Grant Morrison documentary due by next year’s Comic-Con International

Now that the comics industry has overtaken film, its outstanding writers are starting to step up to the biopic bar. Subversive brainiac Grant Morrison is up next, with a dedicated documentary due in time for next year’s Comic-Con International.

“He has an uncanny ability to tell stories that are both accessible and progressively avant-garde,” explained indie director Patrick Meaney, whose untitled Grant Morrison documentary, previewed in the exclusive clips above and below, will analyze the writer’s storied run for Marvel and DC Comics on standout titles like The Invisibles, X-Men and Final Crisis as well as more esoteric series like The Filth and Flex Mentallo.

Wired: Grant Morrison documentary due by next year’s Comic-Con International

Update: Official documentary site with more trailers

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for mentioning the doc. As a producer on the project, I’m excited about where it’s going.
    I thought you might also be interested in a webseries that Respect Films is producing called The Third Age. It’s something of a psychedelic sci-fi, and is largely influenced by Morrison’s work. It definitely has some magical elements that are an important part of the show. You can see all the episodes at
    Would love to hear what you think.

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