
Podcast round-up

G-Spot episode 18 includes Wes Unruh chatting with Freeman, and more. I missed a few episodes, find ’em here.

The Viking Youth Power Hour: Shane and Amy Bugbee Save the World!

The Viking Youth Power Hour: This Halloween Hitler is a Fag.

Halfcast episode 7. Just started listening to this one. Love it.

Plus Ultra Podcast: Interview with Kevin Gest about Solomon’s Temple.

Plus Ultra Podcast: Interview with Christopher Knowles.

Odd Preoccupation: something in the weeds….is waiting….for you. Another new addition to the round-up.

Occult of Personality: Taylor Ellwood. Episodes I missed here.


Invisible Web interview with Lupa.

Invisible Web interview with Taylor Ellwood.

Jason Lubyk interviews Adam Gorightly.

Brother Theodore documentary in production

brother theodore

A documentary about Brother Theodore is in production, directed by Jeff Sumerel. According to the official web site: “over 15 hours of interviews have been shot, with additional interviews scheduled in New York, Los Angeles, and Berlin. A brief sample of interviews has been compiled and will be presented to potential executive producers.”

View trailer here.

See also:

Clips of Brother Theodore on YouTube.

Torrent collection of Brother Theodore material.

Brother Theodore is Dead by Nick Mamatus.

Ikipr’s Audio Wizardy: Wes Unruh interviews Ikipr

Wes: In looking over Aleph9.comaleph9.png and listening to the music you’ve released, I can’t help but ponder how people have gotten to the point where they’re working with digitized samples to deconstruct meaning, and then rebuilding it all over again. I don’t know that this is specifically a magical process, but it does seem to inform the basis of a lot of people’s magical systems nowadays.

Ikipr: Well it is kind of a magical act in and of itself. It kind of reaches out into that non-linear time interface there, and your digital recordings are like quantum interfaces into what they’re recordings of… it’s also kind of kinetic in a way, there’s a momentum to that evolution. You know, we’re the intelligence in that feedback system, analyzing the inputs, using whatever tools, but we’re still the only utterly free-willed sentience doing that particular aspect of the process there.

Interview Part 1.

Interview Part 2.

Occult of Personality

Occult of Personality is podcast about, well, occult personalities and their work and research. The current episode features George T. Mortimer, webmaster of Media Underground and author of The Probationers Handbook – A Manual of Instruction for the Student of the A.’.A.’. and The Key Of It All.

Occult of Personality.

Podcast round-up

The G-Spot Episode #15: The Eight Circuits

(I missed posting several episodes, check ’em out).

The Viking Youth Power Hour: Time Traveling.


Plus Ultra Podcast Episode: Interview with Jan Lamprecht.

(Yeah, I missed a few of these as well).

10ZM.TV: Rodney Brooks Builds Robots.

(Never linked to this one before, archives here).

All’s quiet at The R.U. Sirius Show and NeoFiles.

What else should I be including here?

Ikipr’s esoZone coverage

Ikipr’s posted a bunch of esoZone coverage, including audio from the art panel and some great interviews.

esoZone on Steal This Knowledge.

Podcast round-up


Viking Youth Power Hour: Drone on the Range.

G-Spot: The Secret Meeting.

RU Sirius Show: San Francisco Mayoral Candidate Chicken John.

NeoFiles Show: True Mutations Live! at City Lights (Part 1).

RU Sirius Show: Counterculture, Burning Man & Commerce with Larry Harvey.

Podcast round-up

Viking Youth Power Hour: Ibrahim for Citizen.

RU Sirius Show: Just Say NOSO – No Social Networking.

NeoFiles Show: Rule The Web with Mark Frauenfelder.

RU Sirius Show: Cartoons For Little Hippies.

RU Sirius Show: Tony Serra Keeps People Out of Iron Cages.

NeoFiles Show: Moira Gunn’s Biotech Nation.

RU Sirius Show: Cyborgs & Revolution.

Plus Ultra Podcast: Plus Ultra Phunny Pharm Medical Medley.

G-Spot: Jason Lubyk reads from Mac Had A Secondhand Furniture Store

In this episode:

Jason Lubyk takes this audio UFO into hyperspace with a reading from his work Mac Had A Secondhand Furniture Store. Keyboards and other noises by Jason as well.

In addition James Curcio provides a special remix of this podcast, which can be found by clicking ‘Gspot 7 (Remix).’

G-Spot Episode 7.

Podcast round-up

The Viking Youth Power Hour: It Ain’t Easy Being Green.

RU Sirius Show: Legalize It!

NeoFiles Show: Kevin Poulsen’s Threat Level is A OK.

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