bat boy comic

Defunct tabloid Weekly World News was once the home of disinformation as well as deranged characters like Bat Boy, Ph.D. Ape and more. Now that the publication has invaded comics, unhinged patriots like columnist Ed Anger may never be the same.

“Ed just wants this country to return to a more simple, innocent time, like when Indians were put down by disease-spreading white invaders who then forced the survivors to adopt a Christian God,” writer Chris Ryall told ahead of the IDW comic’s Wednesday debut. “So maybe Ed’s not an asshole so much as he just has bad timing. Not too long ago, he could have been president.”

But as one sees in’s collection of exclusive panels below, invented personality Ed Anger is outdone by another presidential individual by the name of Bat Boy, the original Weekly World News tabloid’s most popular character.

Wired: Led by Bat Boy, Weekly World News Deranges Comics

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