Preview of EEG music interface Machine-Man-Drum and Phillip K Nixon will use at Esozone

Elements of the Machine-Man-Drum and Phillip K Nixon Egregiorian factions have merged to bring about an uncompromising auditory assault. These agent/operators will build and present “YOU ARE GOD, GUARD YOUR MIND” – an interactive ritual based on building a synthetic Godhead out of the participatory audience by firing off arrays of lightwave & audio sigils in a stream of auto-gnosis generation via remote interfacing with the biological specimens on hand during this ritual/projection of PKN hyperstition & MMD Temple constructs into 11th dimensional reality structures and programs. They’ll be combining cutting edge technomantic tools like EEG sensory, Radionic Tonality, MIDI utilizing Local Area Networks, and more traditional memes such as Cutups, Noise, and Circuit Bending — Be Aware: this archetypal form sampling will emit reality reshaping radiation fields.

Ikipr (of Machine-Man-Drum) writes:

EEG Driven audio assaults the Godhead/Participant, tempering and strengthening his fortitude and divinity. This is achieved through the feedback loop interaction of the user and the expansive multilayered software backbone. Sorry if I look uninteresting/uninterested in this video, I am busy making minor tweaks to it’s mixing for performance. Due to the somewhat random nature of the software algorithms and the use of EEG as a control interface, the song pretty much does what it wants off of your brainwave data.

Aleph 9

Philip K Nixon


  1. “More traditional memes, such as Cutups, Noise, and Circuit Bending.” PKN at EsoZone! Ia! Ia!

  2. Those dirty infictivists won’t trap my soul in their waveforms.

  3. Last time I saw ikpr, he was at a weekly esoteric/conspiracy meeting that he’d invited me to. Tured out to be a bunch of alex jones patriot geeks. I walked up, greeted ikpr enthusiastically, sat down, and was immidiately identified by the nerds as one of ikpr “friends from the magic schoolbus”. Asked them if they’d read/groked Crowley, RAW, Chris Hyatt, Leary, Burroughs and the like. Left when they started pouring derision/paranoia on me in regards to my intelectual/psychological interests. Ikpr said Hyatt creeped him out. Right on. Peace.

  4. Last time I saw ikpr
    he was at a weekly esoteric/conspiracy meeting that he’d invited me to. Tured out to be a bunch of alex jones patriot geeks. I walked up, greeted ikpr enthusiastically, sat down, and was immidiately identified by the nerds as one of ikpr “friends from the magic schoolbus”. Asked them if they’d read/groked Crowley, RAW, Chris Hyatt, Leary, Burroughs and the like. Left when they started pouring derision/paranoia on me in regards to my intelectual/psychological interests. Ikpr said Hyatt creeped him out. Right on. Peace.

  5. David – You sat down, judged my company rather quickly and bailed after I didn’t like the one author you mentioned, then posted this – rather off topic none the less…Don’t be surprised if that’s the last time you see Ikipr wondering around…

    Those paranoid crazies still have feelings and they took note of your bailing as well. I was left sitting there to answer as to why your presence was there in the first place if you were to simply react to them with such obvious elitism.

    P.S. Chris Hyatt DOES suck.

  6. Why Hyatt sucks?

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