MonthMarch 2008

Occult Homophobia – Some Choice Quotes

“What people have to remember is that Wicca; man and woman, God and Goddess is a fertility cult – a heterosexual fertility cult.”

Wiccan author Keith Morgan, interviewed at Autumn Link-Up ’89

“The Wiccan cult stands for fertility and re-creation and not the sexual union between two ‘spiritual’ members of the same sex as some groups like to believe.”

Kevin Carlyon, Hastings & St. Leonards Observer, 1985.

“Thus the blasphemy of the homosexual formula, for it denies Babalon and breeds devils in chaos.”

Kenneth Grant, Nightside of Eden.

Many more at Phil Hine’s web site.

(via Lupa).

links for 2008-03-07

Tower Five – Klint Finley

As promised, the latest of the Ten Towers audio ritual:

Tower Five – Klint Finley.

Yoshiro Nakamatsu, a real modern mad scientist

Yoshiro Nakamatsu writing underwater
Dr. NakaMats writing underwater. Still from The Invention of Dr. NakaMats

This guy came up at last night’s PDX Occulture meet-up, so I thought I’d share:

Who invented the computer floppy disk? The digital watch?Ask Dr. Yoshiro NakaMats, the man known as “Japan’s Edison,” and he’ll be glad to tell you it was none other than he.

While some might dispute his claims, it is a fact that Mr. NakaMats holds the all-time record for patents – over 3,000, or three times as many as Thomas Edison, who holds second place.

He has been named by the International Tesla Society, a Colorado-based association of inventors, as one of the five most influential scientists in history, along with such luminaries as Archimedes and Marie Curie.

Full Story: International Herald Tribune: ‘Japan’s Edison’ Is Country’s Gadget King : Japanese Inventor Holds Record for Patent

From Brainsturbator’s profile:

Is there a secret to becoming an inventor? How do you come up with new ideas?

I am teaching philosophy at the University of Tokyo. The base for everything is a strong spirit, followed by a strong body, hard studies, experience and finally leads to a ‘trigger’ experience. You ‘trigger’ a bullet which contains spirit, body, study and experience – and finally that releases the actual invention.

How do you ‘trigger’ an invention?

A lack of oxygen is very important.

A lack? Isn’t that dangerous?

It’s very dangerous. I get that Flash just 0.5 sec before death. I remain under the surface until this trigger comes up and I write it down with a special waterproof plexiglas writing pad I invented.

Do you do that a lot? Putting yourself in that kind of situation to come up with a new invention?

Of course. This is the Dr. Nakamatsu method.

See also: Wikipedia: Yoshiro Nakamatsu.

Honky Tonk Dragon’s tribute to Gary Gygax

I never realized, until reading this, how important the “character alignment” system of AD&D was in my own thinking about ethics:

Personally, I know that some of my earliest thinking about moral philosophy came about through heated discussions about the Character Alignment Graph in the AD&D Players Handbook. Where earlier versions of D&D mapped the moral code of individuals in the game as Good, Neutral, or Evil; AD&D was a little more complex:

advanced dungeons and dragons character alignment chart

For the uninitiated, “Lawful,” is just that, someone who follows the letter of the law. “Evil,” represents complete self-interest. “Good,” shows a concern for the greater good, for the community over the self. “Chaotic,” represents a total disregard for rules and dogma. For a twelve-year old, this is pretty heady stuff.

I have for sometime decried the blinding limitations of a binary value system. As an artist, even value systems that allow for shades of gray seem limited for mapping the whole of human experience and action. I think we would be far better suited to discuss ethics if we could see it as a color wheel, rather than black and white, or even gray-scale. I suppose it would be too much to hope for a culture of such sensitivity that we could even conceive of a value system based on the Munsell color solid. But the philosophical/artistic/gamer in me thinks what such a system lacks in playability, it more than makes up for in verisimilitude.

Still, when discussing ethics with other gamers, I have taken for granted that I had a model which allowed me to discuss it in “color,” rather than in “black and white.” It is only in writing this post that I have put this all together, and realized why I have such frustration in discussing moral issues with non-gamers. It is because in this arena, like so many others, AD&D is like a Common Tongue (or Lingua Franca for non-gamer academics) for discussing simulation.

Full Story: Honky Tonk Dragon.

Interview With The Koldun (Part 2): Natalia and Anton Tikimirov Discuss The Origin and The Relationship of The Kolduny Tarot with TiamatsVision

In our first interview with Natalia and Anton we discussed the history and superstitions surrounding the Koldun. In this segment we discuss the history and relationship of the Tarot that form the center of their tradition.

ANTON– I think it’s important before discussing the tarot constellation that we should first review the history of the relationship between the Tarot and the Kolduny. The last time I checked Tarot scholars are totally undivided as to the origins of the Tarot. Stuart Kaplan, Mary Greer, and Rachel Pollack as well as other Tarot historians all seem at a loss concerning the origins of the Tarot. The Kolduny are not at this loss. It is our beliefs concerning the origins of the Tarot that set us aside from other “Tarot” readers. It is our beliefs concerning the origins of Tarot, which creates the pathology that makes Kolduny Tarot both unique and incredibly powerful.

The Kolduny, believe heart and soul that the Tarot is theirs. Even today when people think of the Tarot, the most common mental image is an Eastern European woman laying cards down. There is a reason for this collective mental image.

As far as I can find? Our tradition is the only tradition that has an explanation for the origins of the Tarot. It is what makes Kolduny Tarot what it is. Natalia recently did an online reading with someone on a Pagan/Wiccan forum that caused that person to state during the reading that they were “blown away by the accuracy”. This is not so much due to intuitive reading as it is with understanding how the Tarot came to be. Bottom line, if you don’t know the history and origin of Tarot then you don’t know jack. This is how the Tarot came to be:

Years ago, the Tartars invaded the land of Rus. It was a military conquest, and the only thing that changes in military conquest is the technology of the weapons. The concepts of conquest have always been the same, take out the leadership, pacify the people, and rape the resources.

The land of Rus at this time was a tribal society that was matriarchal. Wise women were the judges, the leaders, and the healers. This made them the targets of the Tartars. The Tartars came across the Russia slaughtering the wise women until finally there were only 78 wise women left. One of whom was pregnant. They took refuge in the village of Kostroma. There they made a vow to the Moon that they would instill their last collective knowledge upon the unborn child of the one among them who was pregnant.

The child was born a male, shocking all of the wise women, but a vow is a vow. All of the wise women put their knowledge on pieces of birch bark and taught the child using the birch bark. Except for one woman, who was the child’s mother. She died at child birth. The lesson she was supposed to give was “Mercy.” This is why there is no card symbolizing mercy in the Tarot, and why the Tarot is merciless in its truths.

According to our legends this leaves 77 cards of birch bark which this child, Nicholi Popvich Issakov, was sent out to the Tartars with. When Nicholi Popovich finally met the Tartar leader, he showed him using these birch barks the world that was being created by him, and was able to steal a small piece of his soul that he placed in a crystal and threw in to the Volga River.

After Nicholi completed his mission, he realized he was a man with no mission and no mercy so he stepped off of a cliff, after having made his own birch bark symbol representing his mother’s innocence, which is the only card in the major arcana not numbered. The Fool.

Books could be written on this, but you must know this story to understand Kolduny Tarot.

NATALIA– This is why also all males who are taught by their mothers have a crystal that is blemished in the center, to reflect that small evil that was thrown into the Volga given to them by the one who gifted them.

TiamatsVision– What happened to the Tartar leader whose soul was captured in the crystal and thrown into the Volga? Why was birch bark used for the cards? And where does the Kolduny tarot’s history go from Nicholi’s death?

ANTON– It was just a small piece of the evil in the soul of the Tartar leader’s soul. He continued to live but was just not as evil, so that the Kolduny was spared and allowed to exist. When Nicholi stepped off the cliff he left behind the wisdom of the wise women that was given to him with the card of innocence that he had made depicting The Fool. Birch bark was used because it was a common thing to use for communicating. Even today in Russia in areas that tourist frequent there are birch bark cups all inscribed with scenes of villages and such. The birch is also a sacred tree symbolizing fertility, wisdom and protection.

T.V– Along with The Fool, are there any other cards that stand out or hold more relevance to the Kolduny in the major arcana?

NATALIA– The 8th card of the major arcana, we view it as Justice and the 11th card as Strength. Some of the later year decks have this backwards. But the Kolduny views the first 9 cards starting with the Magi, as soul cards, and the 8th card is Justice.

(Next: Part 3- The Tarot Constellation)

Tower Six – Brenden J.G. “Bing” Simpson

The Foolish People “audio ritual” Ten Towers continues, with Tower Six – Brenden J.G. “Bing” Simpson.

Download here.

(Watch out for Tower 5, with yours truly, coming soon).

Deadly levels of formaldehyde reported in the trailers that still house over 110,000 Katrina refugees

Filmmaker Kevin Leeser:

The recovery from Hurricane Katrina is far from the front pages these days. There were still 30,000 families (over 110,000 American individuals) still living in FEMA trailers earlier this month (feb 2008), when the “news” of deadly levels of formaldehyde in the trailers was finally reported.

I began filming this story one month after Katrina came ashore, and I recently returned to the devastated and impoverished town of Pearlington Mississippi. Even though its several miles from the actual coast, the storm surge and the wind brought this place to the brink of its very existence. The waves that came through this town and destroyed everything in their path first had to pass through a few Chemical Plants and Oil refineries out in the Gulf of Mexico. This was not merely sea water that carried these homes away, it was a deadly stew of unknown and unreported toxins.

This story follows the recovery efforts of one group that has been based in Pearlington as soon as the roads were clear enough to get in. One House At A Time is building homes for people of Pearlington who want to stay in the place where they call home. This video tells a little of their story, but anyone who has been there will tell you, there is no video that can be shot that can express the sort of devastation that has occurred on our own soil, to our own people. So go see it for yourself, and bring a hammer.

(via Warren Ellis).

links for 2008-03-06

The Wire writers promote jury nullification in Time Magazine

From an article in Time penned by the writers of HBO’s The Wire:

If asked to serve on a jury deliberating a violation of state or federal drug laws, we will vote to acquit, regardless of the evidence presented. Save for a prosecution in which acts of violence or intended violence are alleged, we will – to borrow Justice Harry Blackmun’s manifesto against the death penalty – no longer tinker with the machinery of the drug war. No longer can we collaborate with a government that uses nonviolent drug offenses to fill prisons with its poorest, most damaged and most desperate citizens.

Jury nullification is American dissent, as old and as heralded as the 1735 trial of John Peter Zenger, who was acquitted of seditious libel against the royal governor of New York, and absent a government capable of repairing injustices, it is legitimate protest. If some few episodes of a television entertainment have caused others to reflect on the war zones we have created in our cities and the human beings stranded there, we ask that those people might also consider their conscience. And when the lawyers or the judge or your fellow jurors seek explanation, think for a moment on Bubbles or Bodie or Wallace. And remember that the lives being held in the balance aren’t fictional.

Full Story: Time.

At Hit and Run, Radley Balko points out:

The one problem with jury nullification is that judges and prosecutors often set perjury traps that pick would-be nullifiers off during the voir dire process. Worse, judges sometimes even wrongly instruct jurors that their only option is to consider the defendant’s guilt or innocence, explicitly instructing that they aren’t to judge the justness or morality of the law itself.

One of the most significant policies drug reformers could get enacted would be to work Congress and state legislatures to pass legislation protecting and preserving the rights of jurors to nullify-or better yet, to even force courts to notify them of that right before deliberation.

See also:

Fully Informed Jury Association.

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