of religion, obscure counter culture gems, DIY projects, and, well, other stuff, then check it out.

OVO: Atheist Blog.

Old school occultural zines

chaos international

Uncarved takes a look at some old school occultural zines.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

(Thanks to Trevor, who’s zine OVO is very worth checking. The site has issues going back to 1987).

Panama has no central bank

I find this remarkably interesting, hence why I am posting it here for your lovely, little eyes to peruse:

In this modern, post–Bretton Woods world of “monetary order” and coordinated central-bank inflation, many who are otherwise sympathetic to the arguments against central banks believe that the elimination of central banking is an unattainable, utopian dream.

For a real-world example of how a system of market-chosen monetary policy would work in the absence of a central bank, one need not look to the past; the example exists in present-day Central America, in the Republic of Panama, a country that has lived without a central bank since its independence, with a very successful and stable macroeconomic environment.

The absence of a central bank in Panama has created a completely market-driven money supply. Panama’s market has also chosen the US dollar as its de facto currency. The country must buy or obtain their dollars by producing or exporting real goods or services; it cannot create money out of thin air. In this way, at least, the system is similar to the old gold standard. Annual inflation in the past 20 years has averaged 1% and there have been years with price deflation, as well: 1986, 1989, and 2003.

Panamanian inflation is usually between 1 and 3 points lower than US inflation; it is caused mostly by the Federal Reserve’s effect on world prices. This market-driven system has created an extremely stable macroeconomic environment. Panama is the only country in Latin America that has not experienced a financial collapse or a currency crisis since its independence.

cont. via the Ludwig von Mises Institute

This comes right after me acquainting myself with Larry Hannigan’s document, “How the money system really works,” a good parable on how the banks create credit to lend out of, essentially, nothing.

esoZone tickets available – early bird discount, plus special bonus!

esozone 2007

Portland, OR. August 10-12, 2007.

Paul Laffoley. Foolish People. Viking Youth. Freeman. Many more.

esoZone tickets are now available! The sooner you buy your ticket, the less expensive it will be. So act now!

The web site has been updated with more information about the event.

As a special bonus for anyone who buys a weekend pass, we will include an exclusive reprint of the Akashic Record of the Astral Convention zine edited by Hakim Bey. In 1987 Hakim Bey invited several friends and allies to astrally project to Antarctica for a convention. Afterwords, visitors sent their accounts to Bey and he compiled them into this zine. This collection was originally sent only to the contributors and has never before been reprinted. It features lost works by:

Hakim Bey
Shirley MacLaine
James Koehnline
Ivan Stang
Feral Faun (aka Apio)
Reverand Crowbar (aka Susan Poe)
Trevor Blake

Ticket Prices:
3/15 – 4/15

Friday – $14.95
Saturday – $24.95
Sunday – $24.95

Weekend Package – $49.95

4/16 – 6/15

Friday – $14.95
Saturday – $34.95
Sunday- $34.95

Weekend Package – $74.95

6/16/ – 7/31

Friday – $14.95
Saturday – $59.95
Sunday – $59.95

Weekend Package – $124.95

At the door:

Friday – $15
Saturday – $70
Sunday – $70

Weekend Package – $150

Rhythm Science re-mix

Is it a coincidence that the very same day I read this article in Forbes about the book as a networked object (and Cory Doctorow’s article on giving away your books for free) that Danny Chaoflux sends me a link to an online re-mix of Paul D. Miller (aka DJ Spooky, that Subliminal Kid)’s book Rhythm Science?

Rhythm Science on MIT Press.

Reconstruction 6.4: Theories/Practices of Blogging

The new issue of Reconstruction is on blogging. I’m featured in the “Why Blog” section along with bloggers from all over the world, from Montana to Iran. Douglas Rushkoff, Mickey Z, and Rebecca Blood are some of the bigger names featured.

Reconstruction 6.4: Theories/Practices of Blogging.

A factory of one’s own

According to MIT’s Neil Gershenfeld, the digital revolution is over, and the good guys won. The next big change will be about manufacturing. Anyone with a PC will be able to build anything just by hitting ‘print.’

(Fortune Magazine) — Imagine a machine with the ability to manufacture anything. Now imagine that machine in your living room. What would you build first? Would you start a business? Would you ever buy anything retail again? According to MIT physicist Neil Gershenfeld, it’s not too early to think about these questions, because that machine, which he calls a personal fabricator, is not so far off – or so far-fetched – as you might think.

Gershenfeld is director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), an interdisciplinary outfit studying the intersection between information theory and industrial design. He also teaches a course called How to Make (Almost) Anything.

Five years ago the National Science Foundation awarded the CBA $14 million to build a manufacturing lab full of futuristic hardware. That includes a nanobeam writer that can etch microscopic patterns on metal, and a supersonic waterjet cutter that generates 60,000 pounds of water pressure, enough to shear through almost any material. The CBA factory can churn out anything, from the tiniest semiconductor to an entire building.

continue reading via money.cnn.com

Honky-Tonk Dragon: comic book creation and self-publishing

My good friend Punk Elf has started a new blog centered mostly around comic book creation and self-publishing, with a particularly high tech focus. Check it out if you’re interested in comics, DIY media, and the intersections of technology and creativity.

Honky-Tonk Dragon.

Metamagical Grafitti #1

Wes is brilliant. I haven’t read this whole article yet, but from what I’ve read this promises to be a great insight into his work:

It is my intention that these tracks represent the most available Philip K Nixon tracks, as they form the materials out of which I have hopefully constructed a weapon. This weapon works to destroy conditioning.

To understand why I believe this construct is important, I’m going to need to get into some depth. I’ve dug into my files and bookshelves and pulled together the sources listed at the end of this article to help me articulate what has been until now mostly a metalinguistic experience. Working with collage and cut-ups does something seriously uncouth to the analytical brain. Coming down from this neurolinguistic high required serious grounding, and reading through what others have said has proved to be an excellent form of psychic reintegration.

Wes Unruh: Metamagical Graffiti

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