New Evidence Proves James Bond was Based on Occult Knowledge

“A remarkable new discovery by international best selling author, Philip Gardiner, has revealed that Ian Fleming based his fictional character on occult knowledge he had accumulated over the course of his life.

The new book, The Bond Code, reveals how Fleming included special etymological and numerological codes within his Bond novels to re-create ancient sacred tales of deep psychological importance. Drawing upon esoteric knowledge and an understanding of alchemy, Ian Fleming produced a work no different to the tales of the Holy Grail or dragon slaying fairy tales, within which lay the ancient understanding of human wisdom.

The author, Philip Gardiner, is an expert on esoteric philosophy and etymology and realised there was a code at play when watching the film, Live and Let Die. For two years he researched Ian Fleming and read his novels, discovering vast amounts of information previously unrealised.”

(via PRLog)


  1. Well, you do know that “007” was the code John Dee used to sign his letters to the Queen in his capacity as spy for England right?

  2. oh. my. god.

  3. There’s a possibility that the lists of Enochian governors and servitors associated with the various parts of the Earth might have been referring to the numbers of contacts or agents in these regions rather than the number of angels and spirits. Hard to say, but by the 40th or so letter (with large portions in Enochian) that Dee sent back to the continent, I bet that the anti-British agents who saw the stuff got pretty tired of trying to make sense of it.

  4. Now this is a cool news story… I have wondered before about that whole Dee/007 co-incidence/connection/whatever

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