Torture Porn: Will Be Waterboarded for Food

I’m simply not comfortable with paying someone to be waterboarded, even if it is “for charity” and even if it is Sean Hannity.

Anyone else thinking of Videodrome?


  1. Oh, that’s just good fun. Unless someone actually drowns him, he’ll be fine. …and that’s not just, “waterboarding isn’t actually torture talk,” because this isn’t true waterboarding. The big difference is if Sean Hannity asks them to please, please stop waterboarding him, they’ll stop. As some folks are fond of saying about the SERE program, we do this stuff to our own troops. Waterboarding by itself isn’t so bad, but almost anything is horrible if you don’t believe you have any control over it. Waterboard Sean a few times when he TRULY BELIEVES HE CAN’T STOP OR CHANGE ANYTHING HAPPENING TO HIM, and see how many years of therapy it takes him to get rid of his PTSD.

  2. I’m all for it because once he’s under the mask and starts thrashing around, I have a hope it will open his eyes.

  3. Yeah. I don’t wish him harm, but it would be sort of cool if he came up for air later and said, “I was totally wrong — waterboarding is a devastating experience that should never be applied by those espousing freedom.” You know, you’d think the first thing someone would ask when they saw a memo OKing waterboarding and related techniques is “Has the author of the memo undergone these procedures?” Well, perhaps not — maybe the first thing they should have said is “Is this person nuts!?!” but it’s easy to lose perspective in some of these positions.

  4. I’ll say it- I want it done to him, and I hope it totally fucks him up. It’s like that.

    Bill’s point I think is great. It also works both ways. There are people who would conceivably hold out longer because they’re trying to look tough and know that the rusty pliers and car battery aren’t coming out if they refuse to cooperate RIGHT NOW.

    That said… the PAYING him to do this, even for charity, should be illegal, much like the forehead tattoo BS we were discussing today. It’s a really gross precedent, and a court should step in.

  5. Maybe I’m the odd one out, but I like it when it’s safe (requires the partner to read your body language). Water board me in pee, stroke my junk and insert a your junk into my arse!

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