
Transparency, Balance, Accuracy, and Community

Jeff VandeMeer offers advice for writers who blog:

“I’ve been thinking over the past couple of days about the evolving nature of the internet and how that relates to writers and writing. Here are a few guidelines I think make a lot of sense for writers. I am sure someone somewhere has already codified all of this, but it’s important to me to state it for myself, and to remember how I want to strive to conduct my own communications.

(1) Choose your level of involvement with the internet, and stick to it. If you want minimal involvement, create a static website about your book or other creative endeavor. If you want medium-level involvement do a blog. If you want more, do more. But decide upfront what your approach will be, how much time you can spend, and whether you can actually follow through or not. As in any area of life, you will be judged by what you do, not what you say you’re going to do. The disconnect between words and actions will determine how much integrity you have in other people’s eyes.”

(via Ecstatic Days. h/t: SF Signal)


From the 1st International Moblogging Conference blog, Torispace:

We have developed a new GPS based photo mapping album

  • focusing on 10-20 year old women market first, but can be used by anyone
  • its very easy to use
  • take your photo
  • send it to our special server
  • GPS, time and the image are sent to the server
  • automatically it is uploaded and mapped
  • the user can see it in their site space whenever they want to
  • Heres a movie of when we went hiking and how we enjoyed it afterwards
  • Back online at last

    We’re back up and now running with Grey Matter. It’s a nifty little program that should speed up the process of things around here. Look for a new site design to follow.

    Update: Since this post was published, we’ve migrated to Movable Type and then to WordPress. I remember Grey Matter, created by Noah Grey fondly. It inspired WordPress.

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