Technoccult 2000 site sketch
A sketch of an early layout for Technoccult I recently found in some old papers. It was on the back of a pay stub dated 7/08/2000.

I’m starting a new series of posts on the Technoccult Twitter and Facebook accounts: 10 Years Ago on Techncocult.

You see, Technoccult started out doing dossiers (this was the first), like the early days of Disinfo. But ten years ago today, I added a blog to the site. I straight-up copied the layout of the now defunct political blog Media Jihad, and was also influenced sites like Slashdot, MetaFilter and especially Plastic.

So starting today, I’ll be posting links to the deep archives of the site from Twitter and Facebook. I was going to do this from Tumblr too, but I accidentally already spammed-up Tumblr with the old posts. I was going through and cleaning up the HTML and fixing bad links in the old posts, and didn’t realize that the plugin I use to cross-post to Tumblr was adding those old posts after I saved changes.


PS – I meant to include this song, “Scatterlings and Refugees” by Red State Soundsystem, with my year in review post but forgot. Although it was released in 2009, it was the song that defined 2010 for me.

Scatterlings + Refugees by jzellis