Love Sex Fear Death: The Inside Story of The Process Church of the Final Judgment

The Process Church of the Final Judgment Paris chapter

Feral House’s new book on the Process Church of the Final Judgement, Love Sex Fear Death: The Inside Story of The Process Church of the Final Judgment by Timothy Wyllie is out, and Feral House has a site up with various excerpts and photos.

Process Church of the Final Judgement, Love Sex Fear Death: The Inside Story of The Process Church of the Final Judgment

The book includes the recollections of various former Process members, and reproduces many rare Church documents. I can’t wait to own this.

For more on the Process Church, check out our dossier


  1. Interesting…I was not familiar with this church before now (apparently I missed all of your other posts relating to it) After reading a brief description of the church on Wikipedia, I find their views on Jehovah, Lucifer and Satan to be unusual and interesting, especially the following line:

    “Their belief is that Satan will become reconciled to Christ, and together will come [sic] at the end of the world to judge humanity, Christ to judge and Satan to execute judgment.” The image of the two becoming reconciled instantly brings to mind the image of the yin-yang, although I wonder where that leaves poor Lucifer in this particular cosmic scheme?

    I still find the idea of supposedly “enlightened higher beings” who have the audacity to judge their “lowly and unenlightened creations” to be pretentious and outrageous: “We created you with serious design flaws and we are now going to judge you for said flaws without mercy or reason…” PLEASE!

    But this is definitely an interesting take on that old and tired yarn…

  2. Long ago I read an interview with DeGrimston in a TOPY zine. Someone found his phone number in a phone book and called him. He answered questions, including questions about his being part of a sinister murderous underground. ‘Well, would I have my phone number in the book if that were true? Would I be talking to you now?’ He laughed and said it wasn’t true. Just like a member of a sinister murderous underground would!

    DeGrimston –> DeGroot.

  3. Looking forward to getting my hands on this one too…

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