Why the change?

I’ve been running this site since 2000. And I actually started work on it in late 1999. After nearly a decade working on the site, it was just time for a change. A lot of things have happened and changed since I started Technoccult, and I’ve changed quite a bit personally (remember, I was 18 when I started this site!) It seemed like it was time to send Technoccult to be with Stare, Irreality, and Key 23/64 in that big web site in the cloud and move on.

But I didn’t want to start all over with a brand new site – it’s hard to launch a new site in this info-glut. Besides, the site has grown and changed with me over the years. I realized I could follow the lead of Diebold and Blackwater: same thing, different name. I could keep the history, but start fresh at the same time. Well, that’s the theory. We’ll see how it turns out.

The focus of this site has been gradually changing over the years, and that evolution will continue. Don’t worry, I didn’t decide to just scrap the old site and start a barbie doll collector blog or anything. I think regular readers will still find quite a lot enjoy here. There won’t be a lot of occult/magical related posts anymore, but that’s always only been a small part of the overall package (and it’s been diminishing over time).

There will be more posts dedicated to media criticism, mobile technology, and politics than before (especially since I’m merging klintron.com into this site as well). I expect to be amping up my coverage of alternative energy and other sustainability issues as well. But you can still expect to find information about obscure cults, outsider art, and other weirdness.

I want to thank everyone for reading for all these years, and TiamatsVision, Bill Whitcomb, Fell, and all the other guest bloggers that have graced these pages over the years.

Stick around, I promise to make it worth your while.


  1. Congratulations Klint, couldn’t resist designing a logo: http://pigle.com/yeee/renegadefuture.png
    Let me know if you’d like any changes.

  2. Glad to hear that you’ll be keeping up the wonderful, thought-provoking, and sometimes strange topics. I’ll be looking forward to the media criticism and politics!

    –a long time lurker

  3. This is hands-down my favorite site and I am thrilled that you are evolving and allowing us to continue the journey with you 🙂

  4. Thanks everyone! Your comments mean a lot to me.

    Thanks for the logo Val. I think you captured the feel of the site with that, though if/when I have a logo up I’ll want something simpler and more readable.

  5. Such a One as This: http://pigle.com/yeee/rfhmf.jpg perhaps Klint?

  6. Ooh Val, I like! 😀 It goes well with this WP theme too, and has a nice Metropolis/Terminator feel. My only design qualm is that maybe the header should be redesigned a bit around that… but its a great start IMO.

    Also, Klint its glad to see that you honed your site down to what you are actually interested in. Seeing those rare posts from you that attempted to carry on occult topics to some degree or another kind of made me scratch my head. Good luck with RF.

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