South Korea also crowd sourcing intelligence – via game

South Korea’s normally clandestine intelligence agency is running an internet game challenging citizens to spot real North Korean spies and uncover communist moles.

South Korea’s National Intelligence Service is running the game on its website, challenging ordinary citizens to keep a close eye on people who praise the communist North.

It also asks people to dob in anyone taking photos of sensitive military bases, those who stick up pro-North Korea propaganda, and even anyone who covers their mouth when they talk.

The spy agency is offering laptops, cameras and game consoles to 200 winners.

ABC: Game challenges Koreans to spot real spies

(Thanks m1k3y)


  1. Unspoken is the counter-game. If the CIA were to publish their data, I’d know how to play that counter-game right away. The hope (not at all inevitable, but a hope) with the surveillance state is that citizens get more/equal access to the data and help keep the powers that be in line.

  2. Yes, that is the hope, and we’re seeing it gradually start to happen (so far mostly to cops, not to politicians who have been snared by citizen surveillance).

    “Little Brother” also has one big advantage over Big Brother: we know precisely who we need to surveill. One of the biggest problems for “Big Brother” is the signal to noise ratio involved in trying to watch the entire population. We only have to watch the powerful – a much smaller data set.

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