U.S. Officials Cite ‘Moral Turpitude’ in Barring British Author

In a small airport office, the agents asked about drugs and prostitutes. It’s all in my book, Horsley said, offering them a promotional flier that quotes English musician Bryan Ferry calling it “a masterpiece of filth.”

“If I had to live my life again,” he told them, “I would take the same drugs, only sooner and more often.”

They asked about his criminal record. Again, in the book: 25 years ago, when he was 20 and walking around London with his hair dyed bright orange, he was arrested and fined 100 British pounds for possession of a gram of amphetamines.

“Describe your relationship with Kate Moss,” they said. Not in the book this time. Horsley said he’d never met the supermodel, who was questioned by police last year over newspaper photographs that appeared to show her snorting cocaine. Silently, he wondered to himself where on earth that question had come from.

He said they made him raise his right hand and “swear on the Bible” that he was telling the truth.

Then Sebastian Alexander Horsley was handed a document telling him he was being refused entry to the United States of America under the provisions of “Section 212 (a) (2) (A) (i) (I) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended.”

He was being run out of America for “moral turpitude.”

Full Story: Washington Post.

(via Hit and Run).


  1. Moi from Israel , my Serbian friend from Finland is not allowed into the divided states already ,altought, we’ve both written an unpublished book yet, a redemption of Lord of the Flies of sort, with PJ Harvey and Courtney love governing children who molest a washed by mermaid on their island. if we ever get published, wonder if we get asked
    “Describe your relationship with Courney love” we say “we never met her” , well she killed Kort and popular for throwing glasswares at flight atendants , “What about Pj Harvey?”,” you can see her CamelToe in a newspaper” yes yes

  2. then we’de have to swear on a bible and i’ll say i am jewish and will only drink shabath redwine altought it’s sweet while reading genesis for it reminds me the SEGA
    old testament !!

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