Alan Moore Still Knows the Score!

“This week’s Watchmen festival is finally wrapping up for me. I’m done. How much Watchmen can one guy take? Upon arriving, I thought this was a Comic Book Festival, but I was sadly mistaken. This was an awesome Watchmen commercial that I actually got to walk around in. How exciting is that? As soon as I got off the train, I saw every person on the street was carrying a big Watchmen bag. They had Watchmen posters, and Watchmen toys and photos with their favorite Watchmen characters. Not everyone who wanted to see the Watchmen panel were able to get it, but the creators of the movie and the entire cast were there. And they talked about the movie!!!!

I found all the money the studio spent promoting Watchmen at Comic Con to be ridiculous. These are nerds. It is like trying to sell guns to the NRA. You know how the studio could market The Watchmen to nerds? Go to a remote town in Alaska and find a nerd. Then just walk up to him and whisper, ‘There’s going to be a Watchmen movie.’ At that point, every nerd in the world will know. They have some sort of communication device.”- Fear The Reaper’s feedback on Comic Con via Suicide Girls

Now we know one of the reasons why Moore wanted nothing to do with the movie. Here’s an excellent interview with him from Entertainment Weekly:

“About two years ago, Warner Bros. announced that 300 director Zack Snyder would be adapting that gold standard of comics, Watchmen, into a feature film. The response was nothing short of orgiastic – from just about everyone except Watchmen‘s own scribe, Alan Moore, who remains ambivalent about all the hoopla. The 54-year-old writer and co-creator of such seminal and erudite works as From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (both of which were adapted into eagerly anticipated movies that failed to match the quality of Moore’s source material) has a tangled history with the entertainment business. Even in a time when comics creators are more influential than ever (heck, The Spirit producers even gave comics great Frank Miller the helm), Moore simply wants to be left alone.”

(via Entertainment Weekly)


  1. You know how the studio could market The Watchmen to nerds? Go to a remote town in Alaska and find a nerd. Then just walk up to him and whisper, ?There?s going to be a Watchmen movie.? At that point, every nerd in the world will know. They have some sort of communication device.?

    That is fucking hilarious.

  2. You know what kills me? Watchmen: The Videogame.

    Counting down to Gravity’s Rainbow: the boardgame and Moby Dick pyjamas… “y’know, for the kids!”

  3. Preview made me nervous. Snyder is a mixed back, his Dawn of the Dead was genius, but 300 was glittery, visually stunning and totally empty.

    Then again, as with all comic book movies, the script and storyboards have been done for 20+ years, all they have to do is shoot the damn thing.

  4. I’d play the Gravity’s Rainbow boardgame.

    It would take as long as risk and you’d never be sure exactly how it ended. The whole thing would take place with bombing and every space would have equal probability of being hit but if you had sex on one it would be hit next. The path you’d take would be based on the Christian fish sign. The path the goal would take would be based on the icon for Pisces…. At some point your game piece would disappear but you’d keep playing for two more hours anyways…

  5. At least we have awhile before we see Watchmen school supplies and Halloween costumes, etc. ad infinitum. I will admit that I’m looking forward to seeing his tarot deck that he’s putting out with “The Bumper Book of Magic”.

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