MonthMay 2008

World’s First Eyeball Tattoo

Pauly Unstoppable from Canada has got the world’s 1st eye tattoo. The process involves forty insertions of a needle to turn a body-art fan’s eye blue. Pauly said that ‘The procedure was extensively researched and done by people who were aware of the risks & possible complications and that it should not be casually attempted.’

Full Story and More Pics: All Techno Blog

(via Mutans)

Update: Although it was Pauly Unstoppable who tried the procedure first, the subject pictured here is actually Shannon Larratt. You can find more information on BMEZine.

Supposedly this is catching on in prison.

Dennis McKenna interview

dennis mckenna interview

Originally from High Times

What we were doing was not science – it was magic. We thought we were doing science but we didn’t know anything about science at the time. We set up what we called an experiment, but what we should have really called a ritual. Honestly it was a ritual but we had the idea that if we took a large dose of mushrooms, along with ayahuasca and heard this sound, that we could generate this standing wave form and that we could actually transfer that into the body of a mushroom in a stable way so that it would be outside the body and it would be sustained by it’s own superconducting circuitry, and you would be able to see it and be it at the same time. It would be, in a sense, an artifact from beyond that you generate out of your own head. It would be a super, transbiological artifact, translinguistic matter that would be meaning itself fixed into a biological matrix.

RAK> And do you think it succeeded, the experiment?

DENNIS> (hesitates)… No… (laughs) No, not exactly… What we were trying to do, essentially, if I can harken back to the basis of this in myth and history, I mean the closest analogy to it is the Philosopher’s Stone. We were trying to recreate the Philosopher’s Stone, which in some ways is the ultimate artifact. That thing that exists and is both mind and matter and responds to thought and is you and can do anything you can imagine, literally, anything you can imagine.

Full Story: Undergrowth

Dennis McKenna will be keynoting Esozone: the Other Tomorrow in Portland, OR this October.

Wired’s “environmental heresies” examined

1. Wired’s Inconvenient Truths (did Stewart Brand write this? It sounds a lot like this)

2. Counterpoint: Dangers of Focusing Solely on Climate Change by WorldChanging‘s Alex Steffen

3. EcoGeek point by point response

4. More from Alex Steffen

I mostly agree with EcoGeek’s response. But here are a few additional thoughts:

“Accept Genetic Engineering”

In general, yes. Specific GM projects might be bad, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with biohacking. Every technology must be considered on a case by case basis.

“Carbon Credits Were a Great Idea, But the Benefits Are Illusory”

I’ve generally been more in favor of carbon tax than carbon credits, but EcoGeek makes a valid point about about the sulfur dioxide cap-and-trade market. So I’ll have to give this one some more thought. But offsetting’s not off to a good start.

“Embrace Nuclear Power”

If nuclear waste can be managed effectively (a big if), there’s still the insane cost to be reckoned with. Alex is right to say it’s not just about carbon.

“Used Cars, Not Hybrids”

EcoGeek’s objection here makes little sense. Certainly hybrids are better than other new cars, or used cars with below average gas mileage (or maybe even average gas mileage). But that’s hardly the point. But really, like Alex says, the greenest car is the one that doesn’t exist. (Sadly, I’ve had to take up driving again, due to work requirements.)

Wearable sampler that manipulates sound through motion

Sound Candy is a wearable sampler that lets you record into its built-in mic and manipulate its sound by changes in speed, angle, vibration and rotation.

(via Califaudio via Grinding)

Wither the Libertarian Party?

What to make of the Libertarian Party anointing Bob Barr as their presidential candidate in 2008? Some libertarians are pleased, others see it as the end of the LP. As something of an outsider I see it as essentially the death of the LP as it was, and the birth of a new LP.

Here’s slightly (but only slightly) over the top, conspiratorial summary of what happened.

This new direction of the LP is positioned to capitalize on the successes of the Ron Paul campaign, attract new members to the party, and possibly pick up new votes. This will be good news to some libertarians, but it doesn’t come without a price. The LP is the party of principle no more. It is now the party of compromising to reach out to a larger audience. Barr will attract many conservatives who are fed up with the Republican Party. But in doing so it becomes not a libertarian party, but a conservative party. Many libertarians will stick around for this new libertarian-conservative alliance, particularly those who put economic libertarianism above all else.

I have to admit I’m a little saddened by this turn of events. I’ve never been a member of the LP, and I’m not by most definitions a libertarian (I consider myself a civil libertarian, and the most inclusive, “big tent” definitions would probably include me). But I’m something of a “libertarian sympathizer.” I even voted for Harry Brown in 2000 (it’s not like Gore was going to win Wyoming, and Nader wasn’t even on the ballot). But really, libertarian-leaning liberals like me have probably never made up much of the base of the LP, so alienating us isn’t likely to have any effect. And the Barr nomination is probably very good news for Obama.

One curious reaction comes from Radley Balko: “It’s the first time the LP has nominated a serious candidate in a long time. I’ve become rather fond of Barr over his 5-year conversion to libertarianism. Second place went to nutjob Mary Ruwart, who would have continued the party’s long history of kook-ism.”

Is this an admission that holding to the party line constitutes “kook-ism”? Is there any “real” libertarian that would pass the “kook-test”? I wonder if there’s any chance the LP could ever get Peter Thiel to run for office.

More reactions to the Barr nomination:

Skip Oliva

Christine Smith

The art of Ron Mueck

ron mueck giant baby

Watching the video gives a better sense of his work.

More Ron Mueck pics and info: Scienceroll

Ron Mueck on Wikipedia

(via Bioephemera via Grinding)

The Pharmacratic Inquisition documentary free on Google Video

Documentary from Gnostic Media

How deep does the rabbit hole go? Gnostic Media is proud to present the official online edition of The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007. If you enjoyed ‘Zeitgeist – The Movie’, you will love this video; the creators of this video are listed as one of the sources for the Zeitgeist Movie. The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007 is a video version of the book, ‘Astrotheology & Shamanism’ by Jan Irvin & Andrew Rutajit. The painstakingly detailed and heavily footnoted research in the book comes to life in this video and is now available to you for FREE! For further research of the claims made in this video, please read AstroTheology & Shamanism – this book is available to order as a combo with the DVD. Thousands of years ago, in the pre monarchic era, sacred plants and other entheogenic substances where politically correct and highly respected for their ability to bring forth the divine, Yahweh, God, The Great Spirit, etc., by the many cultures who used them. Often the entire tribe or community would partake in the entheogenic rites and rituals. These rites were often used in initiation into adulthood, for healing, to help guide the community in the decision process, and to bring the direct religious experience to anyone seeking it. In the pre literate world, the knowledge of psychedelic sacraments, as well as fertility rites and astronomical knowledge surrounding the sun, stars, and zodiac, known as astrotheology, were anthropomorphized into a character or a deity; consequently, their stories and practices could easily be passed down for generations. Weather changes over millenniums caused environmental changes that altered the available foods and plant sacraments available in the local vicinity. If a tribe lost its shamanic El-der (El – God), all of the tribe’s knowledge of their plant sacraments as well as astronomical knowledge would be lost. The Church’s inquisitions extracted this sacred knowledge from the local Shamans who were then exterminated…It is time to recognize the fact that this Pharmacratic Inquisition is still intact and destroy it.

(via Dedroidify)

Cryptozoology in Japan

kappa kappa kappa

Pink Tentacle has a round-up of seven mysterious Japanese creatures. Above are some drawings of Kappa:

Kappa (river imps) have appeared in countless stories and folk legends for centuries, and they rank among Japan’s most well-known cryptids. While most people nowadays regard the amphibious child-sized troublemakers as pure myth, stories of kappa encounters still crop up from time to time, such as the following two reports from Japan’s southern island of Kyushu.

Full Story: Pink Tentacle

Awesome art from the 1x semana art collective blog

robot 1920

wizard of oz and robot 1920

We are a bunch of colleagues who every week propose a character, concept or idea to be drawn. In this Blog we share the results of our exercise. Thanks for stoping by. Enjoy.

1x semana

(via Ectoplasmosis)

Scientist Creates Cold Fusion For the First Time In Decades?

Cold fusion, the act of producing a nuclear reaction at room temperature, has long been relegated to science fiction after researchers were unable to recreate the experiment that first “discovered” the phenomenon. But a Japanese scientist was supposedly able to start a cold fusion reaction earlier this week, which-if the results are real-could revolutionise the way we gather energy.

Yoshiaki Arata, a highly respected physicist in Japan, demonstrated a low-energy nuclear reaction at Osaka University on Thursday. In front of a live audience, including reporters from six major newspapers and two tv studios, Arata and a co-professor Yue-Chang Zhang, produced excess heat and helium atoms from deuterium gas.

Full Story: Gizmodo

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