Study: Meditation May Improve Psychological Well-Being

B. Alan Wallace

New research from University of California Davis, conducted on meditators at the Shambhala Mountain Center under the guidance of Buddhist scholar, author and teacher B. Alan Wallace. Wallace is a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism, so the test subjects were most likely practicing a Tibetan influenced form of meditation.

“The take-home message from this work is not that meditation directly increases telomerase activity and therefore a person’s health and longevity,” Saron said. “Rather, meditation may improve a person’s psychological well-being and in turn these changes are related to telomerase activity in immune cells, which has the potential to promote longevity in those cells. Activities that increase a person’s sense of well-being may have a profound effect on the most fundamental aspects of their physiology.”

Science Daily: Psychological changes from meditation training linked to cellular health

(Thanks Cedr

1 Comment

  1. This is part of B. Alan Wallace’s Shamatha Project, where he does 8-month-long retreats with Shamatha meditation (also known as one-pointed concentration or calm-abiding meditation). Wallace is part of a school of thought that aims for perfection of this kind of meditation with the goal of being able to sit for 4 continuous hours in deep absorption (i.e. no thoughts whatsoever arising).

    There are some great interviews with Wallace on the Buddhist Geeks’ podcast that my friend hosts:

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