
One Nation “Under God?”

“Clearly the function of the God reference—not part of the original pledge but inserted during the 1950s (when schoolchildren were taught that the Free World faced Godless Communism)— is designed to inculcate belief that the cosmos has a Creator that the Republic acknowledges and reveres, and in so doing attaches itself to that which is ultimately powerful, rational, holy and good.”

A very intelligently, if some cynically, written article about the “under God” controversy in the Pledge of Allegiance (via Disinfo). It might make you think twice.

For Sh#ts and Giggles

An absurb and vulgur paradise. A combination of the most sublime and most crude. . . Incredibly good musicians doing amazing songs but with totally juvenile lyrics. . . Amazingly talented and articulate writers forced to correspond with internet hookers. . . Totally overblown rhetoric sabotaged by lame website design.

I’m still trying to figure out what this site is supposed to be. (Thanks to Peter Sallade at NYU).

In Case You Missed It…

The Corridor of Madness had a nice discussion on Humanity Hacking recently.

Douglas Rushkoff’s Internet forum for his NYU class has been discussing Grant Morrison’s The Invisibles. So if you haven’t joined in yet, now might be a good time.

… and if you’ve got $500 to spend, you could always buy David Woodard’s interpretation of Brion Gysin’s Dream Machine.

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