MonthAugust 2008

Eco-Architecture in Science Daily

A bus stop that grows its own foliage as shade? A children’s playground, made entirely from trees? A shelter made from living tree roots that could provide natural protection against earthquakes in California?

“Eco-architecture” may sound like a Buck Rogers vision of an ecologically-sustainable future, but that future is now thanks to the guidance of Tel Aviv University Professors Yoav Waisel and Amram Eshel. The concept of shaping living trees into useful objects ???? known as tree shaping, arborsculpture, living art or pooktre isn’t new. But scientists are now ready to use this concept as the foundation of a new company that will roll out these structures worldwide.

Full Story: Science Daily

(via OVO)

Woman creates method for building solar cells in pizza ovens

She has developed a simple, cheap way of producing solar cells in a pizza oven that could eventually bring power and light to the 2 billion people in the world who lack electricity. […]

Ms Kuepper realised a new approach would be needed if affordable cells were to be made on site in poorer countries: “What started off as a brainstorming session has resulted in the iJET cell concept that uses low-cost and low-temperature processes, such as ink-jet printing and pizza ovens, to manufacture solar cells.”

While it could take five years to commercialise the patented technology, providing renewable energy to homes in some of the least developed countries would enable people to “read at night, keep informed about the world through radio and television and refrigerate life-saving vaccines”. And it would also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Full Story: Sydney Morning Herald

Rapper Immortal Technique Swaps The Mean Streats Of Harlem For Afghanistan

Step up New York’s Immortal Technique. The heir to Dead Prez and Public Enemy’s revolutionary legacy, dude bust onto the scene with the Green Lantern-helmed ‘Bin Laden’ four years ago and hasn’t let up since. With the critically lauded The 3rd World mixtape just out, most artists would be touring TV stations. Immortal Technique, by contrast, is off to Afghanistan to build an orphanage.

“It’s a medical clinic and an orphanage for children that have been involved, and whose parents have been involved in the violence in Afghanistan,” says a weary sounding Tech down the phone from his native Harlem. “For those that have been orphaned by a conflict that’s lasted for… God knows how many years. I’m going out there. I’m obviously not gonna be able to administer the entire project, but I feel like it’s essential to be involved. The aspect of media coverage is essential. I joined with the human rights organisation Omeid International to facilitate this. I get lots of programmes shown to me. I could choose to do this, or choose to do that, and this particular time around I wanted to do this. The need came from the same place that all my music came from. It ain’t like I decided to reach into another part of myself, it’s just a natural progression. It’s a little bit of weight on the shoulders, but it’s something that I welcome because it’s something I know needs to be done.”

Full Story: The Quietus

(via Zenarchery)

Russell Crowe to Play Bill Hicks

“Bill Hicks, the anarchic comedian who shocked enough people in the late 80s and early 90s to be dubbed ‘Goat-boy’, is to be played by Russell Crowe in a new biopic. His tale has enough laughs, drink, drugs and general chaos to be bog-standard comedian biopic material, and the film is likely to raise more laughs than similar material such as the very intense 1975 Lenny Bruce biopic Lenny. I guess we’ll find out if Mr. Hicks was quite as sex-starved as he was always complaining of…”

(via Den of Geek. See also “10 Ways the Casting of the Bill Hicks Movie Could Be Worse” via Den of Geek)

Buckminster Fuller bibliography and geodesic dome logistics study published

Buckminster Fuller expert Trevor Blake has published two must-have books for Buckminster Fuller completeists:

Buckminster Fuller Bibliography
by Trevor Blake

buckminster fuller bibliography by trevor blake

Nearly one thousand entries by and about Buckminster Fuller in print. Extensive and accurate. Traces Fuller’s trajectory from outsider to globe trotting lecturer to cultural icon. Includes information found in no previous book on Fuller. 117 pages, 6″ x 9″, jacket-hardcover binding, cream interior paper (50# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), black and white exterior ink. [more information] [purchase]

A Study of Shelter Logistics for Marine Aviation
by Col. Henry C. Lane

A Study of Shelter Logistics for Marine Aviation

In 1954, the US Marine Corps put the geodesic domes of Buckminster Fuller to the test. The domes were declared “the first major basic improvement in mobile military shelters for the past 2,600 years.” New introduction by Trevor Blake offers background information on this study and expands on its outcome. Rare and out of print for more than fifty years. 144 pages, 8.25″ x 10.75″, casewrap-hardcover binding, white interior paper (50# weight), black and white interior ink, white exterior paper (100# weight), black and white exterior ink. [more information] [purchase]

For more information visit The Synchronofile

Of course, you will also have the chance to see Trevor Blake’s presentation The Approximately Omnidirectional Ephemeralization of Richard Buckminster Fuller at Esozone.

Technoccult TV: Psychotronics with Bill Whitcomb

Bill Whitcomb – author of The Magician’s Reflection (soon to be re-released and expanded by Immanion Press), The Magician’s Companion, and the forthcoming Selections from the Dream Manual – gives us a lesson in the theory and practice of psychotronics.

Bill’s recommended reading:

Rays From the Capstone, Christopher Hills
Secrets of the Life Force, Christopher Hills
Supersensonics, Christopher Hills

Psionics 101, Charles W. Cosimano

Amazing and Wonderful Mind Machines You Can Build, G. Harry Stine


Chuck Cosimano’s website


Rex Research

Borderland Research

Information Unlimited

Reflections on the Ether and some Notes on the Convergence between Homoeopathy and Radionics

Technoccult TV’s interview with Antero Alli available on DVD

antero alli interview dvd

Our interview with Antero Alli (part 1, part 2) is now available on DVD from Original Falcon.

You can get it FREE with any Original Falcon order over $50 (before shipping and handling) or buy it here.

With Luck, a Rocky Landing

“Exactly a decade has passed since a man called Oxygen first hurled himself across Amerika. Known for his jumping ability, Oxygen, a lanky Czech, catapulted to legend status by leaping a nearly 10-foot-wide abyss separating two 100-foot sandstone spires. Today, Petr Kops, 21, is wearing Oxygen’s hand-me-down pants. ‘I did not know Oxygen personally, but my sister did,’ Kops said. ‘I wear his trousers for good luck.’

Minutes later, Kops was standing at the edge of a 70-foot chasm called Broken Bones. He announced that he was about to damage his ankle. Then he jumped. While it may seem suicidal, leaping across a gaping crevasse is actually an extreme sport that is gaining in popularity. Called rock jumping, or simply jumping by the locals, this adrenaline-charged activity is taking place in the Adrspach-Teplice Rocks, a remote nature preserve in the northeast part of the Czech Republic.”

(via The New York Times)

(Related: “BareFOOT in Bohemia (final cut)-pt 2”. And for those who find the Olympics dull be sure to check out the “Extreme Tower Relay”. And finally, please do NOT kite surf in the winds of a tropical storm. “Kite Surfer vs. Mother Nature” via The Adventure Blog)

Decoding The Emotional Brain

“Being a neurologist in the era of fMRI scanners must feel like being a kid in a candy shop. What’s going in there while we’re, say, shopping? How about reading? Watching campaign ads? Now that we have a way to take real-time images of the brain at work, the scientific possibilities are endless.

On the surface, the experiment at the heart of this story might seem pretty narrow. It focuses on a rare disorder called pseudobulbar affect, which afflicts only people with ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease – a far cry from the universal rites of shopping or reading. But what’s fascinating about pseudobulbar is the light it might shed on all of us, and one of the most primal and mysterious human experiences of all: emotion.

People with pseudobulbar get happy and sad, just like the rest of us. They laugh and cry like the rest of us too. But then sometimes, something else happens: They keep going. And going. In this video, you can see how what looks like a laughing fit morphs into something else entirely. It’s as if the laughing and crying mechanisms have become detached from whatever part of the brain triggered the emotion in the first place. Maybe – and this is the hope of scientists Howard Rosen and Robert Levenson – by seeing that disconnect take place in real time through the fMRI, we’ll understand, for the first time, how emotion plays out in people without pseudobulbar affect.”

(via Quest)

Prepare for the Playa article with photos

glow fur

Making your own outrageous outfit can be time-consuming, so Prepare for the Playa events make it easy to load up on eye-catching gear you won’t find on the shelves at Old Navy. These flea-markets-on-acid are a chance for burner-based businesses to connect, says Nikki Doran, one of the three Prepare for the Playa organizers, but they’re also educational: Playa U how-to workshops put seasoned burners in touch with newbies to go over everything from shower construction and bike lighting to poi-twirling.

Full Story: Wired

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