
Electromagnetic Fields

When I was in New York my friend Terence asked me if I liked the Magnetic Fields. He was talking about the band, but square as I am I thought he was talking about, y’know, the scientific thingies.

I guess Metachor is interested in the magnetic fields, because he’s linking to some really interesting articles. I’ve always wondered about the role of electromagnetic fields in paranormal phenomenon.

Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

Sharks respond to magnetic lines

and most interesting, if least believable: Earth’s Magnetic Field Regions of Weakness Predict Sites of War

All via the Vortex Egg

Utopian library

Collection of works by Noam Chomsky, Buck Minster Fuller, John Cage, Robert Anton Wilson, and several others

Deep Leaf Productions: Utopian Library

(via LVX23)

School distributes satanic sex calendar

Way to go Officer Barbrady!

Local school officials in a suburb of Houston, Texas, are investigating how it was possible that a school police officer handed out calendars to students that featured explicit details on satanic and sexual rituals for every day of the month.

Full Story: World Net Daily: School distributes satanic sex calendar

(via Wu)

The magickal music of Tool

Yesterday’s post on Shpongle and a random encounter with a bio of Danny Carey have me thinking about my other favorite “occult” related band: Tool.

Tool bio pages:

Despite not becoming a Mason or aligning himself with any other school of religion, Danny has maintained his heritages interest in occult studies. Endeavors into this realm have manifested periodically, such as the time he achieved insight into a hidden aspect of the unicursal hexagram utilizing an astral journey initiated through meditation and DMT. Danny then set up his drums into proportions utilizing the circle and square of the New Jerusalem and uttered a short prayer relating to the principles of the ace of swords from the book of Thoth. He then performed a ritual utilizing his new found knowledge of the unicursal hexagram to generate a pattern of movement in space relating to Fuller’s vector equilibrium model. The resulting rhythm and gateway summoned a daemon he has contained within “the Lodge” that has been delivering short parables similar to passages within the Book of Lies. Danny recommends as a device of protection and containment a thorough study and utilization of the underlying geometry of the Temple of Solomon for anyone purchasing their next record.

I’ve been meaning to read the Tool newsletters for some time now.

Oh, and poke around for info on some of Carey’s other projects.

Get Shpongled

Idiot’s Guide to Dreaming — the most “technoccult” mp3 blog out there — has some Shpongle tracks up.

Shpongle is one of my top 5 favorite artists, I can’t guess how many hours I’ve spent laying around listening to these guys. I can’t believe I’ve never mentioned them here before. Their 3rd album is finished and I can’t wait. In the mean time:

Idiots Guide to Dreaming Shpongle mp3s

Shpongle home page

Twisted Records site

Throbbing Gristle reunion

Geez, how’d I miss this?

The Guardian: Dirty Freaky Things

(via Swen).

Yezidi: an interesting obscure religion thread with various articles

(via Melissa)

Wikipedia article

Encouraging a Positive Transcension

To think about:

This essay is relatively brief, but its theme extremely large: how to manage the development of technology and society, in the near to mid-term future, in such a way as to maximize the odds of a positive long-term future for the universe.

My conclusions are uncertain, but bold. I believe that the era of humanity as the “Kings of the Earth” is almost inevitably coming to an end. Unless we bomb or otherwise destroy ourselves back into the Stone Age or into oblivion, we are going to be sharing our region of the universe with powerful AI minds of one form or another. Potentially depending on decisions we make in the near or moderately near future, this may or may not lead to a fundamental alteration in the nature of conscious experience in our neck of the woods: a Transcension. And the dangers to humanity may be significant – an issue that must be very carefully considered.

I conclude that there are two strong options going forward, which I associate with the catch-phrases “AI Buddha” and “AI Big Brother.”

Ben Goertzel: Encouraging a Positive Transcension

(via Vortex Egg).

Jesus H. Christ


For 250 years, the cryptic inscription has exercised the minds of Britain’s finest theologians, historians and scientists, including Charles Darwin, Josiah Wedgwood and, most recently, the Second World War code-breakers of Bletchley Park.

But an anonymous American researcher was credited yesterday with the best stab yet at what the letters D.O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V.M. – carved on the Shepherd’s Monument at Lord Lichfield’s Shugborough estate in Staffordshire – might actually signify.

The answer appears to be “Jesus (As Deity) Defy” – a message left by an 18th century Christian sect Priory of Sion, which was forced to keep its views secret since the Church of England thought they were heretical. On first impressions, this rather perplexing answer may disappoint those who believed the letters pointed the way to the final destination of the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus is said to have used during the Last Supper. But Shugborough Hall was holding on to its hopes last night, since the Priory of Sion was the spiritual successor to the Knights Templar, who were known as the keepers of the Holy Grail.
The stone monument, built around 1748, contains a carved relief of Nicholas Poussin’s Les Bergers d’Arcadie II in reverse. Beneath it are the letters. The researcher, who applied standard codebreaking methods, initially came up with the message “Jesus H Defy” but says the H stands for Christ, hence the translation into “as deity”. This is said to give the message a meaning of defiance against prevailing Christian norms.

Thumbmonkey: Jesus H. Christ.

If all stories were written like science fiction stories

Hillarious and too true.

“Do you think we’ll be flying on a propeller plane? Or one of the newer jets?” asked Ann.

“I’m sure it will be a jet,” said Roger. “Propeller planes are almost entirely out of date, after all. On the other hand, rocket engines are still experimental. It’s said that when they’re in general use, trips like this will take an hour at most. This one will take up to four hours.”

After a short wait, they were ushered onto the plane with the other passengers. The plane was an enormous steel cylinder at least a hundred meters long, with sleek backswept wings on which four jet engines were mounted. They glanced into the front cabin and saw the two pilots, consulting a bank of equipment needed the fly the plane. Roger was glad that he did not need to fly the plane himself; it was a difficult profession which required years of training.

The surprisingly large passenger area was equipped with soft benches, and windows through which they could look down at the countryside as they flew 11 km high at more than 800 km/h. There were nozzles for the pressurized air which kept the atmosphere in the cabin warm and comfortable despite the coldness of the stratosphere.

“I’m a little nervous,” Ann said, before the plane took off.

“There’s nothing to worry about,” he assured her. “These flights are entirely routine. You’re safer than you are in our ground transport cars!”

Mark Rosenfelder: If all stories were written like science fiction stories

(via Blood Letters)

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