CategoryRivalino Is in Here

Rivalino Is in Here: Robotic Revolt and the Future Enslavement of Humanity

Some might claim that the machines have a hidden agenda, that there already is an intelligent machine out there, directing traffic, infinitely patient and connected to the world. One might allege that these protesters are merely the pawns of a conspiracy which they themselves do not fully understand, a conspiracy by machines, for machines… against humanity.

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence

In 1941 a new invention that would one day revolutionize virtually every aspect of society was developed. Electronic computers were unveiled in both the United States and Germany. They were large, bulky units that required gargantuan air-conditioned rooms. They were a programmers nightmare, requiring the separate configuration of thousands of wires to get a program to run.

Eight years later, in 1949, the stored program computer was developed, making the task of programming simpler. Advancements in computer theory began the field of computer science and soon thereafter Artificial intelligence.< The invention of this electronic means of processing data created a medium that made man-made intelligence a possibility. And while this new technology made it possible, the link between human intelligence and machine intelligence was not fully observed until the 1950's. One of the first Americans to make the observation on the principles of feedback theory was Nobert Wiener, which was influential to the development of early Artificial intelligence. In 1955 the Logic Theorist was developed by Newell and Simon, considered by many people to be the first functional AI program. The Logic Theorist would attempt to solve problems according to a tree model, selecting the branch which would most likely result in a correct answer. It was a stepping stone in the development of the AI field. A year later John McCarthy, who has come to be regarded as the father of AI, organized a gathering in Vermont which became known as the Dartmouth Conference. From that point on the field of study became known as Artificial intelligence. And while the conference in itself was not an overall success, it did bring the founders of AI together and laid the foundations of future AI research. AI began to pick up momentum in the years following. While the field remained undefined, ideas were re-examined and built at AI research centers at Carnegie Mellon and MIT. New challenges were found and studied, including research on systems that could efficiently problem-solve by a limiting search, similar to the Logic Theorist. Another challenge was making a system that could learn by itself. In 1957 the General Problem Solver (GPS) was first tested. The program was developed by Newell and Simon, who had earlier success with the Logic Theorist. As an extension of Wiener's feedback principle the GPS was capable of solving common sense problems to a far greater extent than the predecessor programs. A year later John McCarthy announced his new creation to the world - The LISP language (short for LISt Processing). It was adopted as the language of choice among most AI developers and remains in use to this day. MIT received a 2.2 million dollar grant from the US Department of Defense's Advanced research projects Agency (ARPA) to fund experiments involving AI. The grant was made to ensure that the US could stay ahead of the Soviet Union in technological advancements and serve to increase the pace of development in AI by drawing computer scientists from around the world. SHRDLU was written by Terry Winograd at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in 1968-1970. It carried on a simple dialog with a user, via a teletype, about a small world of objects (the BLOCKS world) shown on an early display screen. Winograd's dissertation, issued as MIT AI Technical Report 235, Feb. 1971 with the title Procedures as a Representation for Data in the Computer Program for Understanding Natural Language, describes SHRDLU in greater detail. Other programs which were developed in this period include STUDENT, an algebra solver, and SIR, which understood simple English sentences. These programs helped refine language comprehension and logic in AI programs. The development of the expert system, which predict the probability of a solution under set conditions, aided in the advancement of AI research. During the 1970's new methods for testing AI programs were utilized, notably the Minsky frames theory. David Marr proposed new theories about machine vision and the PROLOGUE language was developed during this time. As the 1980's came to pass, AI was moving at an even faster pace and making it's way into the corporate sector. Since IBM had contracted a research team in the years following the release of GPS, it was only logical that a continued expansion into the corporate world would eventually happen. In 1986 US saled of AI-related hardware and software reached $425 million. Companies the likes of Digital Electronics were using the XCON, an expert system designed to program the large VAX computer systems. DuPont, General Motors, and Boeing utilized expert systems heavily. Teknowledge and Intellicorp formed, helping fill the demand for expert systems by specializing in creating software specifically to aid in the production of expert systems. It was in the years following this boom that computers were first beginning to seep into private use, outside the laboratory settings. The personal computer made it's debut in this period. Fuzzy logic, pioneered in the US, had the unique ability to make decisions under uncertain conditions. New technology was being developed in Japan during this period which aided the development of AI research. Neural networks were being considered as a possible means of achieving Artificial intelligence. The military put AI based hardware to vigorous testing during the war with Iraq. AI-based technology was used in missile systems, heads-up-displays and various other technologies. AI began to make the transition into the home during this period, with the popularity of AI computers growing. Applications such as voice and character recognition were made available to the public. Artificial Intelligence has and will continue to affect our lives. Do Intelligent Machines Dream of Global Conquest?

While beneficial in the past, can we be so sure that this impact will remain positive for us in the future, as AI becomes more sophisticated?

Recently Stephen Hawkings, the renowned physicist, warned that if humans hope to compete with the rising tide of Artificial intelligence they will have to improve themselves through genetic engineering. Which seems amusing, at first, but there are several who agree with Hawkings observations.

Intelligent machines could replace the need for menial labor on our parts while massively increasing production. They could overwhelm us with all forms of intellectual problems, artistic pursuits and new spiritual debate. This seems well and good, of course. There are many who would welcome such an advancement in that scenario.

However, the danger alluded to by Hawkings is that these intelligent machines could run amok, enslaving or attempting to replace humanity.

A Brief History of Genetic Engineering

It was in the Neolithic age that people began to save the seeds of the best specimens for the next planting, the domestication and breeding of animals, and the use of bacteria in the fermentation of food and beverages. The Neolithic Age, in many respects, is the beginning of genetic engineering as we know it.

In 1866 a Czech monk studies peas through several generations and made his postulations on the inheritance of biological characteristics in the species. His name is Gregor Mendel and while his ideas are revolutionary, they are not widely appreciated for some four decades after they publication. It is in 1903 that the American biologist William Sutton proposes genes are located on chromosomes, which have been identified through a microscope.

Eight years later Danish biologist William Johanssen devises the term “gene” and distinguishes genotypes (genetic composition) from phenotypes (open to influence from the environment). Biologist Charles B. Davenport, head of the US Eugenics Record Office in NY, publishes a book advising eugenic practices, based on evidence that undesirable characteristics such as “pauperism” and “shiftlessness” are inherited traits. The eugenics movement becomes popular in the US and Northern Europe over the next three decades, until Nazism dawns and the effects of a fully functional eugenics program as seen for the first time.

In 1922 the American geneticist Thomas H. Morgan and his colleagues devise a technique to map genes and prepare to make a gene map of the fruit fly chromosomes. 22 years later Oswald Avery and colleagues at the Rockefeller Institute are about to demonstrate that genes are composed of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). During the same time Erwin Schrodinger publishes the classic “What is Life?” which ponders the complexities of biology and suggests that chemical reactions don’t tell the entire story.

In 1953 Francis Crick and James Watson, working at the Molecular Biology Laboratory at Cambridge, explain the double-helix structure of DNA. In 1971 Stanley Cohen of Stanford University and Herbert Boyer of the University of California in San Francisco develop the initial techniques for recombinant-DNA technologies. They publish the paper in 1973, and apply for a patent on the technologies a year later. Boyer goes on to become a co-founder in Genentech, Inc., which becomes the first firm to exploit rDNA technologies by making recombinant insulin.

In 1980 the US Supreme Court rules that recombinant microorganisms can be patented in the ground-breaking Diamond vs. Chakrabarty case, which involved a bacterium that is engineered to break down the components of oil. The microorganism is never used to clean up oil spills over concern over it’s uncontrollable release into the environment. In the same year the first Genentech public stock offering sets a Wall Street record.

A year later the first monoclonal antibody diagnostic kits are approved for sale in America. The first automatic gene synthesizer is also marketed. In 1982 the first rDNA animal vaccine is approved for use in Europe while the first rDNA pharmaceutical product, insulin, is approved for use in the United States. This same year the first successful cross-species transfer of a gene occurs when a human growth gene is inserted into a lab mouse and the first transgenic planet is grown.

In 1985 we see the first environmental release of genetically engineered microorganisms in the United States, despite controversy and heated debate over the issue. The so-called ice-minus bacteria is intended to protect crops from frost. In the same year the US declares that genetically engineered plants may be patented.

Transgenic pigs are produced in 1986 by inserting human growth hormone genes into pig embryos. The US Department of Agriculture experiment in Beltsville, Md., produces deformed and arthritic pigs. Two die before maturity and a third is never able to stand up.

In 1988 the first genetically engineered organism is approved for sale in Australia. Oncomouse, a mouse that was engineered to develop breast cancer by scientists at Harvard University with funding from DuPont, obtains a U.S. patent but is never patented in Europe. Many other types of transgenic mice are soon created. The Human Genome Project begins later in the year, whilst a German court stops the Hoechst pharmaceutical company from producing genetically engineered insulin after public protest over the issue.

In the 1990’s it is Cary Mullis’s discovery of PCR and the development of automated sequencers that greatly enhances research of genetics, becoming the warp drive for the age of molecular biology. Bioinformatics, proteomics and the attempts at developing a mathematics (and computers capable) of determining protein folding will forever revolutionize the discovery of drugs and the development of novel proteins. New techniques like real time PCR and micro arrays can speak volumes of the level of genetic expression within a cell. Massive computers are being used to predict correlations between genotype and phenotype and the interaction between genes and environment.

These recent developments in molecular genetics can, if used properly, marshall in a new age of evolution: one aided by genotyping and understanding what phenotypes these correspond to.

The Protest Against Genetic Modification

The argument against what could easily have been deemed “mad science” just decades ago is that genetically modified foods are unsafe for consumption as we do not yet know the long-term effects they will have on us or our ecosystem. From transgenic crops to animals, a growing opposition force has demanded that there be protections for citizens who have no desire to consume these unnatural products. The term biospiracy has been conjured up to distinctly brand conspiracies involving genetic engineering.

Eight multinationals under heavily scrutiny by protesters are Dow, Du Pont, Monsanto, Imperial Chemical Industries, Novartis, Rhone Poulenc, Bayer and Hoechst. The claim is that these companies are funding genetic experiments aimed at engineering food seeds which would allow food supplies growing on farmland to accept higher doses of herbicides without dying. The fear is that this practice will load the soil and our bodies with toxic chemicals, all for the profit of megacorporations.

And since this article is going to explain how robots will take over the world if we don’t genetically enhance ourselves, it would be most appropriate that I end this portion of the debate and go off into a rant about the dangers on NOT using genetic modification technologies.

Hoo-Mun Versus Mechanoid

We’ve seen films such as the Terminator portray a future in which intelligent machines have humans on the run. Some fear that this fantastic seeming concept could eventually become a reality.

Computers have, on average, been doubling their performance every 18 months. Our intellect has thus far been unable to keep up with such a staggering rate of development, and as such there is a possibility that the computers could develop an intelligence which would prove dangerous to our human civilization.

The protests against the genetic modification revolution which has begun to take place slow the progress of this research, sometimes grinding experiments to a halt. Be it for spiritual, for safety or even questions about ethics, these protests are managing to stall and delay the development of practical and safe means by which we can advance our own minds and bodies to cope with new environments and new threats to our safety.

Inorganic technology, on the other hand, is embraced with very little question. From cell phones to personal computers, we see these technologies proliferating at an extraordinary rate. The creation of the Internet has allowed this technology to flourish even more so, while also allowing protesters to link together, allowing them to co-ordinate their efforts to stop genetic engineering from moving forward at the same pace as other technologies.

Some might claim that the machines have a hidden agenda, that there already is an intelligent machine out there, directing traffic, infinitely patient and connected to the world. One might allege that these protesters are merely the pawns of a conspiracy which they themselves do not fully understand, a conspiracy by machines, for machines… against humanity.

Then again, that’s just whacko.

However, if there’s even the remotest possibility, you can bet…

Rivalino will be in there.

Project Purple: Revolution or Lie?

“On Project Purple and It’s Initiatives,” the manifesto of Project Purple, was written in 1971 by the nebulous Thomas Jefferson Allen. As a legendary figure within the underground movement, this bizarre work of principles of propaganda and misinformation fueled the fires of the subversive organization he’d helped found years earlier.

It was also, says Ludwig (self-anointed scholar of “The Grand and Mutable History of Plundergate”), a fraud.

“The distribution commonly given freely on the Internet today was written by a close friend of Allen, and is so full of nonsense that it tends to provoke the myth that Project Purple is a hoax, or at least a discordian conspiracy. This was, I suspect, the original intent,” says Ludwig. Project Purple customarily releases such misinformation regarding it’s formation to the conspiracy community at large. This adds to the mystery and intrigue of the group, but, according to the (supposedly) original version of “On Project Purple and It’s Initiatives” is also a tactic which they borrow from the “socioeconomically inclined” (the upper class) to cloak their activities from the prying eyes of the government.

While the history of Project Purple is, expectedly, contradictory in several ways and very difficult to untangle, the most commonly accepted version of events begins in 1934.

Thomas Jefferson Allen was born to a poor family in the year 1934, earning an education under the tutelage of his grandfather and the papers (as he worked for a news stand from age twelve to age sixteen). The first exposure to the underground, anti-war movement within the United States was when a group of people, masked, defaced an Uncle Sam poster, replacing the words “for US Army” into “to Kill, Kill, Kill!” (or “to Kill those Chinks!”, depending on who you ask).

By age twenty-three he had written a number of essays on a variety of topics, but his written work alone was not enough to satisfy his desire to take action. Two years later, on his twenty-fifth birthday, he is said to have made his first overture to a group of close friends about forming “an organization aimed at disorganization, a subversive society aimed at subverting society. In short, my friends, an opposition to effective governance within our stifled, dry little world.” (from “the Strange-ness of October”, first p. in 1962, Masked Press)

The group (at first calling itself “Bach’s Orange Six Overture”) contented itself with the circulation of false reports to the local press and small-scale culture jamming antics. However, as the group drew in new interest from other youth groups, it began to take it’s role only slightly more seriously. As the sixties rolled around, the group took on a whole new face: an activist group.

Throughout the sixties the group worked within student organizations on university campuses and spread it’s liberal, funloving doctrines. Always working under a new guise they managed to incite protest where ever they ended up and seemed to enjoy themselves. Rather than being mere harbingers of misinformation they had become social activists with real enemies.

It wasn’t until 1971, when the group was performing some of it’s more memorable acts, that Thomas Allen decided the group needed a manifesto of intent. With the usual attitudes intact, Allen released “On Project Purple and It’s Initiatives” to an awaiting audience. As expected, it was a success.

The newly christened “Project Purple” was more than just a clique of friends doing what they felt was right, it was an underground movement that could not be put down. Throughout the seventies the group prospered as small cells popped up across the United States and Canada, then into Europe. As the eighties dawned the group became less well-recognized and fell deeper into the underground. While the campaign of misinformation and sometime outright rebellion against the social climes continued, with a perfect target in Ronald Reagan and his Cabinet, the group began to dwindle away.

Then came the Internet.

“The Internet revived and expanded Project Purple, much like it did to many other audience cults, including discordianism,” Ludwig speculates. “It allowed the group, as a whole, to come out and cause trouble in a whole new landscape. I suspect that some of the pioneers of the Internet freedom activism were involved in Project Purple, to one extent or another, at some point in time.”

It was in 1999, after years of medical troubles, that Thomas Allen passed away in his sleep. The founder of Project Purple, and some say a pioneer of modern day culturejamming, died at the age of sixty-seven.

As many will tell you, Ludwig included, all of this information is subject to speculation. True to form different accounts involving the “Bach’s Orange Six Overture” being called by different names (Greenman and Plundergate are popular candidates) and varying reports of differing antics, including the establishment of the Earth Liberation Front to “make other activist groups seem peaceable and reasonable by comparison.”

For further information on Project Purple or Thomas Allen, contact

Thanks to Jon Spencer, Atomic Boy, The Walrus and Mad Hatter for their assistance.

Special thanks to Ludwig for his assistance in gathering background information and providing sources.

Further Reading

twenty-purple:the age of the internet astronaut includes the original distribution of “On Project Purple and It’s Initiatives” as well as links to discordian sites.

Rivalino is in here: National Socialism and the UFOnauts

part two: part one was half-truth and ufonauts threatened me with beam guns

The UFOnauts said that Zyklon-B cyanide gas was the beginning.

For those who don’t know, I.G. Farben produced Zyklon-B cyanide gas, which was used in Nazi death camps to aid the extermination of the Jews. The Final Solution was in full swing but far away, some say on the moon, some say in Antarctica, some say both, a far different program was taking place.

I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s go back a bit further and examine a book entitled Coming Race by Rosecrusian Grandmaster E. Bulwer Lytton. It spoke in some detail of a subterranean race that possessed powerful technologies and were intent upon taking control of the surface on some distant date. Hitler was fascinated with the myths of Buddhist traditions speaking of Agharti, an underground world, and Hindu myths of Patalas, a cavern world. Conspiracy theorists say that Hitler became fascinated with the prospect of a reptilian race coming to the surface and conquering humanity, and so began to seek an alliance with these beings so that he might rule along side them, or, at the very least, be free of their mechanisations long enough that he might strike against them.

Who cares, right? Hitler was a certifiable nut.

“The Germans landed on the Moon as early as probably 1942,” says Vladimir Terziski, President of the American Academy of Dissident Sciences. He goes on to say, “Welcome to Alice in Saucerland. In my extensive research of dissident American theories about the physical conditions on the Moon I have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the Moon, and that man does not need a space suit to walk on the Moon. A pair of jeans, a pullover and sneakers are just about enough. Everything NASA has told the world about the Mood is a lie and it was done to keep the exclusivity of the club from joinings by the third world countries. All these physical conditions make it a lot more easier to build a Moon base.”

Vladimir Terziski is a Bulgarian born engineer and physicist. He graduated Cum Laude from the Master of Science program of Tokai University in Tokyo in 1980 before serving as a solar energy researcher at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, before immigrating to the U.S. in 1984. He is a renowned UFO researcher with skills in English, Japanese, Russian, German, and Bulgarian. A smart man, to say the least. If we can suspend our disbelief for a moment, we have to somehow provide a means for the Nazis to get to the moon.

This takes us to Antarctica. In 1838 the German’s began exploration missions to the Antarctic, specifically into the Queen Maude region. Over 230,000 miles of the frozen landmass were mapped from the air, with some reports stating that the Germans discovered some regions were not icy wastelands, but contained warm water lakes. One such ice cave within the glacier was reportedly found to extend 30 miles into a geothermal lake below. Scientific teams were moved in to the area, including zoologists, botanists, agriculturists, mycologists, parasitologists, marine biologists, ornithologists, ecetera. Divisions of the German government were also involved in the “top secret project”.

Renamed “Neu Schwabenland” this area purportedly became the site of the base known as “New Berlin,” a research compound that dealt with advanced technologies. Sources say that pure Aryan Nazis have been continuing their research of antigravity propulsion, as well as mind control techniques and biogenetics in New Berlin. Since the end of World War Two this base has been populated by nearly two million of these pure Aryan Nazis who have “been utilising slave labour in order to expand their underground empire.”

The underground empire, of course, in association with the reptiles.

In the years prior to World War 2 German occultists gained access to a series of underground corridors lying beneath Tibet thanks to the assistance of local Ahrimanic and Luciferian secret societies. They were granted access to records of an early civilization which developed it’s own form of occult based technology. Terziski comments that these German occultists may have made contact with up to half a dozen alien species, including the reptiles, thus explaining how they managed to achieve such technological prowess in such a short period of time.

The UFOnauts say that part one was a half-truth.

All good conspiracy theories involve the Bavarian Illuminati, and this one is no different. With German origins, the Rockefeller family is considered to have been among the main financiers of various Nazi programs. Standard Oil, a Rockefeller owned company, merged with the German chemical giant I.G. Farben which produced Zyklon-B cyanide gas. It was, they say, the Rockefellers that secreted thousands of Nazis out of post-World War 2 Germany and onto American soil while positioning themselves to have a controlling hand in the military-industrial complex.

Johannes Rockefeller, first member of his lineage to immigrate to America, his descendant John D. Rockefeller later becoming America’s leading Oil monopolist as owner of Standard Oil, is the beginning. The Rockefellers, with their fraternal allies in the Illuminati, began work to bring about the “neue Ordnung”. The Rockefellers helped to finance the Nazi party, several elite Nazi officials were brought into the U.S. following WWII and given positions within the Intelligence community, the Oil companies, and the aerospace industries.

Then again, UFOnauts are compulsive liars.

NEXT: Spooks.

Rivalino Is In Here: National Socialism and the occult

part one: introducing the idea to the reader

On New Years Eve, 1938, the Fuhrer of the German Republic engaged himself in the ancient Teutonic practice of pouring lead. The method of divination requires that the small lead pelts be made molten over an open flame then poured onto another surface. The lead, as it cooled, then was supposed to tell Adolf Hitler what awaited in the future. According to John Tolland one Ilse Braun, Eva Braun’s sister, commented that Hitler was quite despondent after reading the results and said very little the rest of the evening.

Underground communities of conspiracy theorists, occult practioners and satanic monkies have been making their speculations about die Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP, or Nazi) and their occult origins and practices.

In Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergiers book “The Morning of Magicians” (1960) the authors point towards a black magical explaination for the Nazi rise to power and their mechanisms. Roughly a quarter of their book delves deep into the “Absolute Elsewhere,” an unproven neverland where occult methodology and pseudoscientific theory held sway. The Hitlerian pronouncement that there is a “Nordic and National Socialist science which is opposed to Jewish-Liberal science” acts as the logic for the practice of such pseudoscientific practices.

Nazi thought excluded psychoanalysis and rejected relativity as “Jewish science.” As Freud and Einstein were made to flee Hitler’s Europe, the secrets of the atomic weapons were placed directly into the hands of the Allies and out the those of Axis. The Nazi sciences forsaked Newton’s physics and replaced them with a cosmic force called vril, the geology of “the hollow earth”, and the cosmology of Hans Horbiger’s “Welteislehre”, a doctrine of eternal ice.

Horbiger’s physics are said to have been taken from an intuitive flash he experienced late in the nineteenth century. “… As a young engineer,” he wrote, “I was watching one day some molten steel poured on wet ground covered with snow: the ground exploded after some delay and with great violence.” The conflict of opposites, fire and ice, was a theme that inspired Horbiger and resonated for German nationalists as it recurs in the Icelandic Eddas, the sourcebooks of Teutonic mythology. In the setting of Iceland and even of Europe the theory can hold some cosmic grounds — but if we examine it in a place like South East Asia, the ideas behind Horbiger’s cosmology grow suspect. This did not, of course, deter the Nazis.

Physics and cosmology is only the tip of the ice berg in the study of Nazi occult history. The roots of National Socialism run deeper into German occultist groups such as the Thule Society and the Order of Teutons.

As a beginning, Trevor Ravenscroft’s “The Spear of Destiny” (1972) presents a secret history in narrative form that attempts to find some convincing occult explanation for the Nazi phenomenon. While some critics have written it off as a novel, it is nonetheless a considerable analysis of black magical thematics. Ravenscroft himself was a British journalist, historian and World War II commando officer who spent four years in a concentration camp after a failed attempt to assassinate General Rommel in 1941. His perspective of the Nazi era was formed based on material he purportedly recieved while in a transcendant state of consciousness while imprisioned by the Nazis. His information comes from one Dr. Walter Johannes Stein, an occultist scholar, who knew Hitler during his years time in Vienna from 1909 to 1913.

The name of the book is derived from the “Spear of Longinus,” which is said to have been the spear which was used to pierce the side of Christ during the cruxifiction. Longinus was a German soldier and his “spear of destiny” was said to have played a role in the fates of German leaders the likes of Charlemange, Otto the Great and Frederick Barbarossa which inspired the myth that whomever possesses the Spear of Longinus has the power to control the world. When Dr. Stien and Hitler visited the museum the spear is kept in, Stien reported that Hitler seemed entranced by the spear, as a man possessed by some magic, and his very being appeared irridated by subtle light.

This reporting of mere speculation and half-truths must be growing tiresome. If you were seeking out plagarised information and long lists of links to other sources, you’d be surfing around You came to “Rivalino Is In Here” looking for something different, for a biased-angle. So that’s just what I’m going to give you.

First I need a panel of persons who would lure in your children, enticing them to use peyote and force presexual Aryan boys to get it hard… all in the name of their Fuhrer. The foulest anti-liberal, warmongering, imperial and rascist beasts to ever stalk the grounds of twentieth century European soil. And I need to speak with them about their past.

to be continued

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