Wyatt Cenac on the Horrors of Socialism in Sweden

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome
Daily Show
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Economic Crisis Political Humor
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c
The Stockholm Syndrome Pt. 2
Daily Show
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Economic Crisis First 100 Days

Very interesting bit: the Swedish MP explains that Sweden has a trade surplus and lends money to the US (we, of course, have a massive trade deficit).

There is, of course, a contrarian view: that the trade deficit is not a bad thing. That it is, in fact, a good thing:

The Causes and Consequences of the U.S. Trade Deficit

Are Trade Deficits Really Bad News?

(a case that seems less and less reality-based every day)


  1. Im from Sweden. What are these people on about? Have they ever been to Sweden? This is a rotten capitalist country just like the rest of the west Im afraid. People here are stupid and greedy just like in the states. We used to be socialist, but those good days are gone.

  2. You should check out Michael Hudson, an economist who gives advice to governments worldwide —

  3. Mike – that’s something I forgot to mention. Conservatives in the US talk about Sweden like it’s the this scary socialist place, and it’s certainly more socialist than the US, but there are probably better examples. Socialists in the US usually like to point to Norway.

    But in a country where people routinely become homeless because they can’t pay their medical bills, any place with “socialized health care” sounds like a nightmarish hell.

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